
"It has never been a gamble."

While the six men were having a conversation among themselves , Su Rogguang walked into Ningtao's ward and pulled his gloves out. Zhi Xi noticed the man approaching them and asked him worriedly ,"How is she ?"

Su Rogguang dumped the gloves into the bin under Ningtao's bed and took a deep breath before he spoke up ,"The situation was... quite terrifying. Of all the migraine patients I have managed before , this has been the most complicated case for me. It was a Severe Migraine Stroke , which was possibly the result of the trauma she faced today. I had to give her some really strong sedatives and drugs , just to keep her situation stable physically. 

"A migraine usually lasts from four to 72 hours , if untreated. She will be going through a throbbing pain in her head for at least a week. And she isn't getting back her consciousness till tomorrow evening. So we have no other option , but to wait. 

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