
Surprise attack and Grandmaster.

After 3 months of training we decided to stop since stain reported something really interesting .


"So you're telling me that you found one of the sect base ?"i said clearly impressed.

"Yes indeed , i just tortured one of the "disciple" a little and he told me the location of one of their base . The base is in a canyon between the capital and a city named Kodaka town "he said while bowing and giving me a map with the location of the base .

"Okay then we should attack it "i said

"Shiro are you sure about that, i mean we don't even know who's there so it's quite dangerous"ali baba said .

"Don't worry i will go with bakugou and we will destroy the base , while we do that i want all of you to begin the plan we talked about .Recruit all the people you can but check if any of them are spy or possible future traitor i want to take no risk .Our two ennemy both have armies so we're gonna need one too ." i said as i used hirenkyaku to move towards the base .

When we arrived at the canyon it was already 10 pm so we moved to the exact location and found the entrance below a cliff.

We entered and moved in the base but after a few minutes we discovered a stair that lead to the 2 floors of the base .

"Katsuki you go to the first floor and i go to the second one , take everything interesting with you and kill every ennemy you find after that go back to the entrance and wait for me if i'm not here "i said as he nodded and we parted ways .


When Katsuki arrived at the first floor he saw atleast 30 soldiers(i'm gonna call them soldier now ) training so he decided to attack them directly (i mean it's bakugou dude).

"Oye!!!!You dumbass!!!"he shouted while the soldiers recognized him and directly began to attack him . He dodged an incoming an used his Stun Grenade to blind the soldiers , he then began to kill them using his AP shot: auto-cannon . After a few minutes only 3 of them were left and they began to engage him in close combat , since bakugou was superior he beat them but still finished the fight with a few bruises and a busted lips .

"Damn those fuckers , i really have to learn more close combat technique , tch well at least now i am A rank since i have a few ki techniques "he said angrily while he went back to the entrance and saw that shiro was still not here .


Shiro P.O.V (while katsuki was fighting)

When i arrived at the second floor i saw that it was where the soldiers lived and since they were sleeping i slit their throat with rakshasa but one of them had the time to scream so they all woke up .

"Well hello there , i am Jabba D Hawk "i said while casually waving my hands at them . They took their weapon and tried to attack me but i attacked before them .

"Rakshasa: Akuma no ken" i said as my sword was covered in a dark aura .

"Gestuga Tensho!!!!"i shouted while a crescent-moon like projectile was shoot from rakshasa. Most o them died because of the projectile and the rest were poisoned by the aura of my sword .

"ku ku ku , it seems that the leader of Al-thamen finally decided to show his face " a sinister voice said while hiding in the shadow , the figure slowly started to walk towards me and that's when i saw who it was .

Shen rao , Rank A cultivator and GrandMaster rank swordsman of the Sect .A man with spiky brown air ,green eyes,a muscular body and a scar that started from his left cheek,on his nose and ended to his right cheek.His had a scimitar with a silver hilt .

"Shen rao huh ? it seems i got lucky this time ,to think i will find directly " i said smirking .

"You know , i am not gonna the error alazar did and as such i propose a swordsman death battle " he said

"Interesting, i am okay with that but i think it's better to do that outside "i said as he nodded and we both disappeared and a few second later we were a the entrance.

"oye!!!Shiro what's happening , why is that guy from the sect here ?" katsuki said

"We're are gonna have a swordsman death battle , don't meddle in it katsuki" i said with a glare and he nodded albeit relucantly .

I turned back to Shen rao and he nodded .We both drawed our swords and i used haki, chidorigatana and Rakshasa:Akuma no ken to enhance the power of my swords. Rao rushed towards me and tried to slice my arm but i blocked him with rakshasa and countered with my other swords but Rao crouched to avoid the sword , he then kicked me in the guts to push me and attacked me with a swords skill .

"Dark Dragon Energy Slash "he said as his sword release a black projectile , i countered it with yakodori and immediately used rairyusen to blind him . it worked for a few seconds, just enough for me to jump and use baki on him, he dodged but his was still scrachted and he counter-attacked .

"Dark dragon flash slash " he said as he appeared in front of me and attacked me in a flash . it was quick for me to counter so i used haki and tried to dodge , my torso was slightly cut but my haki still stopped the attack , he was stunned by that and before he could react i used yojinbo and cut his left arm .

"Arggggghhhhhh!!!!" he screamed but still managed to pick his sword from the ground and used all his energy to be at full power .

"Now it's time to finish that little duel " he said as he put all his energy in his swords .

"Secrets swordsman art: Dark sword Blast" he said as he shot a powerful dark energy plast towards me but i countered it with one of my most powerful sword skills.

"Nitōryū Iai: Rashōmon" I said as i used both my sword to slice the blast but the blast still grazed my arms it exploded behind me . I used hirenkyaku to appear behind him and used Kuzuryūsen but he paried with his sword, after the ninth strike his sword broke and used this moment to strike .

"ChidoriGatana: agitowari to yakodori " i said as my first sword cut him vertically and the other diagonally .

[Ding! congratulations host after you are now a sword Grandmaster .

Reward:Amakakeru Ryū no Hirameki( the user perform a Quick two step slash by firstly rushing towards the ennemy at full speed with one step ,secondly drawing his sword in a movement so quick the eye cannot see it and finnally using a second step just before hitting the target to make attack impossible to dodge .)and heavenly body magic.]

I heard the system but before i could answer i fell asleep (the fight may look short but it's just because i wanted to make it like that , shiro may be a very good swordsman fighting againgst rao was exhausting .)

"Shiro!!!Oye Shiroo!!!!How the fuck am i supposed to return to the base if you sleep SHIROOOOOOOO"

Hope ya enjoy it , comment and review to let me know what you think of the novel.

The end of the holiday is tomorrow so i don't know when i will be able to write since i'm gonna have less and less free time .

Actually people tell me do i drop one of my story to continue the other or do i continue both but at a slower pace ?

Glasgow2creators' thoughts
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