
Messy Auction

Ves rubbed his hands in clear anticipation of what was about to proceed.

He had already spent a lot of time on hyping up the value and utility of companion spirits. Through the use of words, archival footage and a bit of promotional artwork, many of the mechers and associates who had attended this closed session developed a strong appreciation of his work!

It was a rather odd sight. It was usually the mechers that looked down on second-raters. Now the situation had reversed because Ves introduced a product and a service that they could not provide themselves.

He had become one of the many associates that the Survivalists found worthwhile enough to befriend. Now, their efforts literally bore fruit as Ves answered their call in a time of need and offered a solution that could potentially strengthen all of red humanity in a way that no one could imagine!

This was all a part of a grand plan.

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