
Tyrannical Blue Ape Mountainous Range

In the far north of the Xuan Empire lies a mountainous forest region inhabited by numerous magical beasts.

These powerful magical beasts possess intelligence comparable to humans and can even change their appearances to human forms.

Even though they could still change their appearance, they couldn't hide their magical beast aura. So they don't visit places belonging to humans because their identity would immediately be found out by the formations placed on each side of the gates and the skies. It would be the case even if they try to conceal their auras.

A Magical Beast's life aura is very different from a human's life aura. One could easily tell the difference if they're well versed with the differentiation between the two intrinsic races.

Many times, the magical beasts form a beast tide and attack towns, villages, and even cities depending upon their strength to procure resources.

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