
Excited for Meeting

In Pune,

In Patel Family, everyone is happy about visiting the village. They are packing their bags and also buying some stuff to bring to the village. Grandpa and Grandma have given instructions to buy gifts for all the family members of his friend they are visiting.

The only family of the elder uncle is not going and the reason for that is that someone is needed in Pune to take care of business if an emergency arises. So, elder uncle, elder aunt and his elder son Arpit are not going to the village.

Akash does not do anything related with preparation for the journey and visit as he does not feel like doing anything and even packing of his clothes is done by his mother. Just a few more days and they will depart for Singrauli district in MP state. The village of that girl is there.

He puts himself in his grandfather's shoes and thinks it is really difficult for him to say No for a 10-year-old promise and he can only put all his hopes on that dumb village girl.

Akash made his full mental preparation on how he will tell her that he does not love her and is being forced into marriage against his own wishes and hope that girl will understand.

"She should not be so dumb to be caught in a loveless marriage," He thought.

He was still afraid of many things. What if that dumb girl did not understand his intentions? What if she is also stupid enough to not care if there is love or not?

"I should have visited the village a few times in the past. I should have known about this marriage then. At least I would have known how these dumb villagers think." Akash muttered to himself while lying on his bed. Because if knew how villagers think about love and marriage, he can deduce what the response of that girl would be. Or he can plan his words to make her say No.

He remembers that his sister Ira has already started calling that girl her sister-in-law. He felt annoyed remembering all the embarrassing situations at his home due to this marriage talk and said with gritted teeth "Village girl! I will give you one chance to prove that you are not so dumb after all. Just one chance."

After all these mental stress, Akash really felt frustrated and soon dozed off to sleep.


On the morning of the next day, about 1400 kilometers from where Akash is, In a village named Khirwa, a girl left her home enthusiastically and ran toward only grocery shop of the village.

This is the time of the early morning and the sun is rising. Today, she has slept until late because for a few days she is not able to sleep properly due to excitement in her heart. She is wearing a long girly shirt and bloomers. She is holding a shoulder bag in one hand and supporting her stole in another while running.

She reached the shop and shouted to the shopkeeper while gasping "Uncle! three Kg Sugar, three Kg jaggery, three bathe soaps and three cloth washing soaps." She handed her bag to the shopkeeper.

Shopkeeper laughed and said "Dear! Breathe first. Why are you running so fast? Heard your future husband's family is coming to visit. Is this preparation for that?" He also started preparing the packs of her order.

This girl is Varsha and she has come to buy some items from the shop. "Yes," She took a deep breath and said shyly.

"Oh oh, see our Varsha is suddenly feeling shy. I never knew there was something which can make her cheeks red. Ha ha ha" Another man sitting on the side said while laughing. Normally village people socialize too often. If someone is walking by and sees someone sitting, he or she will definitely go and say hi and spend some time doing chit chat. This person has just come to the shop and found Varsha and could not stop himself from joining the discussion.

Shopkeeper's wife who was carrying some vegetable to her home, came from the side and said while scolding playfully "Why don't you all let her be? You all do not know how much our Varsha was waiting for that day. She has shown the photo of that city boy to almost everyone in the village. If she is given the decision making power, she will marry the boy at the moment he enters the village."

Another passerby person also joined the discussion and said while laughing "I have heard that Varsha has used that photo as her protective talisman to ward off the evil people who came as matchmakers for her. Ha ha ha. To think that a photo can be used this way, Varsha has shown us a new way."

Varsha gave a hard look to that person and wife of the shopkeeper and both laughed. Varsha humphed. Meanwhile, her order was prepared and shopkeeper gave her bag to her with her ordered items filled in. Varsha looked at it and smiled, then she hung the bag on her shoulder.

"Of course they are coming on this Sunday. You all make fun of me. Once I marry in the city, you all will come to me and ask for help. Then I will do the accounts with you all." She giggled and said while walking briskly toward her home while holding the grocery bag on her shoulder.

Although Varsha is cheery from outside her heart is beating really fast. When her home came into view, she stopped to relax a bit and her smile was gone and there was a calm face. She looked toward rising sun and whispered "Everyone in the village thinks I am a good girl. Will you also like me?" She is in a daze standing on the alley to her house.

"It has been 10 years. I will not do anything to make you hate me." She shook her head and smiled. She started walking toward her home while humming one of her favorite songs.

So here we are. Both our leads have their own plan. He can not say No, So he wants her to say No. Girl is already happy enough and excited to see her future husband.

Village people are very simple minded and naive. But if they have promised something, they won't back off easily. I am also from an Indian village and my father is a farmer.

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