
" Its Sis-in-law Ningtao ! "

" Okay guys ... let me introduce you to each other ", Rong Xinghe took a deep breath .

" Al , she is my trustworthy Special Forces officer , Commander Feng Mian . And Mian , he is the youngest amongst the six brothers of mine , Mr. Zhi Al ! ", the girl said.

Zhi Al : " .... "

Feng Mian : " ..... "

Both the people stared at each other speechlessly .

Most shocked was , obviously , Feng Mian .

She never expected this 'good-for-nothing' man to be her idol's infamous brother Zhi Al .

How could this be ?!

How could he be ' THE ' Zhi Al ?!

The man who was known as the most skilled man with computers !

The man who was a legend in the world of hackers and coders !

The Third Master of Zhi Business Empire !

And the man who was said to be Rong Xinghe's biggest support system as well as her friend !

While , Zhi Al was himself quite shocked by the fact that this woman was a Special Forces officer !

After all , this particular branch of the Military was a tough one to get trained into !

And most surprising part was that Rong Xinghe found her trustworthy !

Since the incident nine years ago with the Rong Family , Rong Xinghe rarely trusted people .

In fact , it was tough for even the six of them to make her believe in relations again .

So it was a big deal if she trusted this woman .

" So you are not a corrupt traffic cop ?! " , Zhi Al asked confusedly.

" Wait ... you are not a pervert and roadside troublemaker ?! " , Feng Mian also came back to her senses .

" You ... ", Zhi Al clenched his fists .

What pervert ?!

Rong Xinghe obviously noticed her brother's anger boiling up ... so she felt a little helpless.

" Alright , Mian . We will discuss our brunch soon . Right now , I need Mr. Al . You guys can solve this matter another time . "

She'd better not make things uncomfortable and awkward for them .

But her Cupid eyes were telling her something else clearly .

A sizzling love was on its way !!!

Feng Mian nodded and left the office.


Rong Xinghe then walked closer to her brother and massaged his tensed shoulders as she tried to pacify him , " Its alright . My Bro Al is not a pervert . Calm down !"

As soon as his lady luck complimented him , Zhi Al's lips curled up slightly into a smile .

No matter how angry he would be , one word from this girl and his heart would be filled with warmth and security .

" Why did you called me here ? ", the man came to the point.

" Uhh.. I need you to hack into the Defense Communication System of Country N. Grab the laptop on the table over there and please do the work . ", Rong Xinghe explained.

" How much are you going to pay me ? ", Zhi Al asked seriously .

" Huh ?! "

What pay ?

" What 'Huh?' ?! I am Zhi Al . Of course , the government will have to pay me for my skills . ", the man looked offended .

" 20,000 rmb ? ", Rong Xinghe guessed .

" Are you kidding me ?! ", Zhi Al glared at the girl angrily.

" 30,000 rmb ? ", the girl asked again .

" Military Chief ! I earn minimum of 10 million rmb from a single task I do for the government . The money you are offering is not worth a penny to me ! ", Zhi Al fumed up .

" What ?! You earn so much ?! ", the girl's eyes widened as she gasped and covered her mouth in horror and shock , " That much money is insane !! "

" How do you think I handle all my girlfriends ?! Brother Zhi Xi never gives me money for that . I am always short on money . Relationships are so expensive man . ", the man said in a tired voice .

Rong Xinghe : " ..... "

This man ....

Why was he always focussed on the wrong things ?!

" You either hack into this security system for free , or ... ", the girl warned .

" Or what ?! ", Zhi Al crossed his arms .

" ... or I will call Bro Lu and Bro Xi right now and cry out my sorrows to them ! ", the girl gave a wicked grin.

" You ... Fine ! Get me that laptop . I will do it . ", the man sighed helplessly .

Lu Wei and Zhi Xi could clearly see through her every act but no matter what , they would still beat him up if they were to see even a single drop of tear on her cheek .

They just couldn't see her sad and upset face even if they knew that it was just for a show .

What more , this little lady devil was too good at acting as well .

She was so good that she could sit in front of the temple along with beggars and the devotees would end up donating her hundreds of rmb !

There was a reason that everyone believed the existence of a non-existing Lu Xi so easily , after all .

Also , forget Lu Wei and Zhi Xi , even he couldn't see her in tears .

She was his strength as well as his weakness .

Obviously , he was teasing her about the money from the start . He couldn't possibly make his lady luck pay him . After all , everything he had achieved in his lifetime , he had achieved it for this girl .

Every skill he had , he had it because of her .

The girl quickly brought him the laptop and he focused on the screen while Rong Xinghe looked at him intently .

She was always a curious soul ready to learn anything that was new and interesting to her .

But Alas !

As soon as Zhi Al's fingers touched the keyboard , she was dumbfounded and her mind went blank !

His fingers practically danced on the keyboard like hers danced on the piano with the speed of light .

She couldn't catch up to the codes he was typing at all !

After some seconds passed , she threw her hands in air and gave up . Screw it ! Let this cyber maniac do what he wants .

In merely two minutes , Zhi Al closed the laptop ," Done ! That was too boring . "

Boring ?

And so quick ?

" Good job ! You may leave now Mr. Al .", the girl didn't even bothered to look up from her files .

" You... "

Zhi Al was about to get angry again when his phone rang and he picked it up .

" What ?! Hospital ?! Oh my god !! When did this happened Sis-in-law ? I am coming !!! Yeah ! ", Zhi Al panicked when he heard Songyan's voice from the other end .

" What happened ? ", Rong Xinghe asked worriedly as she heard her brother's anxious tone .

" Its Sis-in-law Ningtao ! We need to go to the City Hospital ! Now !!! "

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