
Life Can Kill

After his initial panic, Ves settled down to an extent.

Accidentally inventing a brand-new weapon of mass destruction was not that big of a deal in modern society.

Any microbiologist could formulate a killer virus that could take hold in the bodies of many humans and spread death on a large scale.

A physicist with enough resources and no scruples could secretly create a homebrew anti-matter bomb and detonate it on a planet and kill off an entire population.

A captain of a capital ship could hijack total control of a kilometers-long vessel and crash it straight into a bustling metropolis, thereby inflicting untold ruination.

In short, there were so many different ways to rerun the darker days of the Age of Conquest that it was quite remarkable how many people showed restraint in modern times.

The Big Two played a major role in making sure that a lot of smart and powerful people continued to abide by the rules.

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