
Little Angels

Three figures danced in the center of the hall. One was tall and well-built, but the other two were scrawny like two little pipsqueaks, not even a meter tall. However, they were not dancing but moving in such a fashion as they battled.

"Hehe, die monster~"

Celestia giggled as she swung a wooden sword around, trying to slash Davis into two. However, he dodged around, causing her to miss multiple times.


Eterna also brought a wooden spear into the fray, trying to stab him as she twisted around.

Their movements were wild, flexible, and unpredictable, even with the styles they seemed to have learned from their mothers.

"Haha~ You two gotta be faster than that to even put a scratch my superior being."

Davis twisted his body as they both slashed and stabbed from two sides, causing him to grasp their harmless miniature weapons and pull them from them, instantly grabbing the two of them at the same time as he lifted them up.

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