
An Even Better Reward

Normally, when a cauldron explodes, it would send out a shockwave of Profound Qi that dazes anyone within a certain distance, rendering them unable to react and vulnerable for a split second, and under rare circumstances, even knock people unconscious.

If inexperienced, the Alchemy Master behind the cauldron may react a millisecond too late and receive grave injuries — sometimes even a nail in their coffin.

Su Yang looked at the scattered pieces from the cauldron on the floor with a smile on his face. After spending enough time with his friend, who would occasionally break cauldrons despite her profound mastery in Alchemy, he eventually became immune to the shockwaves it causes and learned how to react to them purely from his instincts.

Su Yang waved his sleeves, and the scattered pieces on the floor suddenly swept itself into a corner, leaving them for Zhu Mengyi to clean up tomorrow.




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