
Doubts Part 1

He heart started to race, she pulled back Edlyn and looked her in the eyes. "Where's Cayden?" She asked but Edlyn dropped her gaze. "En-ter-tain-ing his fian-cee." She said in a sad tone causing the happy feeling in Ariana's chest to turn into agonizing pain. In her mind Cayden must have been smiling affectionately at Vanessa, there was no way he was here waiting to see if she was okay, let alone spare a thought for her. "R-right... h-how long was I out?" She asked but she couldn't hide the hurt in her voice.

Edlyn brought her gaze back up and bit her bottom lip. When it came to the people Ariana cared about her feelings were like an open book. "T-t-t-two hou-rs... every-one is wait-ing out-side for your or-ders." Edlyn stuttered and enunciated at the same time. Ariana looked shocked. "My orders?" Edlyn nodded as she let out a sigh of relief. "Pro-fes-sor Rain made you a rep-re-sent-a-tive for the Stu-dent Coun-cil."

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