
It's Time to Hunt

With one slice, Randy cut Orphi's head. After that, he dug Orphi's heart out and poured the Blood Essence into the special vial. After pouring the blood essence, Crimson Princess' melodious voice entered his ears.

"Hey, Private Guard, let's move out from here. Why would you take the blood essence now? Just take care the spoil later, we need to move out here fast,"

Even though Crimson Princess was urging him, Randy was not in a hurry. After finishing put the blood essences into the special vial, he stored the special and Orphi's dead body to his Storage System.

"Why are you in a hurry?" Randy approached Crimson Princess.

"Tsk," Crimson Princess clicked her tongue, "What an inexperienced Private Guard. You used your roar skill, there will be more Mythical Grade Beast coming here, so it's better we quickly go from here if we don't want to get surrounded by Mythical Grade Beast,"

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