
Orc Artillery Company

"This is ridiculous. Who in the world would remove their shield one day early instead of taking all the time in the world to enjoy the last of your days for betraying King Baal?" Forcas, the Knight of Hell asked rhetorically as he assembled his troop of demon cavalry and foot soldiers, ready to be teleported and take down the traitorous Lord Moloch.

The heavily armoured infernal Tiefling paced himself hastily as he checked up on his captains and everything else before the teleportation.

Were it not for a mage who noticed the sudden change and reported on the status of the Dungeon Fortress Lord Moloch had stolen from the grasp of King Baal, they would still have been busy relaxing for the day. Yet continuing to do nothing would bring further disgrace to the Demon Army for not acting promptly against their traitors.

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