
Mysterious Figure Scouts Olympic Chateau

'Jack, it's time. I need you to inspect Olympic Chateau immediately!'

Daruun's voice played through Jack's mind, catching the hero off guard by the shocked tone. 'Gramps, did something--'

'Gem has infiltrators among the challengers apart from Halmut. Exercise extreme caution during your challenge. The infiltrators found in the waiting chamber self-destructed in an attempt to eliminate all evidence and anyone that could possibly investigate.'


'Oli handled the situation there but you're still inside the keep,' Daruun continued. 'It's best to retreat should more threats like that appear in the keep. Such explosions may even be unwillingly done by Jewel through illegal seals, using the souls of their cosmicians as fuel to eradicate anything in the area. Any normal one-star would be eliminated for good with no chance of resurrection, so don't let the others fight anyone! Is that understood, Jack?'

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