
Rainbow Scale Fish

The mobile docking station was prepared in less than two hours, and the hatch was finally opened. Zero couldn't wait to be the first one out of the stuffy sinking ship. It had been way too long since he breathed fresh air and felt sunlight on his skin. Bob and Truen didn't blame Zero for his eagerness to get outside. After all, they felt the same.

Standing on the mobile docking station platform didn't feel the same as walking on land. Zero couldn't help but feel slightly disappointed as the waves rocked them gently. The sea otters got busy at once under Ottley's instructions and checked the hull. Thankfully, the volcanic rocks didn't do too much damage to the sensitive underside of the ship. It scratched the hull badly, and some massive dents led to minor structural compromise, but it wasn't anything they couldn't fix.

"The repairs would take about two to three days," Ottley informed them after they inspected the damages.

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