
Yantai Yuan!

"Master Senior Ninth!" Zhao Xiao Hua ran to him in a hurry. As for the others, they're carrying Tang Yuan on their shoulder. Based on how he needed to be supported as they came to pay him respect, it must be related to his previous body condition.

"En... What's wrong with Tang Yuan?" Zhang Wu Ji who have some suspicion on his condition, to begin with, questioned the others to find out what actually happened. Since he was away for one and a half month in total, this issue must be plaguing his attendants for quite a long time.

"Master Senior Ninth, we don't know anything either. Big brother Tang Yuan suddenly collapse without us knowing what happened. After some diagnosis from a physician, he said Brother Tang Yuan is poisoned!" Zhao Xiao Hua explained the situation to their master.

As this matter is a serious issue at this moment, Zhang Wu Ji cupped his hands together to excuse himself from the square. With a grip on Tang Yuan's clothing, Zhang Wu Ji carried him into the top of the Iron Kong-Que seaters and directed the Flying Ark to went up into the sky!

While the others were jealous of Tang Yuan's first opportunity to ride on top of the Iron Kong-Que, the heart of the four remaining attendants is worried about their eldest brother's safety. With their position as Zhang Wu Ji's eight and only attendants, why do they need to worry about the opportunity?

Meanwhile, up above the sky.

By applying the Small Nourishment Art once on his body, Zhang Wu Ji are able to remove some suffering from his body. He did try using the Crystal Surgeon Knife after that to see if anything was collected, but it was to no avail when the knife remained clean after the cut.

As the application of a skill removed a part of his suffering, Tang Yuan is able to talk now. Instead of asking for the answer he wanted to know, Zhang Wu Ji glares at this attendant of his and waits for his explanation.

Knowing that it was pointless for him to hide it any longer, Tang Yuan unwillingly speaks.

"Master Senior... My family name is not Tang, but Yan. I am one of the remaining bloodlines of our Yan Family, and my real name is Yantai Yuan." he revealed the truth related to his ancestral and also his real name, but Zhang Wu Ji did not give him the reaction he was expecting.

"Master Senior?" Tang Yuan asked.

"So? Do you think I don't know about that? Is the sign [Yan] on your forehead is not clear enough? Or why prepared so many seeds for the Yantai County's Mandrake? Or should I say it was already exposed when you bring the Malachite Shell Cicada's Carapaces?" Zhang Wu Ji mentioned all the proof that he already knows the truth of his identity of quite a period of time.

"The Yantai County's Mandrake supposed to be extinct! They're the Aphrodisiac for Wild Beast! Do you think I am a fool to not realized this simple fact?" Zhang Wu Ji brought up the first hint that exposed Tang Yuan's identity as a member of the Yan Family.

"The next thing is when you brought back the Malachite Shell Cicada's Carapace. Do you realize that the Southern Bamboo Forest that spans downwards until the end of Willow Timber County's Northern Bamboo Forest is not a good location for the Malachite Shell Cicada to spawn? This Wild Beast is a water-loving creature! Their closest nest we can try to look is either at the Crystalline River County or Jie's County!" Zhang Wu Ji revealed the next mistake Tang Yuan did.

For a Malachite Shell Cicada with its humongous body to travel from the Crystalline River County to the Seven Star County is likely impossible. The only answer to this fact is only two possibilities. One, the cicada is killed and stored for future uses. And two, heaven is making fun of them by bringing a dead Malachite Shell Cicada to the Southern Bamboo Forest.

"Do you think, I don't know that the core of the Southern and Northern Bamboo Forest used to be the land belonged to the Yantai County? If it's not the case, how can the medicinal plants and treasures grow easily here? It was all because of the leakage of treasures gathered by the Yantai County's Yan Family is harnessed by nature to return everything back to the world." Zhang Wu Ji ends his words here.

Following from hearing everything spoken by his Master Senior, Tang Yuan or much better to be called as Yantai Yuan kneeled down and cried. What caused him to do so weren't due to his Master Senior continue to keep him by his side when his identity is exposed, but it was because Zhang Wu Ji took him to have a look at the ruins belonged to the Yantai County's Yan Family!

