

Sensing Artoria's momentum building, Vahn got the impression that, even if he wanted to refuse her, she wouldn't be willing to take no for an answer. Her behavior reminded him of how Terra behaved whenever she got excited, but, rather than a gentle and serene aura, Artoria's was like a tsunami that threatened to overwhelm anything in its path. Even the various currents that represented the Flow of Fate seemed to be pulled along by her momentum, significantly reducing the number of potential outcomes...

Vahn could feel his own aura surging in response to Artoria's, tiny golden scales emerging along his arms and legs as a result. She was a full Tier stronger than him, but, perhaps as a result of his lineage being much stronger, his significantly weaker aura was actually able to contend against, overwhelm, and even suppress her surging power...

After approaching within thirty centimeters of Vahn's body, Artoria's movements came to a stop, her glimmering silver eyes staring back at him with intense passion visible within. Then, surprising the already slack-jawed Gray, who was beginning to feel out of her depths, Artoria slowly turned around, facing away from Vahn. This wasn't the most surprising part, however, as, immediately after turning away, Artoria began to slowly bend forward, using her tail as a counterbalance as it snaked up Vahn's leg, abdomen, and chest before nearly flicking him in the nose...

As he was insatiably curious to see what Artoria would do, Vahn had a large grin on his face as he allowed her to do as she pleased. When her tail finally passed the bridge of his nose, it didn't stop, rather, much like Artoria, it continued to move forward, creating a near-circular arc as it extended nearly to her head. What made this truly eye-opening wasn't the beauty of her tail, however, but the flawless butt and tantalizing mound that came into view. Then, as if to drive him beyond the point of reason, she let herself fall back slightly, pressing up against his lower body while staring back at him with a taunting smile on her face...

At this point, even Vahn's horns had started to grow out, his expression becoming even greedier than the one she had earlier as he tightly gripped her thin waist with his partially transformed claws. His pupils contracted to the point of being thin lines, but, before abandoning his reason completely, he managed to say, "Gray...stand back...I need to teach this Dragon temptress a lesson..."

Though Artoria was clearly submitting to him, Vahn knew he still needed to 'prove' himself to her, as, due to the fact she was currently much stronger than him, her own instincts were slowly beginning to cloud her reason. Fortunately, power wasn't the ultimate deciding factor between Dragons, as, just like how Fafnir had been obedient to Alexa, blood purity and the hierarchal nature of Dragons could supersede everything else.

Obeying her Master's orders, Grey manifested a pair of bat-like wings, her figure vanishing like a phantom as she began to fly away at hypersonic speeds. Her own instincts had been warning of the intense danger she had been in, but, as this threat came from her Master and Lady, she obviously couldn't run away of her own volition. Thus, Vahn's words had freed her from a heavy burden, even if a large part of her still wanted to remain at their side, despite the danger...

The moment Gray moved beyond his perception, a few bands of golden lightning began to flicker across Vahn's body. Then, using his paradoxically fearsome yet beautiful claws, he tore away at the surprisingly durable fabric of Artoria's raiment, revealing the maddeningly hot flesh beneath. He had been able to feel it through the fabric of their clothes, but, the moment she was completely exposed, Vahn felt a literally wave of heat and pheromones wash over him, causing his own body temperature to rapidly increase.

Though he was slightly awed by the neatly trimmed arrangement of golden hairs that, quite literally, glimmered in the sunlight, Vahn was more focused on the steaming hot cavern that seemed to taunt his sensibilities with each small palpitation. He wasn't able to hold himself back at all, allowing his aura to violently tear apart his clothes rather than unequipping them. Then, with a borderline crazed look in his eyes, he positioned his almost painful erection at Artoria's entrance, her Holy elemental energy causing a sizzling sound to spread through the surroundings before he buried his full length deep inside her body...

Accompanying a pained gasp, a pair of beautiful white wings erupted from Artoria's back, appearing much like angel wings, but, rather than soft and delicate, they shimmered with a metallic quality. For a brief moment, Vahn felt like he was going to be repelled by the Holy aura pulsing with each beat of her heart, but, as he had already tightly gripped her, his claws deformed her tender yet durable flesh, refusing to let go...

Artoria's instincts were screaming at her to resist, not because she was afraid, but because part of her refused to be dominated by Vahn. A larger part of her, however, wanted nothing more than to be conquered by him, so, ignoring the conflict in her heart, her wings began to beat slightly, her aura pulsing madly as Vahn pressed into her from behind. He even ended up pushing her to the ground, causing the landscape around them to begin tearing apart due to the chaotic energy created due to their conflicting auras.

Even he didn't understand what was compelling him, but Vahn ended up forcibly pinning Artoria, compressing the Space around them as he bit into the tender underside of her tail. This caused her to release a pained yet sonorous moan, her voice loud enough to cause the void to tremble as nearly a kilometer of the flowery field, in the direction she was facing, was obliterated by her 'roar'. Despite this, Vahn continued to cling tightly to her, refusing to let the energy that was literally tearing apart his body repel him from her...

Though she was being pressed down with enough force to flatten a mountain, Artoria's wings were still able to thrash about with impunity. Her feathers cut deeply into Vahn's flesh, and, if he hadn't been forcibly keeping her tail under control, she wouldn't be able to resist trying to fling him from her body. She was currently still 'winning' the battle within her mind, but, due to how new everything was for her, Artoria couldn't completely control her own body. This was something Vahn instinctually understood, so, while he generally tried to avoid being rough, the scene playing out within the now-destroyed flower field didn't even remotely resemble consensual love-making.

