

Tobias doesn't know what to do! He looked at Maria to asked some help but based on her expression, she too doesn't knew what to do!

"was it his first time crying like this?"

Tobias asked her, his eyes wide open when she nodded!

"sshhh baby, please stop crying daddy was here!"

He tried to coax him but to no avail! Thaniel cried even harder! Tobias was speechless!

"was he mad at me?"

Tobias asked sadly to Maria. That's when Maria come to them and took Thaniel from his crib and swayed gently.

"can you carry Tasha?"

"I don't know how to."

Tobias was nervous, how can he carry a child?! He doesn't have an experience!

"you can do it, just make sure you hold her head and her bottom."

Maria assured him and gave him a smile of encouragement.

Tobias watched as Tasha cried and touched her tiny body gently. He was afraid to hurt her!


He cursed inwardly and carry her with trembling hands.

"don't be nervous just relax. It comes out naturally, you're doing it right. Just sway a little and talk to her, she will be okay after that."

Tobias did what Maria told him. He swayed slowly and talked to her sweetly and softly. And Maria was right! Tasha went silent!

Thaniel was still crying, but when he heard Tasha became silent he shut his small mouth too and stopped crying! Tobias and Maria looked at each other surprised!

"was he became like that because of Tasha?!"

They both exclaimed in unison.

"I guess so, being a protective brother I guessed."

Maria answered happily and placed Thaniel inside his crib again. After a moment, he fell asleep again!

Tobias watched his precious daughter lovingly. He observed that she got the color of his eyes! He instantly felt his heart swell because of it but all her features was belonged to Maria.

He cast a glance at Thaniel, then he felt even more grateful to saw that as if he was looking to his baby self!

"he looks like you, really. But the color of his eyes was mine. Baby Tasha here, looked like me but she got your eyes."

Maria explained to him when she saw him looking at Thaniel shockingly.

"His name was Thaniel Toby and I named Tasha, Tasha Marie. Isn't it beautiful?"

Maria asked him joyfully, her eyes twinkling. Tobias nodded in agreement but he felt a little bit depressed thinking that Jake helped her about naming their children.

"did Jake helped you naming them?"

Tobias couldn't helped asking.

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