From the remains of the ruins, one can easily see how wealthy is the Yan Family and their Yantai County. Only counting on the collapsed Golden Doors alone reaches hundreds and the destroyed buildings made from Gold and Silver is more than fifty.

"If it wasn't because of the Yantai's County Mandrake Plant, won't the county remained wealthy until now?" Zhang Wu Ji thought. But for now, it was crucial for him to know how to solve Tang Yuan's problem.

"Speak. What is the problem with your body," Zhang Wu Ji asked.

"Dear Master Senior, as a descendant of the Yan Family, I inherit the Blood Mandrake Martial Body. This Martial Body allows me to be resistant to all poison one tier higher than my strength, and the more Mandrake Plants I've consumed, the stronger is my body." Tang Yuan explained.

"And the reason you're in this situation is due to what reason?" Zhang Wu Ji questioned him further.

"The day before we're forced to left the Ninth Courtyard, I consumed the Blood Mandrake plant that I feed using different kinds of blood as its food source. Although the mandrake allowed my body to be stronger, I am not strong enough to prevent the addiction component carried within the Blood Mandrake."

"Now, I am forced to either hunt for any mandrakes that I can found, or purchase the blood from the slaughtered animals to reduce this addiction. Recently, I cleared the whole Wen Wu City and the entrance to the Southern Bamboo Forest of wild mandrakes, making my addiction grow worst." Tang Yuan explained the reason for his problem.

"No wonder the physician said that he's poisoned. With a Martial Body resistant to poison, his body is poisonous. This is why they failed to diagnose his true condition and help mend this issue. Plus, his attitude is more reserved and collected, making him hesitates to let people know about his problem." Zhang Wu Ji thought as he made his hypothesis regarding Tang Yuan's condition.

"Do you have any good suggestion to cure the addiction?" Zhang Wu Ji questioned Tang Yuan to get a better idea related to this.

"Yes. I can get rid of this addiction by feeding high-quality Mandrakes, such as the Yantai Mandrake or by curing the addiction with a huge amount of blood." Tang Yuan gives the method to solve this issue, but none of them are viable at this moment.

The problem is because to obtain a large amount of blood, they will need to employ at least two to three team of cultivator to enter the Southern Bamboo Forest. As for the issue with feeding on High-Quality Mandrakes, the best so far would be the Yantai Mandrake, but for the mandrake to fully grown, he will need at least three months.

Added with the issue with space, it will be impossible for him to cultivates over a hundred mandrakes like how he did back in his own ninth courtyard. It gave him a slight headache when he considered the problem with space.


"Space? Problem? Growing the Mandrake Plant faster? Didn't I possess the blueprint for Plateau Plantation Plate? Didn't I own the formation inscription to make the Nutrition Gathering Plate? By producing them, won't I able to increase the number of yields we can get from those precious plants?" his mind reminds him once again with the item he's yet to utilize.

Getting closer to Tang Yuan, he applied two more Small Nourishment Art on him to reduce as much blood addiction he could and assigned Tang Yuan to collect the materials he needed in making the Plateau Plantation Plate. At the same time, he ordered Tang Yuan to get Li Jing, Li Yin, and Li Tong to his room. They returned to the Apprentice Hall after Zhang Wu Ji finishes assigning Tang Yuan with his task.

An hour later after he returned to his own room, the three attendants he requested came over to pay their respect. Without too many words is needed, Zhang Wu Ji handed each of them with a Wooden Universal Plate. Their next assignment is to prepare the Ironwood in that specific guideline for him to engrave them into usable Wooden Universal Plate.

This also means the stack of stone slabs is now useless. After the three of them removed the item away, they're ordered to prepare as much of the materials to create a Formation Clay to be delivered to him. But at this moment, Li Tong smiled and came out to clarify a matter.

