
Transcending Existence

"How did they find out?!" A bedraggled-looking pirate commander complained as he tried to pilot his impressive-looking mech out of the secret entrance. "I shouldn't have accepted that blasted deal!"

Though the pirate looked worse for wear, that was because he hastily entered his mech in order to escape the sprawling pirate base built into the depths of one of the many floating planetoids of the Nyxian Gap.

Just an hour before, the pirate commander didn't look as scared as now.

Known to the cutthroat pirate community as Commander Nicolas Vortan and the leader of Vortan's Blades, he made a name for himself due to his excellent dueling skills!

Before he took over his current pirate organization, he risked his life for fame and riches by dueling others to the death for the entertainment of the depraved scum of the Gap!

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