
You Were Never Born To Be A Vampire

She was horrified and somehow felt that this man in front of her was mocking her dead brother.

"Do you have any respect for the dead? How dare you use his name?!"


"No! You're not him, you're a monster!" She angrily yelled at him.

"I guess you have chosen your path.." He let his fangs out and bit her, draining her blood to death.


Seikatsu's eyes widened as he was reminded of her mother. He looked at the fire with deep thought. The only way to kill a vampire is to stab them with a stake through the heart. But fire, is one of their weakness. They can't be killed by it, but the damaged feels like an endless torture to them. That is why they can't easily regenerate unless they drink blood.

But Seikatsu faced the fire fearlessly just to save Clari's mother. Avoiding the falling debris of the shack and kicking all the wood in front of him, he finally found Claridad's mother with Hernando sucking her blood. He dropped her body with her eyes wide open. It was ghastly.

Hernando's appearance was renewed faster than he thought. So he immediately threw a powerful punch at him. Hernando was thrown to the fire again but he easily rejoined him to strike back.

They were brutally fighting while avoiding the debris that were falling. Hernando tore Seikatsu's right arm. But as a direct lineage of the original vampires, Seikatsu's ability to regenerate and manipulate his own body is greater than Hernando.

Slowly, his right arm grew again and the old one just burned and turned to ash.

Hernando gritted his teeth in anger. Why can't I do that? I'm also a vampire, under his clan so I should have his abilities too.

Though in fact he is a descendant of Seikatsu, he could never have that ability because he was never born a vampire. He was just a human who was accidentally turned as a vampire.

With Hernando's confused and angry look, Seikatsu got what he was thinking. Then he said

"You were never born to be a vampire" a burning sharp wood was about to fall and Seikatsu grabbed it, jump into Hernando and pierced it through his heart.

Hernando was caught off guard by what Seikatsu said. Am I not really born to be a vampire? Not really born to rule? Am I really just a mere human? How did I stoop so low?

Hazily, he could still see Seikatsu's face. Yeah.. I remember, it was that day when I became like him. I hate this guy. As he was thinking, his body was burning until it was all turned to ashes.

All of Seikatsu and Hernando's conversation are either Japanese or Spanish. It is just translated into English so the readers can understand easily.

Feel free to give your feedbacks about the chapter. It'll help me improve and do my best for the following stories. i kept the the english translation as simple as possible so that people who can hardly understand english can easily understand it. Hope you enjoy and thank you for reading!

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