
Hola Primo

It was so silent in the riverbank that only the insects and the wind hushing through the leaves are making a sound.

Seikatsu gazed at the moon saying, "The moon is pretty, she's almost full."


In a carriage..

Coahman: "Señorito, estamos casi alli." [Young master, we are almost there.]

"Muy bien!" [Very well] facing the bright moon, "Ha sido un tiempo, little vampire"

[It's been a while, little vampire.]


Claridad's family woke up earlier than usual, except also for Clari who is still sleeping soundly until 9 o'clock in the morning.

"Mama!" [running towards her]

"Where is he? I thought He's already here."

"Not yet. But he will be here soon."

Feeling hesitant she said,

"Mama... uuhmm..can I go for a bit?"

Before her mother can respond, her father did, "Where do you think your going Claridad?"

With head a bit down she said slowly, "To the river. I guess.. I left something..."

"No! you stay here and welcome your cousin..." but before her father could finish, a lively voice interrupts,

"Buenos dias Tio! Tia!"

"Oh my boy! Hernando!" Her Mother happily run towards him and hug him.

"Haha. Te extrañé Tia Asuncion!" [I missed you Aunt Asuncion!] he kissed her cheeks.

He went towards Clari's father. "Buenas dias Tio!" with a smile he hold his hand and put his forehead in it. Its called 'Mano', a Filipino honoring gesture.

Hernando turned his head to Clari and with a grin, he exclaimed, "Hola Maria Claridad!"

"Hola primo!" [hello cousin] She answered with a troubled look.

"Tio, por favor no te enojes con ella." [please do not get mad at her.] he went to Clari's side, put his one arm on her shoulders and added, "She's just 16, she still doesn't know how to think right."

Her father chuckled, "You're really good in many languages Hernando." Suddenly he changed his mood and look at Clari from top to bottom "I just hope that you are my child, Hernando." Her dad said that with a cold face and went inside without looking back.

What now? Am I a disgrace to the family? I'm not even a stubborn child. I've obeyed them for all my life. Yes, there are times that I do my own thing, but... It feels like they didn't even need me or love me.

Before Claridad could burst into tears. Hernando wiggled her shoulders "Hey Claridad, no llores! [Don't cry] Just don't mind your Papa. Maybe he's just 'estresado' [stress]" He emphasize the word and smiled at her.

With his confident smile, she somehow got an assurance and nodded.

Feel free to give your feedbacks about the chapter. It'll help me improve and do my best for the following stories. i kept the the english translation as simple as possible so that people who can hardly understand english can easily understand it. Hope you enjoy and thank you for reading!

Paora13creators' thoughts
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