
Finishing what was Started

Jack waved his hand, and with his intention, Eris' room door opened as he floated it. He was shocked to see Eris still sitting in that basin of Holy Water rocking herself, as it appeared to be a means to comfort herself.

"Uh, Eris?" Jack spoke out hesitantly, as he laid his laptop on the side table.

Eris snapped from her process of thoughts, as she looked up to see Jack.

Jack looked deeply into those eyes again but found that they have very different emotions than the first time he looked into them. While madness and lust were very present... That ocean of despair, and that eternal longing... Jack could understand that look in her eyes, as he reconfirmed his prior opinion.

Jack spoke out, "Well... What do you want me to call you?"

Eris shuddered...

"Pet? Toy? ...Wife?" Jack added a longer than usual pause on that last note.

He watched as the rosy complexion of Eris drained from her face, leaving that bloodless pale he had first seen her within his first meeting with her.

Jack walked over to the water basin and stuck his hand into the Holy Water, while Eris blankly watched him, the water began to heat up and come back to warm temperature for her bath.

Jack looked at the slightly dried linen cloth, and tossed it to the side, as he reached to the table in the room. He selected another and dipped it into the water. Remembering he was last watching her belly, Jack began again, still waiting for her reply.

Many thoughts swirled within Eris' mind, with the largest one being... [How does he know!!!]

Jack continued down with his cleaning, and unlike last time he did not spare her most spring-like garden. He again changed cleaning clothes and began to clean her legs, as he lifted them up, where she sat in the warmed Holy Water.

As Jack finished her other leg, he began to wash her perfect feet. While Jack wasn't into that, he could appreciate it when he saw those feet. He could understand why some would like this part of a lady.

He spoke aloud, "Are you going to answer today, or do you need more time?"

Eris finally broke her silence, "...I..."

Jack put down her other foot, and then changed his linen cloth again, as he spoke, "Turn around and let me wash your back. Last time you splashed water everywhere, so be more docile this time."

Eris nodded and turned around exposing that large expanse of white flesh.

Now with her back to Jack, and no longer focusing on those flaming eyes. She inhaled a deep breath to take in that intoxicating aroma, and then calmed herself, as she began, "Are you mad?"

"Well, I'm not mad, but I can't say I'm not upset," Jack spoke honestly.

"...I think I can answer your first question. Why I want to be your pet."

"I'd say I'm all ears, but we both know I don't have them." Jack chuckled, as he attempted to make a joke, however bad it was... Eris felt some tension ease, as she gave a light laugh over her god's poor humor.

"In my vain attempt earlier... I wanted to say I am tired. I've put up a strong front for a long time. You might not know, but your Undead Kingdom is extremely relaxing compared to the Vampire Empire."

"Oh? How so???" Jack inquired.

"Everyone I have met in Deagoth are very... Truthful. Almost... Strangely so."

"Hmmm? I don't think I follow."

"Everyone here in Deagoth simply tells the truth! You don't hide yourselves! You speak how you feel."

"Doesn't... Doesn't everyone simply speak how they feel?" Jack wasn't quite understanding what Eris was trying to convey.

"No! No, they don't! Everyone in the Vampire Empire is out for themselves. They use schemes, plots, and plans to get higher on the ladder. To get that better position, or to get their artwork or music seen or heard. Most of those idiots hide behind polite smiles and appropriate conversation, while behind those smiles and those eyes are nothing by liars! Every one of them! LIARS! ALL OF THEM!"

Eris gripped the side of the water basin tightly, that it began to crack at the top. Jack noticed as he paused his cleaning of her lower back, to gently rub along her slender arm with his large skeletal hand to soothe her.

Eris loosened her grip, as she realized she lost her composure. She looked over her shoulder back at Jack with large eyes, as she spoke again, "Even I... Even I am like them, and I hate it. I deceived you. After being back among my wretched people... I've learned to mix truth and lies to make it sound believable, and this is why you have my heart."

"You're going to have to be a bit more specific there..." Jack spoke, as he lifted her out of the water, and warped a large white linen towel around her middle.

"Well... Some things are because of my mother, others... A prophecy, and a small part... Because I want to be your pet."

"Why pet, though???" Jack asked for the third time since he met this crazy thing.

Eris thought for a moment how to word this, as Jack took another towel and thoroughly dried her. He even wrapped her hair in a towel, in a way he saw how his mother had done so in his last life.

"I want to relinquish control over to you, my god. As a pet, all I have to do is entertain you. Wiggle my tail a bit for you, and you take care of everything else... I can rely on you and know I will be protected. If I can be your favorite plaything, your favorite pet, then I will be cared for... I don't have to think about who is plotting on me, or my palace. I don't have to think about who I am going to marry off too for daddy's political schemes. I don't have to do anything, but to please you. To entertain you..." Eris spoke softly, but Jack could tell some heavy emotions that were sawn within those words.

He carried the now dried and towel covered Eris to the room's evening tomb and laid her inside. He pulled that large chair that existed in the room to the side of the evening tomb to listen to the rest of Eris' words.

Eris laid there and looked up to her god, "I'm just so tired... and... I feel so strongly about the prophecy."

Jack sighed aloud, "Haaa~" Just as he was about to speak, Eris asked him a question.

"Why do you do that?"

Caught off guard, Jack responded, "Do what?"

"Why do you sigh... You don't have lungs or breath air, so why do you sigh?"

"Oh... Force of habit, I suppose. I feel it really releases some stress."

"Habit?" Eris muttered to herself.

"What prophecy... Is this the same one as before?"

Eris nodded, and spoke aloud, "The gods have left. The gods will come. The worlds will be washed in sanguine and radiance. The blood race will need the favor of the light to cure the Malady. A dhampir of Malady should be offered to serve her god and herald the coming militus obitus."

"But" Eris continued... "There is a second part or a second stance one could say."

Jack tilted his head, in wonderment.

"A herald born, she will be his pet, and with the coming militus obitus worlds will burn for purpose. Blood turns to bone, and the spider seeks the surface. Only the dhampir of Malady, though her Empire saved but torn apart, as a pet of her god can she save her mother's heart."

"Why does this part rhyme?" Jack asked since the first part didn't.

"I... I actually don't know." Eris didn't think about it before, as she focused on two parts... Saving her mother and her being a pet.

"I see. So, you wish to be my plaything? My toy? My pet?" Jack asked feeling odd.

Eris purred, as she looked up to Jack with those upturned eyes again, "Yeees~"

Voidmirage, the Blind Idiot God here!

I didn't expect this exactly!

Who knew!?

Also, I may be willing to release another chapter for a few reviews.

I like deals, you like deals!

Leave me a few reviews on the front page of this novel telling everyone what you think, good or bad, and I'll write another chapter today!


Voidmiragecreators' thoughts
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