
Face Off

I quickly try and put myself between the two but Rune won't let me get around him causing me to see red. "Enough! I'm not kidding. Leon came here to see me as a friend and if you can't treat him with respect as my friend I will leave." I feel Rune stiffen as he turns to look at me with a look of disbelief.

"As Syn has said.. as her friend, I'm here to make sure she's okay and properly taken care of. Is that so wrong?" Leon says with a smirk. Rune grinds his teeth in anger but chooses to ignore the Vampire. He turns his back to the Vamp letting him know that he didn't think of him as a threat and says "If you would like for your "friend" to stay for a while I can have a room arranged for him."

Syn looks at Rune suspiciously but decides to leave it alone before saying "Yes, I would really appreciate it if you could do that." She gives Rune a small smile and he gives her a stiff smile in return before turning back to the Vampire.

Leon has a dark smirk on his face that he quickly hides from Syn but not before Rune sees it... Rune works his jaw and says "Any friend of MY WOMAN is a "friend" of mine. I'll have someone prepare a room for you, let me know if you are in need of anything." Leon gives him a knowing smile and says "I wouldn't want to bother you."

Syn perks up and says "That's right Rune, you've been so busy lately let me take care of Leon. He is my guest after all." She give's Rune a large bright smile making him want to cry internally. Leon chuckles and says "Yes, don't let my stay here disturb you in anyway. If I need anything I will find Syn."

Rune clenches his fist and starts imagining different ways to kill a Vampire and to dispose of said Vampire so a certain someone would never know. Rune's lips twitch as Syn leans over and plants a quick kiss on his jaw before turning around to Leon saying "This is great! Let me show you around!" Leon's dark eyes sparkle with humor and he never loses his winning smirk. "Sure." Leon says and turns to follow Syn but not before winking at Rune. Rune sees red...

I will be releasing an extra chapter for each review that's been left as a way to say thank you! I'm writing each chapter as I go so it won't all be at the same time. I also want to give a shout out to a few fans who are awesome in supporting me!

Babrandt88, DeBaj, Hard2Handle, pink84, Haley88, Aaaaaeaaaaaaa You guys are AWESOME!! Thank you!!! \(^.^)/

Blissfullragecreators' thoughts
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