
Reunion (1)

"We arr...rived!?" Said Randy as he surprised what he saw.

Angga team was the last team he had to rescue which meant Angga's location was the farthest from the camp had set up. It just about four to five hours since he departed, but the camp had changed.

The spot where supposed the camp was more like a village now. The camp now had a wall made of wood, there was a gate, and watchtower behind the gate. It completely changed, if not for the map showed this place the camp he had set up. Maybe he thought he was lost.

Randy knocked on the gate and shouted, "Open the Gate!"

"Who?" The people behind the gate responded.

Randy frowned, Happy Guild was the one who set up this camp. He sure all of his guild members recognized his voice, but the person behind the gate did not recognize his voice.

"Happy Guild!" It was Angga who replied. He did not know the detail of this camp. He thought the camp was built by the joint force.

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