
Daily life (8)

Mars bolted, teleported and dodged as he neared the giant figure of light that had gotten a lot bigger since he started running towards it

'almost there...'

Mars felt he was getting nearer and nearer to the shitbag administrator, just like the time with Sword he need to touch him to pull him into the special space before he could beat his ass, or at least his powers need to touch him, soon he closed in while dodging the angels(demons) that were chasing after him and while the administrator was unaware he touched him and felt the same connection he had felt with Sword and used it, suddenly the world around him turned white and then he came face to face with a giant... Tentacle monster that screamed at him

"HoW DaRe YoU mArS!!!"

"Wow, you sure are an ugly son of a bic---"

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