
Everything was planned

Kresha was surprised by Officer Liu's sudden arrival!

What is going on? She asked her self when she saw the ten big men aimed their guns to Jack, Rion and Arriene!

She was confused!

How did Officer Liu knew this place?

Is there someone called the authority? But who? A passerby?

But that was impossible! It was already late at night and the location of the area wasn't a residential!

"No! Let me go! I don't want to go to jail!"

Kresha heared Arriene's cried and snapped back to her senses.

Lindon! Kresha looked around and saw Lindon lying on the floor!

Kresha quickly moved when she saw Lindon!

She walk briskly and approached Lindon.

"Lindon!" She cried his name.

Kresha kneeled down and patted Lindon's shoulder.

Kresha's heart ached when she saw his bruised face. It was full of bruises and small wounds.

There are blood stain on his mouth and there's a blood on his nose.

Kresha's tears started to form but she bit her lower lip and blinked her eyes to suppress the tears.

This is not the right time to be weak! She thought.

"Lindon!" Kresha patted Lindon's shoulder. "Wake up!" She said with her voice trembling.

Lindon opened his eyes when he heared Kresha's voice.

He tried to get up but he struggled.

"Don't move..." Kresha stopped Lindon.

Lindon remained lying on the floor.

But he still tried to lift his arm and touched Kresha's little face. "I'm alright, don't worry too much about me." He said gently and smiled at Kresha.

After a while he withdrawed his hand from her face.

He took her hand and looked at her wrist. "You're hurt!" He said in a concern voice when he saw the bruises on Kresha's wrist.

Kresha pulled back her arm. "I'm fine! It's just a bruises, it was not so serious." She replied.

The medics arrived inside the warehouse. They approached Lindon and helped him.

They put him on the wheeled stretcher and then they headed outside the warehouse, they boarded Lindon to the ambulance and headed to the hospital.

Kresha was left in the area. Her sight followed the leaving ambulance.

Jiron is standing in a distance. He saw when Lindon was brought to the hospital.

His sight followed the leaving ambulance until it was out of his sight.

Jiron looked at Kresha who is about to leave.

"Kresha!" He called her.

Kresha's footsteps stopped when she heared someone called her.

Jiron walk closer to Kresha and stopped in front of her.

"Can-can we talk?" He asked.

Kresha looked at Jiron with her blank expression.

"Jiron, I don't know what is going on, and I don't even know what to think about you." Kresha said. "We should talk about this matter in another day. I have to follow Lindon to the hospital." She added.

Jiron nodded his head.

"I-I can... take you there." Jiron offered to sent her to the hospital.

Krehsha froze, she hesitated for a moment.

Jiron notice her reaction, he lowered his head. He was hurt by her reaction. Does it mean that she doesn't trust me anymore? Jiron thought.

" Kresha...I... I won't harm you, I am not a bad person. I am still the same Jiron that you used to know." Jiron said in a low voice.

Kresha snapped back to her senses; she looked at Jiron.

"I'm sorry." She apologized. "It's just that..." Kresha did not know how to continue.

"I understand you." Jiron interupted her. "You don't have to explain your self to me." Jiron said in a faint voice.

There is a moment of silent between them....

But Lindon was the one to break the silence between them.

"I...I'll go first." Jiron said.

Kresha nodded her head. "Hmmm.."

Jiron did not say a word anymore.

He turned and walk away from Kresha.

Kresha's gaze followed Jiron's retreating silhouette.

At the hospital..

It was already 2 am when Kresha reach the hospital.

She headed straight to the emergency room and looked for Lindon.

She found him lying in the hospital bed with his eyes closed.

Kresha took a big strides towards the him.

Lindon's bruises and wounds are already cleaned.

Lindon was not asleep, he just closed his eyes to relaxed his exhausted body.

He noticed the footsteps approaching him, he opened his eyes to see the person who arrived.

Lindon smiled when he saw Kresha.

"How do you feel right now?" Kresha asked anxiously.

"Actually, I feel so much pain in my body earlier, but now...I feel better after seeing you." He said gently.

"How about your back? Does it hurt?" Kresha asked again.

Lindon shook his head. "Nope!"

But I saw the Li brothers hit you a steel bar!" Kresha replied.

Lindon raised and sitted on the bed.

He touched Kresha's chin. "Sweetheart, don't worry, everything was planned." Lindon said. "I knew that they will attack me last night. That is why I did not want you to come with me." Lindon started to explain.

"What?! You knew it?" Kresha was stunned!

Lindon nodded his head. "Hhhmm.."

"What?! Why you did not told me?" Kresha asked.

"Because I don't want you to worry too much about me." Lindon replied.

"Yah! What if you broke your bones!" Kresha wanted to scold Lindon.

"Ssshhh...don't worry too much about it.I am always ready! I wore a back protector beforehand, so that they can't damage my bones." Lindon assured Kresha.

"You still made me worried too much! I almost ruined your plan!" Kresha almost cry. "How did you guys plan this?" Kresha asked.

Lindon was about to answer Kresha's question but Officer Liu suddenly arrived.

"Good morning Mr. Mo and Miss Tang." Officer Liu greeted them.

"Good morning." Kresha replied while Lindon just nodded his head.

"Where is Arriene now, Officer?" Lindon asked.

"We already brought her to the station for interogations." Officer Liu replied.

Lindon nodded his head." Thank you Officer Liu." He said.

"No! I can't take all the credits, my team could not do it if it's not for you and Mr. Jiron Yan's help." Officer Liu replied.

Kresha froze.

Jiron Yan?

Jiron helped them?

"Wa-wait, you mean... Jiron helped you?" Kresha asked.

Lindon and Officer Liu nodded their head.

Kresha knitted her brows. "How?" She asked.

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