
Chapter 390 : The Plans Ahead!!

??? : Hoh?? You know that by doing that you might destroy the spear blade right??

Knightwalker : I'm perfectly aware of that...

??? : And you still wish to go through this??

Knightwalker : Yes!! Muramasa-san...

Muramasa : Now that's a name i haven't heard in ages... Everyone calls me elder this elder that...

Muramasa : Your Magic Spear: Ten Commandments currently has 8 forms...

Muramasa : Silfarion, Mel Force, Explosion Spear, Cannon-Spear, Gravity Core, Blue Crimson, Rune Save, Ravelt...

Muramasa : You miss two more forms that in the past were too much for the wielders to handle...

Muramasa : Millions Sun Spear...

Muramasa : Sacrifar and the true Default form of the Spear... Star Raver...

Knightwalker : How long will it take to finish the upgrade??

Muramasa : I have the blueprints of all weapons made for the Army, all you have to do is pass over certain materials...

Muramasa : Doing so I can finish it in a few hours, however, i have to warn you... If it truly succeeds never use them right away...

Knightwalker : How so??

Muramasa : Let's say that the Spear will overheat from the upgrade and using the last 2 forms will cause it to break down...

Knightwalker : But it will be no problem if i use the 8 already existing forms right??

Muramasa : You should be okay as long as each form don't pass 10 seconds of usage...

Knightwalker : Good... Where is the List with the materials??

Muramasa : Upper shelve, the black book...

Muramasa : It describes the materials for every form...

Knightwalker walked forward towards the bookshelves and found the said book, she took it in her hands and started flipping it here and there until she found the forms she was looking for...

She took a brief look at the materials needed and smiled as most of these were in the storage of the Royal City...

As for those that didn't exist there, she knew where to find them...

Knightwalker : I'll be back in an hour...

Muramasa : Then i'll start the maintenance and preparation to raise the chances of succeeding...

Back to the Royal Throne Room where Faust was sitting, he was talking with a madman about the prophecy the Queen gave them...

Faust : So Knightwalker didn't lose unjustly...

??? : No sir...

Faust : Byro, do what you can to finish that plan... With the exception of the other, that requires the Dragon Slayers...

Faust : I have a feeling we won't be able to absorb them for our own use of what we planned originally...

Byro : Certainly my King...

Faust looked at Byro who is a very short, elderly man, sporting a strangely shaped nose and large eyes. Aside from his horn-shaped eyebrows and the tufts of hair on either side of his face, he's completely bald.

He also has some dark liver spots on his forehead and on the side of his head. Due to his small frame, most of Byro's figure is covered by his decorated cape, which features a wide, adorned collar and two large medal-like ornaments on the front.

Under it, he dons a simple dark robe with lighter edges.

Byro : Oh right my King...

Faust : What is it??

Byro : It seems that Knightwalker went to find THAT person...

Faust : Hoh?? I'm Imagining she will come looking for the materials needed... Give them to her...

Faust : Completing that Spear that the ancestors in the Exceed Lineage is something worth the loss...

Byro : Yes my King...

Byro bowed down and then started walking away from the throne room leaving Faust to his own thought and glint in his eyes...

Faust : I will restore this world even if i have to clash it with the opposite one...

Faust : The plan that many before me failed to vote out...

Faust : The Fusion Of Both World...

Faust : For that... Ryouji was it?? I'm gonna suck dry every last bit of magic and lifeforce you have...

Daily... Dan Machi!!

FAIRY 7-10

May Mass Release!!! Bleach (0/7) - ToDaG (0/7) - Danmachi (0/7) - DxD (0/7)

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