
Oppressing Berserker

In the fifth game, the grand finale of the day, Vincent was cast to play Top.

[That's how things should've been from the start.] Vincent reasoned. This inevitable arrangement was only delayed by their captain's unhealthy obsessions.

Though, to be fair, Vincent and Kai have been doing fine throughout most of the day. They did run into trouble here and there, but overall they came on top against TheLegend and TheMyth.

However! Trouble struck once the Devilish Trio, the harbingers of the Bermuda Triangle of Certain Doom, set foot on the stage! Their presence shifted the entire timeline. It was no longer clear whether Stratus will grasp the victory in front of them.

Flawless cooperation. Unbreakable trust. Pitch-perfect execution. Nobody could topple the Bermuda Triangle of Certain doom.

The team's only hope was the godly duo of Chessmaster and Gunz. Only those two, with their forces combined, could put an end to the enemy's reign of terror. [The fate of humanity is resting upon your shoulders!]

Thankfully, Vincent was relieved of his post in Bot. It meant he no longer had to contest that powerful Bot duo.

Nevertheless, he couldn't relax. He was a Top Laner now and his opponent was none other than DragonMaster, the expert Dragonborn player.

Following Yuel's plan, the team has been banning Dragonborn for the past few games. That left DragonMaster weakened, unable to pick his favorite class.

But, was Dragonborn the only class DragonMaster knew how to pilot? Nay, far from it. The guy has also proven his mastery of Knight.

However, Luke grabbed Knight this game, so Stratus ended up denying another one of DragonMaster's best classes. It most certainly made the guy mad, and that's why he picked such an aggressive class for the final game.

Berserker, a Nordic champion infamous for his blood-chilling rage. A warrior who converted his pain into strength. Such were the popular images associated with the Berserker class, and that's exactly how the class was implemented in Classmancers too.

Berserker had a Rage Meter that filled up upon dealing and receiving damage. Once filled enough, the Berserker would enter his Berserk mode. That's when all hell will break loose.

[It's in my best interest to avoid that kind of scenario.] Vincent nodded to himself. [I should be rather safe as a Viking, but there's never knowing what disaster might strike.]

The main reason behind picking Viking this game was the safety the class promised. This bruiser was capable of blinking out of many dangerous situations and he could stall pursuers with CC.

But, despite all that, it was always best to simply avoid dangerous situations in the first place. Therefore, Vincent took this game easy.

Using Takedown for farming demanded some caution. Vincent picked up an enemy swordsman and flung the small man at the enemy bowmen, careful to not hit the Berserker.

[It'd be a disaster if I hit the Berserker by accident.] Vincent gulped. [Thankfully, he doesn't stand in my way much.]

In general, this Berserker was rather tame. DragonMaster didn't aggress on Vincent at all during the first couple of waves. Just like Vincent, DragonMaster was playing it safe and steady. He farmed in a way that didn't trigger any conflicts.

For example, his application of Barbarian Slam was very delicate. The Berserker lifted both arms behind his head, then slammed two big axes on the ground, generating a shockwave that hit all enemies around, except for Vincent. It never reached Vincent.

With such a decently sized AoE attack, it was a no-brainer to hit Vincent alongside his minions. And yet, DragonMaster decided against it. Instead of slamming the axes at the center of the formation, the guy assaulted the wave from the side in order to avoid hitting VIncent.

[It's like a cold war.] Vincent thought. [We both want to launch an attack, but we don't want to start a real war.]

And so, neither side made any notable progress. Both players were sizing each other up without committing to any big plays.

[He must be the nicest Berserker I've ever met.] Vincent thought.

Most Berserkers in Ranked roleplayed the class to the fullest. They always went all-in, pressuring Vincent with relentless aggression. Compared to them, DragonMaster was calm and collected, as expected from a competitive player.

[I'm thankful for the lack of aggression, but...] Vincent's insides turned. [This is almost too good to be true. If that's how he intends to play, then why bother picking Berserker in the first place?]

DragonMaster surely picked Berserker of his own volition, yet he was playing tame. What was his agenda? Did he have some sort of master plan? Was it a 4D chess move that'll turn the situation in his favor!?

[I have to watch carefully.] Vincent strained his eyes and analyzed every twitch his opponent made. There had to be some sort of mystery there. Vincent had to quickly solve this case so he could set up his defenses.

In truth, there wasn't much mystery to it. Zeph was just playing it safe for now.

