
Chapter 22 Second half of Sunday

2 hours pass.

Marconi had to listen to his mom go on and on about running and her hobbies, while Marconi had fun blowing bubbles with his straw and glass of water. He even whistled a little with the straw (blow over the top as the water slides down), and made straw worms.

He ordered some obscure food as Marconi was feeling adventurous. Of course the burden laid on his father to finish the rest Marconi didn't eat while he ate his father's burger.

His mom ordered a salad so he obviously wasn't switching with her. As they came back home they took a small nap and Marconi finally got around to his homework slogging through it with large video and internet breaks in between.

He finally finished around 4:00 before he took his bike and rode out of the Neighborhood. Marconi doesn't have a phone yet, because of his asian mom. Nor a tv to occupy him, because asian mom.

So he rode out and went to the local park. He brought his pack of cards to the local TCG gathering called Absolute Territory. Each territory determined the monsters contained within the biome and certain biomes granted advantages. Grass was a fast spreading terrain although the creatures were weak. The strategy was to overwhelm and generate small nuisances early game to either crush or find time to develop. Others like space were harsh, but with a lot of RNG and luck was a build considered the gambler's gambit.

Marconi was an average player who stuck with sentimental value, his first and oldest card digital world. This terrain was fast paced and good resource development, but lacked variety and items to spend on.

After bringing a binder and his rubber band deck of cards. He just had to attach one to his bike to make that "zzzzz" Noise as he rode. He had a decent getup and he was the one of the older one of the kids. He was a leader figure in this group introducing and GMing a few games to get the younger kids started.

Then local Stacy Hirano shows up, Marconi has a small crush on her. Another fellow asian, she has black hair and is often found helping out her friend Candace. They duel pretty well and they have a lot of fun doing so.

Marconi just can't quite bring himself to close the gap from friends to boyfriend girlfriend. Whenever he tries he clams up and mentions something else. Stacy probably notices, but she probably wants to give him confidence. Marconi is thankful, but he knows he can't wait too long. (sorry I suck at romance, I hate teenage cringe and angst, but I still suck at writing)

Oh well, maybe next time. Marconi heads home happy to be with her, but saddened and his lack of willpower. He goes home and then sleeps soundly.

Cringey Romance attempt, good grief it's painful both to read, and to think that I wrote it. a shameful lesson that's stuck on the internet forever.

Michael_v1creators' thoughts
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