"Master, did you forget that one and a half month ago, you and miss Meng Ran teaches a group of students? I'm afraid that you have too much Formation Plate to inspect. Of course, you may use them if you wanted to do so,"

"What? We made many Formation Plate for usage? Bring them here! Quickly!" Zhang Wu Ji swipes his hand outwards to get them to start working, and not idling in the room for nothing.

"I should use this free time to transform my Tyrant Martial Body, it is almost time for me to take another bottle of the Inner Demon Slaughtering Wine as well." Zhang Wu Ji sits in a meditation posture and begins his transformation process again.

[Status: 76%]

With his strength on the 7th Stage of Inner Qi Fighter, Zhang Wu Ji's transformation speed is increased. Only three times of rest is required for him to transform 21% of his body. But still, nothing beats the clocks that finally ticked on the end of his third calculated day.

With the number of the day he's transmigrated to this world reach 300, there are only two more months to go before this year ends. The life in this world is filled with surprises, where it gives him many kinds of different experience as he goes along with them.

By entering the 8th Stage of Inner Qi Fighter, Zhang Wu Ji can be counted as one of the top cultivators of his age. The changes on a single night shocked the three disciples of his, primarily when it was just a single night he took to advance from the 7th Stage into 8th Stage.

"Master, we have the Ironwood and Formation Plate prepared. Do you still have any instruction to us?" The three of them waits for their master's next order and were directed to help Tang Yuan instead. While they were complaining about the simple task in mind, they understand the importance of each task given by their master.

By assigning four people to complete one matter, the speed of their preparation is more efficient than doing that alone. Although the first batch of Plateau Plantation Plate is created for the sake of Tang Yuan's health, they can still take this as the sample to be introduced into the Wen Wu City and the three villages under their control.

Through this kind of arrangement, Zhang Wu Ji produced a hundred Wooden Universal Plates that comes with a name on them. Each of this plate is issued to the management members of the Apprentice Hall and three more to be given to the Headmaster Liang Tian. As for his other remaining time, Zhang Wu Ji spent all of them to engraves the Nutrition Gathering Plate.

By assigning Zhao Xiao Hua, Liu Yanni, Bai Hei Tie, and Zhang Ya Pin to handle the distribution of the plate and collecting the Nutrition Pill when they're formed. As to make sure that their collection is faster than usual, Zhang Wu Ji requested Meng Ran to engraves some Energy Gathering Plate to assist him.

And at the same time, the request allows Zhang Wu Ji to noticed Meng Ran's improvement. Her skills in crafting the Formation Clay, engraving the plates become much detailed. Based on her skills now, he's confident that his version of the Formation Master's Essential Manual will help her to grow further.

After giving her the book, her first impression is a wide-open jaw, followed by a "Wow!" remark in each of the pages she flips. Leaving her alone to slowly digest the contents, Zhang Wu Ji returned to his personal room to continues with his own task. Two days later, all usable Formation Plate is engraved and distributed.

Proceeding with the making of the Plateau Plantation Plate next, it wasn't a big deal at all. By utilizing the instruction recorded in the Blueprint, all he needed is to form them into a piece of a slab that can fit ten plants or seeds inside to grow. The only surprising element is hidden inside this blueprint he holds is that their formulae and ingredient recorded inside is much better than a standard Plateau Plantation Plate.

This simple comparison is noticeable especially when he put his own Plateau Plantation Plate against the standard Plateau Plantation Plate he'd seen before in Meng Hao's Villa. Only by the effects alone, Zhang Wu Ji's Plateau Plantation Plate is much fertile compared to the standard version.

Plateau Plantation Plate

-Capacity: 10 Slots | Restriction: Tier 1 Plants only

-Usability: Usable until all plant withers | Durability: 100/100

-Fighter Qi Consumption Rate: 300/monthly | Quality: Tier 1

-Information: An exceptional formula that not only supports ten plants to be grown on this plate, but it also lessens the waiting time for the plant to grow by 10%. This version of Plateau Plantation Plate is the result of the research by a combined effort of ten Second-Grade Celestial Designers.

