<111111 >: "Since you have already said that I won't believe me, why are you still telling it to me?"
Shi Yao: "…"
What should I do? I really, really want to sew that vicious mouth of Mister Numbers up!
<111111 >: "But well, it's my hobby to listen to unbelievable things!"
Shi Yao: "…"
Did I misinterpret what Mister Numbers said? Was he actually not trying to put me down?
<111111 >: "Quick, don't keep me in suspense…"
Given how earnestly curious Mister Numbers is, I suppose that it really was just a passing remark earlier. He didn't mean anything much by it…
So, Shi Yao finally began speaking, "You see, I bought an inkstone at the store you recommended to you. Do you want to guess how much I spent on it?"