[So, this guy isn't gonna pull anything?] Zeph wondered.

This was an unfamiliar opponent, so caution was neccessary. Zeph has had his fill of bitter experiences for today. He has underestimated Chessmaster enough times today to learn an important lesson.

So, how did the new guy compare to that pro-level bastard? No idea.

"Hey, Jai," Zeph called out. "You got anything to say about this Blackhole guy? Is he any good?"

"He's okay," Jaiden said. "He didn't seem like anything special, but he's not a scrub either."

"So, you're saying I should be able to kick his ass ez."

"I'm not sure. At least, I don't think he's a threat to you. He's nowhere near the level of Chessmaster, if that's what you were worried about."

"I ain't worried about anything." Zeph retorted. "Anyway, he sounds like a scrub. That's always good to know."

Zeph got his reassurance. [So, this scrub is nothing like Chessmaster. Sounds like I can walk all over him.]

For the past two games, Zeph has been holding back. He lost terribly against Chessmaster during the first two games, so he has been on the defensive ever since.

But, that ain't his playstyle. He liked starting slow and steady to get a good feel for his opponent, but after that - BANG! He wanted to go ham on the offense and tear his opponent to shreds!

Unfortunately, he constantly had to stop himself from doing that today. It was simply impossible to contest the lane against a pro-level player like Chessmaster. That guy was something else. Each and every one of his moves was oozing with calculated precision. The bastard read Zeph like a book at every turn. It was an impossible matchup.

As a result, Zeph was only ever permitted to switch to offense after the team has already seized control of the game. In other words, he was just backup. He didn't achieve anything and let his teammates do all the work. He was like filler, just a fifth spot on the team needed. It was lame as heck.

To make things worse, the enemy kept banning his Dragonborn. And, this game, they even took his Knight. What the fuck was their problem!? It's like they had a grudge against him or some shit. Fuck.

[Damn, I wanna kick their asses so bad!] That's all Zeph could think about during the drafting phase. That's why, in the heat of the moment, he went for Berserker.

A couple of minutes later, Zeph has already realized he was hasty. If he had to go up against Chessmaster this game, he'd be playing the most defensive Berserker the world has ever seen. That'd be a whole new level of lame.

Fortunately, he dodged that bullet. The enemy was nice enough to change their formation, so now Zeph's opponent was this Information Blackhole scrub. It was a godsend, but also irritating in its own way.

[They're pretty much looking down on me, aren't they?] Zeph clicked his tongue.

Chessmaster went to Bot because that's where his team struggled the most. He left just like that, without paying Zeph any heed. Meaning, the enemy thought Zeph was an easy opponent no matter who faced him in lane.

[Think ya can underestimate me!?] Zeph raged internally. [In that case, you got another thing coming. I ain't no clown like Bruce and his gang.]

It was true that Zeph secured his current spot on the team by abandoning his former comrades and defecting to Bruce's gang. However, even without that leverage, he was a favorite for becoming Taurus' Top Laner all along.

[Yeah, I had to kiss up to that damn godfather.] Zeph thought. [But, it's not like I did it to steal Top Lane from anybody. I was supposed to be here all along. It was just precaution, I didn't want to be kicked out of the role I deserved.]

Unlike the rest of Bruce's gang, Zeph's skill actually represented what Taurus' seniors were capable of. The only reason he "underperformed" so badly this game was because he had Chessmaster as his lane opponent. That matchup was too rough.

However, this Information Blackhole dude was a whole different story. This guy seemed like a pretty average player, so it was time. Zeph will finally get to show what he was worth!

[I better strike hard before the guy gets his ult.] Zeph thought. [Gotta take all the damage I can grab, here and now.]

The next wave signaled the beginning of Zeph's offense.

With that said, Zeph didn't start by attacking Blackhole or anything dumb like that. He had to play this one smart.

Instead of charging in with guns blazing, he intended to keep his plans under wrappers till the last moment. And then, BAM! He'll assault Blackhole with everything he had. The guy will become dead meat within seconds! Best story ever.

Unaware of any of this, Blackhole conducted his farming as usual, using Takedown to toss one of Zeph's swordsmen into his bowmen. There was no intention of hitting Zeph with that toss. Blackhole had every intention to maintain the peaceful status quo.

[Good, good. Keep thinking we're playing nice here.] Zeph grinned as he advanced into enemy territory, one cautious step at a time.

