

The following week Fig and I practiced as much as possible. We would even stay up late at night when everyone thought we were sleeping. I was becoming stronger. I can feel it. The things Fig were teaching me was about this world and magic made more and more sense. I tried to avoid Rune as much as possible and thanks to him having to leave and take care of things he will be gone for the next three days.

Even though I did everything to avoid him he did everything to show up everywhere I went. I knew he enjoyed ruffling my feathers. It was his way of showing how he was completely in control of everything. Well, at least that's what he thought. Fig and I had been sneaking into the large library here and discovered an old book on the glowing water/pool that Rune doesn't want me going near.

Turns out it's not a pool but a portal. Sure it can help you heal and even help you grow in your power but it was also a portal. I couldn't help the smile on my face as our plans became clearer. When Rune leaves to take care of his business, we will make our move and go back home. I understand Rune wants to keep me here to keep me safe but I can be safe in my own world.

"I know you and Fig have been up to... things but I need you two to behave while Ren and I are away. Lilith is on her way here and she will have more answers for you. She may even know what the water you drank was and what it's doing to you. We will be back in three days okay?" Rune said with a frown. I know he was uncomfortable leaving Fig and I and he had every right to. We were leaving.

I give him a sweet smile and say "Of course. Fig and I will hang out here and wait for you to get back." His frown deepens and looks at Ren. Ren gives me an evil look and says "We can't delay any longer Rune. We need to leave." Rune keeps staring at me and I keep smiling. Rune shakes his head and turns to leave but stops and looks back to say "Try something and I will make you regret it." He growls and leaves.

Once I leave he won't be able to make me regret anything. I wave and smile sweetly. Once they were completely gone Fig and I turn and start. Rune still had people in the castle who were watching so we act like nothing is wrong and make it back to our room. I grab the seed the old tree gave me put it in my pocket and get ready to leave. Fig and I still can't take off his little blue collar so we leave it. Where we're going it won't matter.

We slowly make our way to the portal only to find that it's completely gone. Shocked I run over and look around making sure it wasn't just an allusion. I sink to the floor and slightly panic. "He knew we were going to try and leave.." Fig says from my shoulder. I grit my teeth in anger. "I knew you two were going to pull this," Rune says leaning against the wall on the opposite side. Shocked I suck in and stand up.

"You knew? So you got rid of it?" I ask in bewilderment. He gives me a dark smile and says "Love, I know you more than you realize and I didn't get rid of it. I just put it somewhere else. Somewhere you can't find." My nails dig into my palms as my mind races. "Look, I appreciate you keeping us safe but I want to go home okay? You can't just keep me here against my will!" I was angry and it was showing. I could feel dark rain clouds rolling in as the thunder rumbles.

Rune keeps leaning against the wall with a look of victory and it makes my blood boil. I could feel Fig moving closer to my neck. "You keep forgetting we aren't in your world. This is my world love and my word is law. I can do anything I want." As my anger grows the thunder outside gets louder. I see something in Rune's golden eyes as he hears it getting closer or maybe he sees the change on my face.

I could feel the storm like I was connected to it and it was reacting to my anger. That's it! I came to this world by lightning I can go back the same way. I shift and because I still can't shift that well I only make it to the front doors. "Hold on tight Fig and don't let go!" I yell as I push through the front doors and run like the devil himself was on my heels. "Syn!" Rune yells as he shifts in behind me.

While running towards the storm I shift in and out to keep Rune from catching me. "Don't be stupid Syn! Stop!" Rune yells and shifts right behind me before I quickly shift again. I keep my shifts random so he doesn't know where I'm going. "You can't outrun me Syn!" Rune yells again. He still doesn't know what I'm about to do and that might be my only saving grace.

I pull the dark heavy clouds to me as I run and shift. Lightning strikes in the distance and I watch as it dances across the clouds. Like it was reaching out to me. It knew what I wanted and I could feel it bending to my will. "Come," I say and shift again as I lightly feel Runes fingers graze my arms. I suddenly feel tremendous power behind me and I instantly know that he knows. He figured it out.

He suddenly appears in front of me causing me to stumble to a stop. I take deep breaths trying to calm myself. I was no match for him and we both know it. "Syn.. Don't do this. Go back to the castle now." He growls and I suddenly feel bad for all the people who pissed this fae off. He was a force to behold. I could feel his power, thick and heavy. It was lethal and terrifying but the only reason I wasn't on the ground in a fetal position out of fear was because I knew he wasn't going to hurt me.

"I'm sorry Rune but I have family and friends I need to get back to. I have a life and this isn't it." I say as lightning strikes even closer. His eyes light up as he gets ready to shift to me. I could feel it and I shift away as I feel his power wash over me. He grabbed my dress causing it to slightly rip before I completely shift away. I see him turn with the piece of cloth in his hand and he growls. I can feel my eyes start to glow and take a deep breath. "Don't" He says in panic.

It was the first time seeing him not in control and looking smug. I smile and lift my hand to summon the lightning. Was I scared? Hell yes but I also knew I could do this and it wouldn't hurt Fig and I. It happened so fast. Rune quickly shifts again trying to grab me as everything becomes brighter. It was like time itself slowed down. He shifts in front of me and reaches for me. I see the lightning reflecting in his determined golden eyes and then the lightning hits me throwing him back several feet.

Thank you for everything! Enjoy~~

Blissfullragecreators' thoughts
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