"Using this plate, I can expect the maturity of a Yantai County's Mandrake Plant in 81 days. Added with the Nutrition Pills as their fertilizer, I can shorten the wait before harvesting by half. This means, forty days!" Zhang Wu Ji calculates the number of time he required to wait before the first batch of Yantai County's Mandrake Plant can be harvested.

"We will handle Tang Yuan's condition first. And meanwhile, boosts the output of this Plateau Plantation Plate to increase our capability to mass produce more Medicinal Herbs to forge into pills." Zhang Wu Ji designated the path the Apprentice Hall should go.

On his third day, Zhang Wu Ji paid a visit to the City Lord's Fortress for a meeting to see how has the Wen Wu City and three of the villages under their control develops. And in between of the report, a few matters pique his interest.

The first matter that was mentioned in the report is related to the Ying Village, Cai Village, and Hua Village. Under the guidance and support in both financial and manpower from the Wen Wu City, the three villages are now at the verge of reaching the qualification to be categorized as towns.

With the number of residents living in the three villages now reaching between 80,000 to 90,000 people, the time before they're qualified to become a town not too far away. Erected building under a proper Town-Planning is introduced alongside with the recruitment process to bring in more members into the apprentice hall.

A temporary establishment they named [Representative Hall] is also built and managed by members recruited from the three villages to increase the output of sales volume and production volume. The profit they made will be returned to the settlement in the manner of development.

This is how the three villages that hold roughly fifteen thousand villagers increased by quadruple in the period of two to three month. Plus with the newer processing and harvesting method, They're no longer practicing the primitive and traditional technique in their daily life.

This is true especially towards the Ying Village, or soon to be Wen Ying Town under the Wen Wu City Lord's support. From a livestock and farming village, the Apprentice Hall and Wen Wu City converted all their traditional tools into a proper technology.

By introducing the greenhouse for medicinal herb farming and planned system to grows the livestock, they supported Wen Ying Town to become the biggest supplier in their food industry. Even the Master Chef has an agreement with the townsfolk to assist him in cultivating the Jining Freshwater Trout.

As for the Cai Village, their focus shifted from textiles into Agriculture and Forestry. This allows the three villages to be self-sufficient in their fundamental needs like food, stay, and employment. Similarly, the Hua Village is focusing on Transportation of Goods and Accommodation, due to their close proximity to the Heavenly South County.

With the three Village's development progress is reported, it was the turn for the Wen Wu City and the Apprentice Hall. But before the report happened, a soldier came into the meeting room in a hurry and reported an incident that occurred ten to fifteen minutes ago.

"City Lord! The Orchid Mountain Bandits is launching a large-scale attack against the Northern Side of the city! A hundred patrolling guards are injured, and at least fifty is dead because the weird weapon that can create fire tower is used." the soldier reported.

"Damn! They took the period of time we're reinforcing the troops in the east to attack us! Men! Come here!" the City Lord slapped the armrest of the chair into dust before he burst into anger. Summoning his trusted attendants, the City Lord prepared their retaliation.

"City Lord, let me lead the team." Zhang Wu Ji requested. Without asking too many questions, the City Lord approved his request immediately to send Zhang Wu Ji a team of his ten elites to follow the Master Senior. The second ten of them reaches an open plaza, Zhang Wu Ji activated the Iron Kong-Que and take all of them into the controlling room.

"F... F... Flying Ark!" The Iron Kong-Que flaps its wing and ascends into the sky. With all the weapons is ready, Zhang Wu Ji is prepared for slaughter, since the bandits are asking for it!






[Author's Note]

Forestry is a job. If you look in google for the profession associated with forestry, it suggests that the job required one to Manage, Conserve, Repair a forest or woodland to meet the goal for human society and environmental benefits. I'm using this word because I believe this is the most accurate word to describes the field of the profession they changed.

I'm planning to do a Monday / Wednesday / Friday / Sunday chapter this week.


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Please expect a 24 Chapter Mass Release at 3rd December Week. Thank you for supporting me staying at the 100-101th spot last week.


My new novel for this 30th Writing Prompt, Last Fortress of Humanity is uploaded. Would you guys spend some time to went through that and let me know how it is?

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