
Broly's Uniqueness Revealed!

As she made her rounds she slowly drew closer to the incubator Broly was in, quietly meditating as he used his Ki Sense to observe her drawing nearer. When she arrived near his incubator he watched her pause, her dull eye growing bright once more as she suddenly noticed the differences between him and his fellow incubator neighbors for unlike their loose or fetal appearance he was in a elegant lotus stance, slowly breathing in and out large amounts of nutrient solution.

Intrigued by this blatant difference Jewel examined the holo readout in the upper corner of the incubators clear chamber which read, Name: Broly, Gender: Male, Parents: Paragus / Cress, Date of Birth: 737, Potential: Low-Class, Power Level: 25, Time in Incubator: 4 months. The reason his Power Level was now 25 was because he was gradually raising it to maintain his facade since it was normal for a Saiyans infants power level to grow while inside a incubator.

After reading his information, Jewel was unable to suppress he curiosity (after all despite her mature appearance she was only 5) and approached the incubator chamber, pressing her face against the glass-like material for several seconds as she wondered why his appearance was so different from the other slumbering Saiyan Infants before moving back a few inches. Tentatively she extended a finger and tapped on the egg shaped chamber making a "TINK" "TINK" "TINK" sound with her fingers elegant gem-like nail. After several gentle taps she seemed to become emboldened, losing some of her apprehension as she continued to tap on the chamber increasing the tempo and force of her taps.

Hoping she would lose interest he continued ignored her tapping despite the immense annoyance it brought him, however 10 minutes later Jewel was still persistently tapping on the chamber although by now it had changed from a gentle series of taps into a furious tempo like the sound of a herd of running horses, each tap flowing into the next almost without pause. Maintaining this pace, Jewel continued her relentless assault on the exterior of his incubator consumed by a child's insatiable curiosity for another 2 hour without pause. As they started to near the 3rd hour Broly felt he was nearing the very limits of his patience and just as he was about to say something Jewel suddenly stopped.

Relieved, Broly reflexively breathed a deep sigh of relief, unfortunately Jewel had only stopped tapping but was still observing him closely from the exterior of his incubator. As a Saiyan her eyesight like all Saiyans was very keen, hers was exceptionally so, so she easily noticed the sudden change in his breathing upon her abrupt cessation of tapping causing her to gasp aloud before a mischievous smile appeared on her beautiful face while her gem-like eyes began to radiate a playful glow.

"Ooh, now that's interesting! Your very interesting indeed Broly!"

Of course Broly realized his mistake the moment he made it however it had been reflexive and it had already happened so there was no point in worrying about it anymore. Still he disliked the obsessive look upon Jewel's lovely face for it caused her to have the appearance of a devoted hardcore stalker, a look he was unfortunately quite familiar with from his past life. Seeing her eyes blaze with the undying intent to uncover the wondrous mystery which lied before her as she once again pressed her face against the incubators glass-like surface caused him to sighed heavily as he realized she was now hooked and there was absolutely zero chance of dispelling her interest in him.

"Well, I guess I just have to deal with her, otherwise it will be impossible to train in peace from now on with her constantly investigating me." he thought pensively.

With this thought Broly suddenly opened his eyes while channeling a small amount of Ki into them causing them to glow malevolently and her to jump back in fright as she released a uncharacteristically for a Saiyan high-pitch squeal of fright. Channeling more Ki into his eyes he instantly increased their brightness before suddenly stopping causing his eyes to momentarily blaze with white light before returning to normal.

Seeing Jewel cowering on the ground recoiled in fear, Broly gracefully separated his hands and rested them on his thighs then began to study the annoying precocious beauty while wearing a stern expression on his childish face, his brow furrowed with vexation from having to halt his training. Like two powerful spotlights Brolys eyes roamed slowly from head to toe, examining Jewels physique and clothing for clues just like Sherlock Holmes allowing him to rapidly deduce several distressing facts about her and her personal life.

Noticing his extraordinarily piercing gaze which leisurely yet carefully examined her from head to toe seemed to cause Jewel to regain some of her courage and she quickly rose to her feet wearing a playful smile on her gorgeous face as she once again tentatively approached him before she suddenly stopped and made several slow flirtatious spins, pausing in several different poses to show off her good angles all the while giggling, her face glowing with mirth and the playfulness of youth. Halting her provocative display she moved even closer to the incubator then spoke, her voices like the sound of tinkling chimes.

"Well hello their Broly, I'm SUPER engineer Jewel, did you like my SUPER sexy dance? I could see you were checking me out you naughty boy so I decided to give you a better look. I wanted to show you all of my SUPER good points, "WINK" or were you looking at my SUPER special custom made uniform, it's from a planet of weaklings I discovered in the galactic database called Earth. Apparently all of their engineers and medical staff wear big coats like this and call them lab coats although only the medical staff have ones with this big red symbol on the back. I thought it was SUPER cool so I made my own but I added a few SUPER special additions to the original design. Anyways tell me why your body is in such a different stance then the other infants and how come your eyes suddenly went "FLASH" and why are they not going "FLASH" now and I also want to say I wasn't afraid and I definitely didn't scream, for I am a Saiyan and a SUPER engineer and that means I'm, like never afraid of, like anything, understand!? Wait, why am I even asking you this anyways, your only a stupid Saiyan infant and even if you could talk it would still be impossible for you to do so since your still inside your incubator."

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