
Rekkar & Point Break

Venerable Joshua briefly recalled what he knew about his new challengers.

"The Rekkar and the Point Break. What an annoying combination."

The Rekkar was a solid medium space knight with a fairly balanced configuration. It was fast enough to keep up with its opponents in most duels but it was also sturdy enough to absorb a lot of hits. Its transphasic axe was strong enough to overcome defenses through repeated attacks.

What was notable about the Rekkar was that it was primarily designed by Master Zenie Bonakane. The Bubble Man's involvement meant it was all but guaranteed that the expert space knight would feature an incredibly powerful HiCap energy shield on top of a resonance shield!

The Point Break was a medium lancer mech that was designed by Master Contaro Aaken. This was an unusual combination because this particular Master Mech Designer happened to excel at designing kinetic artillery mechs!

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