
Apollo Sethlans (2)

In this world, Apollo is 16 years old. He was studying at home due to his disease.

Although he couldn't go to school he still could study at home. In fact, perhaps karma switch his physical ability by intelligence. He at the age of 16 was already taking his degree at Engineering Thermodynamics Research and Physics in the University.

He didn't know the reason but knowledge about the stars and their energy fascinated him. The power that one single spot in the sky could hold gave him hope that he also one day could surpass his medical condition.

Through some research, Apollo found that he lived very close to Midtown High School. That's right the school where the spider man and the Green Goblin go to. In this world where superheroes are just around every corner, Apollo was one of the normal people.

Apollo in this world is just a sickly young boy that couldn't even go far from his house fearing that he passed out on the streets, not one who miraculously survived an encounter with toxic waste or has a latent mutant gene, let alone those who have money as a superpower.

Through some hacking, Apollo found out that it wouldn't take long for Peter Parker to become Spider-Man as the visit to the Columbia University was tomorrow.

He wished he could interact a little with Peter Parker and with some luck become friends with him mauve also with Harry Osborn. So that he could access the top medical experiments, reports, and essays, leading to a tiny opportunity of curing his disease.

"Hmm..." Apollo knew that was a wishful thinking out a million in one chance of occurring, but as the elders say 'hope is the last to die'.

Apollo stopped thinking about superheroes and returned to his thesis about how can the energy produced by the star affect the dark matey in the universe.

As he was ready to write for an hour he felt like his body became ice suddenly. He could feel like all the oxygen disappeared from his body and his blood turned rock solid.

Then suddenly, all of that reversed. His blood turned liquid but it was boiling, his body seemed like was made of lava. His internal temperature was so high, that his sweat turned into water vapor instantly, his skin turned dry making the already small body of Apollo turn even smaller.

Apollo felt like his body was beginning to burn hotter and hotter and at some point, it all stopped. The infernal pains, the lava-like blood, the sun like heat it all disappeared. Apollo only felt a freedom like feeling as if was finally set free from his earthen chains and ascended to something mightier that something transcendent.

He felt Judy like that start in the sky that outshine the others. That star that the astrologers took most of their time to study. Summing up, he felt like God.

That moment he heard something.










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