His target was bowmen in the rear. Going after these guys was always a risky maneuver because it meant extending into enemy territory. How will Blackhole respond to this?

[Do you wish to trade bowmen first?] Vincent wondered. [I agree with that sentiment. It makes farming easier for both of us.]

Getting rid of the high DPS units slowed down the lane's progress. That made it easier to land last-hits, and it also ensured that no dangerous attackers remained on the lane after the clash. Vincent's Viking was slower than Berseker at clearing minions, so this development played in his favor.

As such, in response to DragonMaster's advancing, Vincent also advanced into enemy territory and targeted the bowmen.

[Predictable scrub.] Zeph sneered. [Ya probably thinking this works in your favor because I clear faster. But, this time, I gonna be the slower one here.]

The reason for that was quite simple: Zeph didn't unleash his Barbarian Slam on the enemy wave this round. Why? [Huehue, that's all part of the master plan!]

Instead of slamming the minions, Zeph assaulted the bowmen with his dual axes. The more he attacked in succession, the faster his attacks became. It was a nice trait of Berserker's basic attacks.

That feature wasn't even mentioned anywhere in Berserker's ability list. Many people speculated it might've been a bug, but ClassSoft confirmed it was working as intended. So, regardless of whether it was an intentional design decision or a bug that turned into a feature, this exploit remained in the game and Zeph knew all about it.


Swing swing.

Swing swing swing.


The Berkserer was wilding! After delivering enough hits, his attack speed became lightning fast. He was swinging 'em axes at the speed of a marksman's shots! This shit was OP as fuck!

Of course, it was hard to keep this combo going in an actual battle. However, against minions, it was free real estate. The bowmen succumbed to the brutal assault, one by one.

This display of swiftness was completely different from how Zeph has been farming the lane until now. That fact caught the enemy's attention.

[He's not using Barbarian Slam?] Vincent kept a close eye on his opponent's movements. It was the first time he was observing such a paradigm shift from DragonMaster, so Vincent had to absorb as much new data as possible.

What was the enemy's goal here? Did DragonMaster really go after the bowmen to maintain the peaceful status quo? Or, was there an ulterior motive to all of this? Only after Vincent gathers enough evidence, he'll be able to reach out to the truth.

[He went for the bowmen but he didn't use Barbarian Slam.] Vincent pieced the evidence together like a puzzle. [Is there a special reason he didn't want to use Slam on the bowmen? Or, perhaps, he went after the bowmen BECAUSE he had no intention of using the slam from the get-go? But, why?]

The Rage meter was one consideration. Instead of MP, the Berserker spent Rage on his skills. So, perhaps, DragonMaster avoided using Barbarian Slam to save up some Rage.

But, why would he want to save up Rage right now? That's elementary. He was surely planning to enter Berserk mode eventually. That empowered state was practically Berserker's ultimate, even though it came in the form of a passive skill. Once the Berserker accumulated enough Rage, he could ravage everybody in his path!

[Then, is this like the quiet before the storm?] Vincent shuddered. The truth has finally revealed itself to him! DragonMaster has been acting all nice and friendly, but he was actually saving up Rage for an eventual assault!

[I must be vigilant at all times.] Vincent nodded to himself. [There's never knowing when the enemy will strike. I must observe him carefully and- oh!]

"Goodness gracious!" Vincent exclaimed.

While he was busy thinking about complicated matters, he failed to notice the situation in front of him. The Berserker's gaze was locked onto Vincent and one of the man's arms was stretched backward. It was a casting animation for Hurl Axe!

[This is a disaster!] Vincent had to dodge, but his fingers failed to catch up to his thoughts. By the time he pressed the spacebar to roll, the axe was already in his face! It plunged into his chest and stuck inside.

It was a similar skill to Viking's Throw Axe, except far more devastating when used for offense. The axe didn't just hit Vincent and got stuck in his chest, it also stunned him! That's what happened when the skill was charged up for long enough. With just a little bit of patience, Hurl Axe transformed into this devastating long-ranged CC tool!

And, that wasn't the end of it. The similarity between Bserkser's Hurl Axe and Viking's Throw Axe didn't end here. Both skills had a follow-up option...!

In Berserker's case, the follow-up was Pull Axe. The axe sticking out of Vincent's chest had a long chain attached to it, leading all the back to the Berserker's hand. And, what did the Berserker use that chain for? But of course, to pull enemies in!

[This is turning from bad to worse!] Vincent cried internally as the chain dragged him across the lane, all while he was stunned. He had no say on the matter, none at all.

