
Ling Ran slowly stood up and spoke calmly in front of a group of department directors and associate chief physicians, "The patient is 37 years old… He feels bloated, experiences gastroesophageal reflux, vomiting, but did not pay attention to it… He has received subtotal gastrectomy and lymphadenectomy…"

A multidisciplinary team discussion would have had the related departments sit together as they held a discussion centered around the patient. Each department would take turns in discussing the issue. This discussion mode was started by Mayo Clinic, and the discussion itself consumed a lot of manpower. Mayo Hospital had even purposely built a new multidisciplinary building in order to save as many human resources as possible… 

China did not have luxurious facilities like Mayo Clinic, and hence, when they used the multidisciplinary team discussion mode, they could not help but be uncertain during the discussion.

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