To resist the energy radiating from Artoria's body, Vahn had already completed his own humanoid dragon transformation. His own scaled golden wings fought vainly to try and suppress Artoria's far more beautiful, angelic, wings. A momentary break in his concentration all but guaranteed he would be thrown away, fundamentally changing the nature of his and Artoria's relationship. Though they would still end up having sex, their positions would be reversed, and, while this had its own charm, Vahn had never liked being on the 'receiving' end...

Eventually, despite the guilt it seeded within his heart, Vahn had little choice but to grab Artoria by the neck, forcibly changing positions so that he was on his back, supporting her body. Then, using his wings, he tightly embraced her from behind, squashing her tail between them and sinking his teeth into her shoulder. This caused Artoria to respond with another loud roar, but, as it was aimed toward the sky, the surroundings weren't nearly as damaged. It also managed to tear apart a large section of his wings, but his regeneration was more than adequate to prevent her from 'escaping'...

Though he had rarely ever taken advantage of the fact, Vahn's [Magia Erebia] constitution effectively made him a Shinso Vampire. As a result, he was able to absorb a person's life force and energy by forcibly draining their blood, something he had only ever experimented with, never used proactively. Artoria, however, was simply too strong after her transformation, so, if he didn't weaken her, there was little chance he would be able to maintain his diminishing lead.

While trying to ignore how delicious Artoria's blood tasted, Vahn continued to tighten his hold on her body, his own strength rapidly increasing as his bloodline gradually suppressed hers. Eventually, after nearly twenty minutes, he could finally feel her strength begin to decrease. This gave him the leniency to begin grinding against her from below, her insides clamping around him madly as if to deny his conquest. Fortunately, after another half-hour, they reached a state of equilibrium, turning into an absolute advantage for him from then onwards...

After a tiresome 'battle', Artoria had largely fallen silent, her breaths long and deep, tinged with a sonorous growl that could be heard emanating from her throat. To Vahn, it sounded a lot like she was purring, stirring him onward as he continued to cradle her body in his arms, probing against her deepest parts with impunity. Her body would tremble and vibrate with each of his thrusts, sending a small pulse of energy that, despite her weakened state, attempted to repel him. It was as if her body adamantly refused to submit to him, but, with an unbreakable grip that could conceivably shape coal into diamond, Vahn wasn't going anywhere...

Eventually, Vahn's wings embraced Artoria even tighter, anticipating her reaction as he released a heavy flow of semen directly into her depths. This caused a literal eruption of energy, similar in scale to a nuclear explosion to erupt from her body. Vahn had prepared himself, but his wings still ended up being destroyed, leaving him to keep Artoria suppressed using his arms and teeth.

Fortunately, despite the explosion of energy, Artoria didn't try to run away. Rather, as her energy began to rapidly replenish using the phenomenal amount contained within his semen, the tensions of her body began to melt away. Then, after releasing a contented sigh, she lay limp against him, a dazed smile on her face as her pupils began to dilate due to intense euphoria.

Realizing her body was no longer resisting him, Vahn was able to release a sigh of relief, his grip loosening without actually letting her go. He began to kiss her neck, still feeling apologetic despite the fact it had already healed completely. This elicited an amused giggle from Artoria, who, in spite of her dazed state, managed to turn her head and muse, "I'll have to get even with you for biting my tail...the shoulder wasn't that bad, but I felt like my brain was going to explode when you bit my tail. I've been stabbed through the heart and it wasn't even comparable to the amount of pain I felt when you bit me..."

Vahn felt incredibly guilty hearing Artoria's words, causing him to lightly kiss the tip of her tail. This elicited another peal of laughter from the beautiful draconic Goddess, who, having already started to recover her faculties, used her tail to lightly flick his nose as she said, "You can stop squeezing me so tightly now...my body has already submitted, just like my heart and mind. It seems I really was lucky today, umu~."

Hearing Artoria emulate Nero's characteristic phrase, Vahn was slightly stupefied. Still, he obediently released his grip on her body, allowing her to sit up, and, with his penis still inside her, turn around so that they were facing each other. Since he had been holding her from behind from the beginning, Vahn had actually 'forgotten' just how large Artoria's breasts had grown. Now, as her raiment had all but been destroyed, he could witness their perfection directly, compelling him to stare in awe...

Satisfied by Vahn's reaction, Artoria had a seductive smile on her face as she began to trace gingerly trace his muscles with her index finger. Then, while rhythmically tightening her abdominal muscles, she stated in a soul-trembling voice, "You have worked hard, my Emperor...now, allow this Empress to service you as a wife should...we have all the time in the world. Relax your body and allow me to show you the depths of my love..."

Without waiting for his response, Artoria capitalized on her seductive appearance, biting her lower lip as she began to gently move her hips in a circular motion. This elicited a long sigh from Vahn, his lower body awash in indescribable pleasure, even if it also felt like he was being 'purified'. He had yet to ascertain exactly what Divinities she possessed, but Artoria's [Divnity: EX] was the highest he had ever seen. This gave an unquantifiably Divine quality to her previous Holy energy, meaning there was a very real chance his body would be destroyed completely if he lost focus. Thus, while he wanted to take her advice and just relax, doing so would come at a considerable cost. Fortunately, with such an awe-inspiring beauty bouncing around on his hips, Vahn would be the greatest fool in the world if he allowed himself to lose focus...

(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'How to tame your Dragon Goddess','Vahn got that gewd succ','Artoria has always been rather gluttonous :3...')

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