
C77 Eye Avoidance

Kaye felt her tongue hitting the top of her mouth as she felt like screaming in frustration, this magic ability to tell if she was lying. Feya was the leader of the town, but the real leader was Nathan.

"We have another leader who is very powerful: he is a man who provided for everyone."

Keen raised an eyebrow as he looked up to the eye, letting out a small hiss as his hand pressed against the stroll.

"One second, let me reset this spell. It requires the spell to be reset every time to function in such a small scroll."

This time the spell reactivated, the giant eye appearing as it looked at everyone once to check. It hit Kai, Kaye, Denoth and then Keen. It seemed to miss Auryn entirely this time.

Auryn felt something was off. This magical spell was not checking her during the reset as she looked around to Keen who was not paying attention.

"Please. Miss Kaye?"

He said as he looked to the woman who was speaking before.

"Please continue with what you were saying before."

Kaye felt her nerves getting the better of her as she nodded her head before continuing. She tried to hold herself together, but against anything magic, she felt worse. Unlike a sword, she had nothing to defend against such a weapon.

"Again, we have another leader who is powerful: he is a man who has provided for everyone."

The strange magical eye did nothing, seeming happy about the answer as Keen wrote down the response.

"I'm thirsty, can I get a drink."

Auryn said, lying to the man as she had felt fine the past day roughly or so, not requiring any water at all. She had assumed it was her new power that had made it, so she needed no food or water as she felt outstanding.

Her eyes were looking up to the Orb which still did not react as she discovered something rather interesting.

It could not detect her lies.

"You will get to buy a drink afterwards. Shut up unless I ask a question."

It was a few seconds before Keen shook his head as he picked up his notes, noting a few items down before looking at the group.

"Right. Who do you work for?"

While Kaye was about to answer the question again, this time she was cut off directly by Auryn who spoke instead.

"We work for a small town called Sanctuary. The leader of the town is by the name of Feya. She is the Queen. Our leader for this group is a man called Nathan. We came here to set up a trade agreement. We have enough food, water and wood to supply ourselves and still retain seventy per cent in the stockpile."

Keen rose his eyebrow as he looked to the magical eye, clearly a smile coming to his lips as he saw that this was all true.

"So you are saying you have a magical place that produces enough food, water and even wood that it covers all the basics for you. You still have enough to stockpile that amount. Is this a newly started town?"

Keen spoke as he knew if he brought a goldmine like this to the council his life was going to improve by a dramatic amount. He could even afford the highest tier building in the centre of town.

"Our town started only roughly a month ago. We have set up a few buildings, but we are capable of producing water, harvesting the bountiful crops and the trees are large enough that one is enough to provide enough wood for an entire small building."

Crossing her arms and legs as she sat back, her beauty causing Keen to stare for an extra moment as her smile caused him to come back to his sense.

Keen shook his head before looking at his notes; his mind could not make something fit. They had arrived at the site a month ago but already had suitable farming land and already had enough crops to do all of this.

It was simply impossible.

His eyes were shifting back up to the orb as he caught it in a standby phase.

She was not lying so far.

"Do you all work for Saleh or ever worked for her empire while in the Vortex."

Kaye felt her face twitch as she felt panic coming into her, she knew this was a question that would give her away as she had worked for the church before they had decided to join Nathan.

"No, I've never worked for the Church. Neither has Kai or Kaye."

The orb stayed inert as Kaye almost felt like tearing out her own hear as she turned to stare at Auryn who seemed calm and intact through this entire thing.

"Oh. Well, that is a good thing. Then tell me how do you explain having crops fully ready to go in just a month. It's strange that you also found such a fertile valley in the eastern area without anyone else finding it."

Keen stared at the woman as he probed for more information, this was all too strange, and yet this woman was coming clean on the lying spell. He knew she had not cast any magic due to the anti-magic spell room they currently resided. Anything below tier seven was disabled and anything higher required a long casting time which was not stealthy.

Auryn folded her fingers between each other as she looked up to the man with a big smile on her face, such a smile sent a wave of mixed feelings to Keen as he was looking at beautiful women, infatuation filling him. The other emotion was pure fear, the kind that told him to run as fast as his small legs could take him.

Auryn's eye's stated to leak pure white energy as her hair started to lift from her back, the power flowing from her without a single word or command to prove it was actual regular magic. The table, chairs and the walls shaking as dust and rock's fell from the roof.

Auryn smiled at the man as she stood up, hands pressing onto the stone table.

"Let me show you how it's possible."

Hey all!

We look set to remain in the top 20. The bonus will be one extra chapter today. With two extra bonus chapters coming Monday and Tuesday.

This is a total of three bonus chapters!

Thanks for all the support!

Sunday Bonus Release.

I will be doing the same next week in regards to bonuses. Top 20 = more chapters.

Top 10 = Bigger Surprise. :p

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