
Living Nightmare

I watch in horror as the creatures move around the large building. "What is this place.." I ask in a soft voice. Ryder looks out and over his creatures with pride and says "This space was given to me with a few conditions. These creatures are the very creatures that I have made myself, making them extremely loyal."

He walks further in nearly dragging me "They will keep you safe and as long as you follow everything I tell you. You see.. I may not be able to kill Rune.. but you? You have the ability to do it. Do you understand?" His creepy smile has me shaking and as his words sink in I freeze.

"You want me to kill Rune?" I ask and watch him smile with glee. "That's right.. He cares for you and would never expect you to kill him. HAH! You could probably tell the bastard you want to kill him and he'd let you!" his eyes flash and I flinch when I catch a glimpse of the things hidden in them.

He's insane... I try to take a step back but his grip tightens and I flinch at the pain. "I can't do that Ryder.. you know that.." I say in a small voice as everything becomes cold. The creatures stop and turn to look in our direction and I feel my skin crawl. His shadow slithers out from around him and coils around my legs making me cry out.

It was so cold.. it felt as if it was attacking my very soul... sucking every once of warmth or love it has and leaving emptiness in it's place. I drop to my knees clutching Fig's little body close to mine as Ryder holds my other hand in cold detachment. "Please.." I beg as I feel the shadow caress my body causing me to shiver at the helplessness that followed.

"You will do well to listen my dear.. disobeying will only cause you more pain." Ryder says as the shadow finally backs off. "Come, I will show you to your room." He says as he drags my shaking body behind him. The hallways are long and dark reminding me of the pit.. only it seemed as if the walls were moving.. like they were somehow alive.

I shiver again and hold on to Fig like a lifeline. "This is where you will stay.. I will prepare some things for you. Do not try to leave this room Syn.. am I clear?" Ryder says looking at me with those pitch black eyes. Something moves in them again and I quickly look away nodding my head. I thought he was scary before...

What is this place? I look around the room and find it mostly empty except for a large bed. The walls in the room gave off a soft glow and if I had seen it anywhere else I would find it amazing.. right now it was just creepy. Everything down here is creepy. I noticed that it wasn't only Ryder's shadow that seemed to have a life of it's own.. the other shadows down here were moving and stalking my every move.

I try to make sense of everything but I keep failing. The last thing I remember I was sleeping in my bed.. then I was here... he said I wasn't completely dead so that means my body is still alive.. is there some way to get back to my body? But even if I can... when I really do die.. will I come back here??

I look down to Fig and start shaking him.. I start out gentle but by the end I'm about to shake the poor thing to pieces. Fig slowly starts to awaken and I cry out with relief. "Fig! Fig, I know you're tired buddy but I need you to wake up.. this is bad.. really bad." Fig pushes through the fog and sits up doing his best to wake up.

"What's wrong? What happened? Where are we..." Fig says finally waking up. "I'm not entirely sure but Ryder's here and if you thought he was bad before you should see him now. This place isn't right Fig and we need to get out of here but I don't know how." I say in the softest voice I can when I see Fig's eyes go round with horror... he sees something behind me. I cringe and wonder if I even want to know but before I have the chance to turn I hear a very familiar clicking noise...

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