
I AM NOT..........

"What is it, husband?", Sabine's voice came to his ears which shook him out of his stupor as his wife continued speaking, "What is wrong with our child??"

The man frowned he did not know how he could break the heartbreaking news to others the shame and utter humiliation as such with a lot of hesitation and shame he finally spoke, "This child doesn't have any spirit root."

For a moment everyone was silent thinking that it was joke, horrible and nasty joke before it finally dawned into them that he was serious.

"WHAT!!!!!", Salazar exclaimed with his face flushed red with anger.

"How is this possible every living thing except common beasts has a spirit root even if a person is crippled they still will have a spirit root, it is not possible.", exclaimed Salazar as he looked the child with narrowed eyes full of disgust.

"It must be some bad omen or the child is reincarnated from a great sinner if not I don't understand how someone like my son and daughter-in-law gave birth to an abomination.", was the deduction of the wife of Salazar while looking at the child with an equal amount of disgust.

The child, on the other hand, was squirming in discomfort as Fang looked down towards his child gone were the look of love and the promise of happiness and safety all that remained was a look of pure loathing and disgust he looked towards his newborn son as one looks at a pile of dung that they had touched by mistake as he spoke sneering at the child, "Ah, that must be it, you are right mother what should I do with this thing.", he spat out the word 'thing' with so much hatred that it looked as if the baby had just slaughtered his entire family.

All the while his sister Xiao Xiao was stunned upon seeing such reaction was stunned before he looked at the child in her brother's arms who could not wait to throw him away, she looked at the squirming child who looked back at her with all the innocence in the world, she touched him and was taken aback, 'Such a pure soul how can they claim him to be a sinner, the boy might be some kind of saint in his previous life and proclaim him as a sinner is a blasphemy.", she gently touched her nephew's cheek who instantly calmed down upon being touched by her.

"What is there to think about the abomination kill it or throw it away, I do not care but what I know is that I do not want my karma nor my children's' karma to get dirtied by having it coming in contact with it.", screamed Sabine her face filled with revulsion, but she was not done as she spoke, "Father-in-law please we can make some story about my child dying on his birth and what not but we cannot allow that thing to exist the humiliation and dishonour of our clan as well as my maternal clan the Royal will be tremendous and we would be forced to endure for ages."

Salazar nodded as he gave a small smile as he spoke, "Even after such a tragedy you managed to keep your mind calm, my son is lucky to have you as his wife.", he then turned towards his son, who from the looks of it could not wait to throw the creature into the gutter, he sighed up seeing such a tragedy befall his family before speaking again, "Son, give it to me I will dispose of it."

This woke the Xiao Xiao from the stupor as she spoke with anger filled tone towards her family, "What is wrong with you all, how can you all so calmly plan the murder of a child when it is not even an hour old, what kind of degenerate are all.".

Salazar looked at her a bit miffed as he spoke, "Xiao Xiao don't talk to us like that, you should be ashamed of yourself, whereas we are trying to salvage our honour you are causing trouble, now move along today is a sad day for your elder brother and sister-in-law try to be a bit more compassionate to them."

Xiao Xiao never felt so much shame for being related to them, the soft sobbing of her sister-in-law made her feel sick, especially her pity party after sentencing her child to die, Xiao Xiao gritted her teeth in anger as she spoke, "So what if you are all wrong, did you…"

"XIAO XIAO LEAVE", Beatrice's voice thundered to her ears as she interrupted her, "Leave and when you have gained some maturity then you can return home."

Seeing her brother casually throw her nephew towards her father like some yesterday's trash made her enraged, she quickly released her massive aura while sending a powerful kick towards her brother, at the same time showing incredible feat of agility she caught her nephew safely tucking him in her arms she looked towards her family with the same amount of disgust that they had shown her nephew earlier.

Her strong pressure suffocated others momentarily before the cry of her nephew brought back to her senses as she held him in her arms with a small smile rocking him gently trying to calm him down.

"YOU! You broke through into 'GOLDEN IMMORTAL' stage!!!! When how???" exclaimed the old women amazed at her youngest daughter's prowess.

Only to be returned with a look of deep loathing and disgust as she spoke, "That is not important you hag, you said I am immature then so be it at least I do not have to gain honour by killing a defenceless baby."

Fang growled as he spoke, "You broke my arm for that thing."

Xiao Xiao laughed loud at that as if she had heard the most amusing thing in the entire world as she spoke, "Broke your arm, why dear mister 'I am child-killing bigshot', you should be crippled and then hung by your entrails."

"Xiao Xiao enough!", only for Salazar to receive glare filled with intense hatred making him stumble a bit as she spoke, "Salazar the person who raised me always told me to stand by what is just no matter the cost, that person was worthy of the hallowed title 'Father', you, on the other hand, a pathetic being who can only feel honourable by killing a helpless baby, the thought of you wearing the same face as my father is nauseating."

Salazar looked to have been physically struck as Xiao Xiao turned to leave Sabine spoke with anger, "My brother will not allow such transgressions, and he will retaliate with extreme prejudice."

Xiao stopped on her path as she spoke without turning back, "I do not know why he does not have a spirit root or a dantian for the matter but for as long as he lives I will raise him as my child, my flesh and blood and as for him sinner you should go and look at yourself in front of the mirror, and as for your brother if he even harms a single hair on my son's head I swear to you all I will make sure that I will sacrifice even my existence, my soul to destroy everything and anything that he had held dear to himself."

With that she left while destroying the door on her way leaving behind a disgruntled family, Salazar sighed as he looked at towards the door before he spoke with a sigh, "Son you stay with your wife let me see what I can do it, your sister is a bit hot-headed after she has calmed down she will return to her senses."

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