
She Recognizes The Enemy

Robin was the last to open her eyes, staring at the man who was tied by Keith to a chair, watching him with clouded eyes. This man had plotted to kill her, just like they had...He was just like them..

Robin's eyes sharpened as she regained clarity. No. That time then and this instant now was something different. However, it was similarly horrifying. She clenched her fist and did what she couldn't do back then. She smiled.

Such a dazzling smile it was that both Keith and Christian were at a loss. Had an angel come down and possessed Robin? Keith's eyes glinted as he regained focus.

No, an angel's smile would not have this hidden sense of danger behind it. Even the soldier he was restraining was at a loss for words. But Keith knew about the hidden threat behind her smile. Robin was about to do something unexpected.

Christian was still dazed as he watched Robin approach the failed assassin, drawing her hand lightly along the edge of his jaw as she gazed into his eyes. It was strange. Although Christian was sure that Robin was a man, somehow this womanly action didn't seem to cause any sort of conflict with Robin's image.

Christian blinked and frowned. That line of thinking was dangerous. Was he still under the after effects of Jasmine's failed remedy potion? As much as he hated talking to Jasmine, he determined to double check with her later.

Robin looked into the man's eyes and started talking. "Hello, Trader." she said.

The man flinched, and tensed up. "No, I'm not-" He began.

"Shut up you, I know he's watching." Robin scoffed. "You are watching this, right? Right. Do you know who I am? Well of course, you don't. There's no way that you can know without me telling you.

But I am not going to tell you. I am going to show you what kind of person you tried to kill just now. And once I am done: then, and only then, will you know who you tried to deal with. So have fun snivelling under whatever rocky crag you crawled out of, you sorry excuse for a human being. Because when I find you, you won't have the nerve to even snivel anymore. Got that!? Good!"

Keith and Christian watched with confusion as Robin spoke to the man, then looked at each other. Had Robin snapped? But then, Robin used a spell that she hadn't even learned: high purify.

"Now get out of this man!"

Under the white light bathing down upon the man, he suddenly screamed. His voice seemined to be splitting in two. In fact, another voice soon became distinct. While earlier, they hadn't been able to see any magic, now-under the white light, a clear outline of a person separated itself from the man who was thrashing about in pain. Then the clear outline collapsed in upon itself as if sucked into a black hole, and dissappeared.

As soon as the man's outline disappeared, the man collapsed luke a puppet whose strings were cut. The man, though unconscious, was still breathing. Robin kept the spell running until he was sure that the man would be all right, then sat back with a tired sigh.


In a far off place, a man suddenly grabbed his head and bent over, moaning in pain.

"Sir, are you all right?" A manservant asked.

"It's nothing. I just bumped my head in the carriage, earlier." the man replied as he hissed in pain.

'It looks like I've hit an iron wall, this time.' the man thought ruefully. 'But, then again, things wouldn't be interesting without difficulties.'

"Huhuhu, Chase me all you want. the moment we meet is the moment I capture you forever. And then, nothing will get in the way of me knowing what pathetic sort of person you are! Ha ha ha ha!" the man muttered to himself.

his manservant was somewhat concerned about his master, and resolved to make an appointment with a doctor to get his master looked at.


"Gentlemen, is there such a thing as clear mana?" Robin asked.

Christian blinked there in a daze, not quite sure what had happened. But Keith's eyes flashed with recognition.

"Spirit magic?" He asked with a murmur, as if even he couldn't believe what he was saying.

"Spirit magic? What are you talking about?" Christian asked.

Keith rolled his eyes at Christian.

"Of course, you've never heard of it. You're too far south. But there is a legend in my homeland of a great magic user, Furan Siesa, who could tame any animal, and befriend any man. He was able to accomplish many magical feats, but no one was able to see his mana. But more modern theorists have claimed that perhaps there is a colorless mana that covers the spirit attribute-although research has not been able to prove it. That is, until now."

Keith raked his fingers through his hair and barked out a bitter laugh. "And to think, the first confirmed user had to be the trader!" He shook his head, then turned to look at Robin.

"How did you know, lad?"

Robin sighed. "The distortion." Christian and Keith looked at Robin blankly.

"Have you ever watched an area where very hot and very cold collides? the air seems to wiggle around a bit, like it's boiling. That is what I meant by distortion. The air around that man was highly distorted in my eyes. Did you not see it?"

Keith shook his head, and turned to look at Christian. "You?"

Christian frowned. "I didn't. But now I feel that Robin was right."

Robin closed her eyes. Then she laughed. "So, only I can see it, huh?" She glanced over at Christian. "Do you think the King and queen will be okay?"

Christian pulled out a paper and a pen. "They'll have to. It appears that high heal has an effect upon extracting this hidden menace, so the healer magicians will be working overtime for the time being." He wrote, quickly explaining the situation, and sealed the letter with his seal.

"Now, we need a trustworthy man to go send this back to my father." Christian frowned.

"As far as trustworthy goes..."Robin looked at the unconscious man in the chair.

"Him? Robin, you must be joking! He just tried to kill you! No way, what if he was already Trader's ally?" Christian denied. "It's not worth the risk!"

Robin glanced over at Christian, bemused. "I haven't said anything yet, though?"

"Although I may only have met you a week ago, do you think I wouldn't know that look in your eyes?" Christian asked, pointedly. Robin looked away.

"Ahah! I got you!" Christian grinned triumphantly.

Robin looked back at him. "Well, go ahead and choose, then. But that is, only if you can ensure he is not also possessed by using a high heal."

Christian paused, then pointed at himself.

"Me? perform a high heal? You're kidding, right?"

Robin shook her head. "My mana source needs to rest, I almost overdid things as it is with removing that bugger earlier. If it weren't because I was super mad, I don't think I'd be able to have pulled it off."

Christian blushed sheepishly as he recalled that Robin had only just connected to his mana source that day. After all the magic practise that he had done, to be able to perform a single high heal was already a near monumental feat. Christian cleared his throat, awkwardly.

"What about Jasmine? She should be able to-"

"Last I saw, Jasmine was sipping a glass of hard apple cider." Keith pointed out. "You know magic and alcohol don't mix."

Christian pointed at Robin.

"Then what about him? He also drank, you saw him!" he asked, frustratedly.

"Half a pint, yes. The other half doesn't count because it was cooked away inside the soup. Not to mention how long it has been since then, the effects on Robin should be minimal."

Christian put his face in his hand. "Keith, why does it sound like you agree with him? You're supposed to back me up!"

Keith put his hands up. "I make it a habit never to vote for the side that is bound to lose. Besides, at the very least, we don't know if this man truly is the Trader's ally. If he were Trader's ally, would he really need to be subjected to possession simply to prove his allegiance?"

At this point, the man moaned as he began to return back to consciousness.

You didn't think I'd leave you hanging until Thursday, did you? I hope you enjoyed it. Also, please join me on my server for the images I have drawn for this story. https://discord.gg/RgXSDYS

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