
A Broken Soul Reforged

Lucius burst into the room, as the door hit the side of the wall hard creating a loud thud resounding.

"My lord, here is the Soul Jar of Joan the Butcherer." Lucius walked over and placed on Jack's desk.

Jack and Emily looked at the round Jar. It was a normal shape, but its lid was two overlapping seals, that had been tied to the opening of the container using the seals as a lid. There was a jet-black ball inside of the container darting around, like an agitated hornet.

It would charge back and forth the hit the seal at the opening of the container, in attempts to break free.

"How long has she been trying to break the seal at the top?"

"When we went to retrieve her... She was doing this... We ask the guard out of curiosity as well. The guard had been on duty down there for a few hundred years and the Jar that contact Joan... Even though it was so heavily sealed it would clank at least once a day."

"What perseverance!" Jack exclaimed, "I must have this Warmarshal again!"

"Jack..." Emily spoke up while looking up.


"You're not going to make her your woman as well, right?"

"What? no. I don't have such an attention." Jack spoke flatly.

"...I'm worried..." Emily spoke again.

Lucius scratched the back of his head, as he backed out of the office, leaving Jack and Emily to their conversation.

Jack watched Lucius, while feeling helpless, as Lucius backed out of the office and softly closed the door as he left.

[Is this the same Lucius that kicked in my door when I took a nap with Leslie for a week???] Jack mused.

Jack looked back down to Emily, who clearly sounded upset.

"Don't be worried. Leslie and you are enough."

"But now there is that Vampire."

"I'm not going to have anything to do with her."

"Jack... I don't think it's you that's going to have anything to do with her, but more of her that's going to have a lot to do with you." Emily remarked.

She continued, "You already said you would accept a whore."

"I was talking about, if... IF you were one."

"So, there will be three of Us... Haaaa~" Emily sighed.

[She's already counting that crazy thing...] Jack thought back to this morning upon seeing the Vampire Princess. Even if she looked sickly... Those curves, and the right amount of flesh in all the right areas. Her face shape, and the sway of her hips... It was enough to drive any mail creature insane! Jack thanked the Creature for being undead, for once.

"Why are you bring silent...? You were thinking of that Vampire." Emily asked.

"Yeah... I was." Jack openly admitted it.

"She is pretty... Maybe too pretty. She doesn't look real to me." Emily thought out loud.

"Maybe she was made with magic?"

"Maybe. I just find it hard to believe there exists someone that looks like her." Emily commented again, while in deep thought.

"Well, I don't want to have anything to do with her, and I want this Warmarshal to be my guillotine on the battlefield."

"Emily, I'm going to open this Jar. Go ahead and take that formula to Lucius. I need to work with this soul."

Emily didn't argue, and took the Holy Concrete formula, and slipped off of Jack's thigh.

"See you tonight... Darling." Emily exited.

[Was that her first term of endearment... No, if I think about it. Mad King and Mad God are her terms of endearment.] Jack held his bony chin.

Jack stopped thinking and reached to the Jar. He broke the seal, and as soon as he did so, the black ball soul shot fourth like being blasted from a cannon.

Jack's right hand shot forward, and caught the struggling soul, as he brought it back to his hand. As he opened his hand, tethers of gold light suspended the black ball soul in his grasp, as he put it under his vision.

"Are you Warmarshal Joan?"

"...AGUHHH..." A faint scream issued forth. It was low in sound but high in emotion.

After a few rounds of questions and answers, with all the answers being screams, yells, and incoherent words, Jack decided this was the rage that he heard off from Lucius.

Jack reached over with his left hand and got his Laptop.

"Tux. Design a spell to calm a soul, and to allow it to speak freely, without yes or no questions."

"Calculating... Done. Spellcraft ready for review." Tux replied dutifully

Jack hummed the spell aloud, "Resgo'tar."

Golden light surrounded the black ball soul and invaded it. With a gold shine on the surface of the black ball soul, it returned to be suspended by Jack's soul tethers that anchored down. He could tell that it no longer struggled. It almost felt like the soul was waking up.

"Do not be alarmed," Jack spoke again.

"Ugh... Where am I?" A rough female voice sounded from the black ball.

"You are currently with me. The God-King of Deagoth. We are both in my Office within the Holy Palace." Jack had already grown used to addressing himself as God-King and spoke it without thought.

"God? God-King? Where is The Holy Witch King?"

"I used to be The Holy Witch King before I ascended to become the God-King," Jack spoke with a bit of authority.

"I-I understand... Did I die?"

"That's a hard question to answer... Especially for me."

"Why can't I see anything. I can hear, but I can't see." Joan asked.

"You're currently only a soul. Try to see like you would if you didn't have eyes... Use undead vision."

"Oh- Okay." Joan showed great comprehension, pleasing Jack.

Jack felt the black ball soul quiver in his hand, and soon after he heard, "Oh... This is indeed the Office of The Holy Witch Ki- Your Grace!"


"I'm sorry I didn't recognize your voice! It is good to see you again, but... Can I ask why I am like this?"

[Good to see me again? Isn't Joan from before my rule as The Holy Witch King, if you include the last guy ruling?]

"I've been told you attained the highest level of Berserking and lost your mind. You committed great acts of violence in and to the kingdom. You were destroyed by your fellow Warmarshals. Your rage was so great that your soul wasn't allowed to pass to the cycle. You have been sealed for a long time, and I have thus brought you back to serve Deagoth."

"What... What did I do?"

"Are you sure you want to know?"


"In your madness, you slaughtered half a million Deagoth citizens and military personnel."

"H-Half a million?"


"How... How will I ever be forgiven!"

"Do not panic Warmarshal"

"I'm well beyond panic! What have I done! My only skill is murder, and I'm stuck on automatic!"

"Your skill in murder is what I need. It is what Deagoth needs. I shall absolve you of your sin, and you will lead my armies again. Deagoth has fallen into a state where We are no longer the strongest. If We aren't the strongest... Then We could just as easily be considered the weakest."

"Y-you can absolve me of my sin?"


"And you want my skill in murder?"

"Not just murder... Mass murder." Jack replied with a serious tone.

"..." Joan fell into deep thought, then replied, "What is it that you want of me?"

"You will be my executioner. My guillotine. I want Warmarshal Joan... Joan the Butcherer as you have been called. Our kingdom has many enemies, and I want those against Deagoth to sleep eternal."

"If you can absolve me... I will become your executioner." Joan spoke with a bit of Zeal, as she remembered the Holy Witch King introduced himself as God-King... God's were divine beings... They could absolve!

Jack held the soul in his right hand, as he began, "We are all, as children of Deagoth, and I absolve you as one of those children." He used his left hand to make a circle in the air and then a line from top to bottom, "All is one. Now go and sin no more. Ego... te absolvo"

A golden hue of light surrounded Jack as it covered him and rushed to the point of his index finger he had outstretched. The light made a pinpoint at the end of his finger before it slowly fell from his finger until it landed on top of the black ball soul. Joan could see the light, but more importantly, when it fell on her... She felt the warmth!

In shock, Jack watched as the color of the soul ball changed from an inky black to a dark royal purple.

Voidmirage here!

An inside look at what happens to a soul when Jack absolves someone!

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I also have a Ko-Fi cup if anyone feels like dropping me a cup of Koffee... These Chapters are powered with Caffeine. The more Koffee I get the more extra chapters I'll write...


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