[This is bad news. Nay, terrible news! A disaster! It's an Armageddon in the making!] Vincent's brain raced. Was he going to die here and concede First Blood to the enemy!? That wasn't allowed to happen, no matter what!

Even after being pulled, Vincent was still locked in a stun. He was likely a paralyzed rabbit standing in front of a vicious wolf.

DragonMaster lifted both arms into the air, ready to unleash Barbarian Slam on the defenseless prey. However, he didn't bring his arms down right away. He waited for a little while, knowing his prey couldn't escape anyway.

The longer the Berserker channeled Barbarian Slam, the stronger and bigger the AoE attack became. And, if charged for long enough, the slam will even stun!

[Is this a masterfully planned stun prison!?] Vincent realized only now. Even though the enemy's attack has just begun, Vincent was actually dancing to DragonMaster's tune all along. It all started from the moment he accepted the trade of bowmen.

[Wait, hold it. I believe this stun chain doesn't actually connect.] Vincent overclocked his brain to draw out the numbers as quickly as possible.

A fully charged Hurl Axe stunned for 1.2 seconds. Then, for how long did Berserker need to charge up Barbarian Slam in order for it to stun? If memory served, it should be around- BAM! Two axes crashed on Vincent's shoulders!

While he was busy racking his brain against this math problem, the attack has already hit him. And, it stunned, too! It was a shorter stun this time round, but it was enough to give DragonMaster the initiative.

[So, was it a guaranteed setup!? Or, was I just too slow? Which is it!?] Vincent couldn't collect his thoughts during this hectic situation!

There was no time to think about the finer details. One thing was for sure: Vincent absolutely had to get away from this mad attacker! The moment the stun lifts, he'll have to blink out of here!

While he was preparing to make his escape, the enemy hacked away without mercy.

"Heh, he really fell for it!" Zeph struck the stunned prey time and again.

This entire setup he has just used was hella dodgeable. Somebody like Chessmaster would have outplayed it for sure. But, Blackhole apparnely had no idea. What a scrub! [Get rekt!]


Swing swing.

Swing swing swing!

The Berserker's hacked faster and faster with each strike. The enemy's HP was plummeting at a blinding speed.

Unfortunately, this setup wasn't enough to kill in one go. The stun simply didn't last long enough to guarantee a kill at this point in the game, especially not against a bruiser. As such, the enemy had an opportunity to respond.

[Pardon me for interrupting your party, but I must take my leave.] Vincent recovered from the stun and raised his axe.

The plan was simple. He'll toss the axe as far as humanly possible, then blink to it. That will get him out of the woods... if it works.

"Ya ain't getting away, scrub!" Zeph saw the telegraphed throw from a mile away! Any Viking would go for Throw Axe in a pinch like this. [Not today!]

Zeph sidestepped in the direction of the enemy's throw. [This axe ain't going anywhere!]

"Wha-!?" Vincent exclaimed. This was bad! Extraordinarily bad! DragonMaster stood in the way of the axe's trajectory! If Vincent threw his axe now...!

Unfortunately, his body couldn't keep up with his brain. He saw the events unfolding as if in slow motion but his body didn't respond to any commands.

And so, he released the axe from his hand. It was supposed to fly all the way to his tower, but it came to a halt less than a meter away. It only reached as far as the Berserker's shoulder, not a centimeter further.

[A marvelous body-block by the enemy!] Vincent exclaimed. [However, this is no time to be impressed. I have to foot it!]

DragonMaster denied Vincent the opportunity to blink out of this pinch, so now he had to do things the commoner's way. In other words, he'll make a run for it! He rolled forward and sprinted toward the tower.

[Alas, he's after me!] Vincent gulped. The Berserker was breathing down his neck, hacking at him over and over during the chase.

If Vincent was at least Lv. 5, this would've been a great situation to jam in his ult. Unfortunately, the enemy must've launched this early attack with full awareness of that danger. Truly, what a splendidly executed offense! Even though Vincent was the one kicked around, he respected this magnificent play.

[Phew. That was a dangerous one.] Vincent breathed in relief as he finally reached the tower. He lost 50% HP in that exchange. Over half his health bar departed into the afterlife.

That was quite an unfortunate way to open the game. Will DragonMaster keep subjecting Vincent to such oppression for the rest of the game!?

[I have to come up with an answer to this before I lose the lane...]

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