
This is a Rebellion... Right?

"Why don't we support the Empress. You all love her and have shown concern for her." Kyera pointed out logically but the other three seemed to hesitate before shaking their heads.

"It will cause issues with the Lions. We don't want to rock the boat too much." Tang pointed out with a nervous smile. Kyera stared at her for a long moment then at Mally who looked down at her curls in her hand. Lazren met her eyes with a look of 'what can we do' in his eyes. The common expressive note was defeat.

"No. Tell your clans we are making a stand. We will bow to another member of the royal family. Whether it be the Empress, Clovis, or the Emperor. We will not bow out or bow down to the Lion's decision." Kyera replied well aware of the importance of this decision. Not just to the girls, but the empire.

"Why?" Tang asked seeming dumbfounded.

"Because otherwise, the Lions win. Either way our votes don't count, unless we stand against them." Lazren pointed out following Kyera's train of thought. Not for the first time since she healed him, he acknowledged the wisdom of following her.

"Exactly. Just choose one of the three and bow to them. I won't make my decision till I am out there." Kyera explained and Tang looked at her oddly.

"wouldn't it matter more if we all bowed to the same person?" Tang asked curiously. She knew they were outnumbered by the Pride and it didn't make sense to split their vote 3 ways.

"No. We are not competing to support one person above the pride pick. We can't because we are a smaller force." Kyera explained patiently. Mally frowned.

"Then aren't we bringing needless pain onto ourselves for too little gain?" Mally asked honestly a bit lost by these comments. The risk here was high and she couldn't help but wonder if Kyera realized that.

"Risk? What Rebellion is without risk? They go hand in hand, Mally. That's what I've been trying to tell you." Lazren jumped in before Kyera could speak. Mally still seemed unsure.

"But what can we really accomplish by this?" Mally asked trying to think logically and weigh the cost against the gains. This time Kyera spoke up, her golden eyes alight with passion.

"What we can do is show loyalty to who we choose and prove you don't have to be mindless followers. We can show we have our own decisions and we will make them." Kyera pointed out as she took another long, deep sip of tea. It was just warm enough to soothe her throat and rejuvenate her body. The other two thought for a moment, Lazren already behind Kyera's plan. "The Rebellion needs to take back their voice."

A while passed as they pondered, each word having landed heavily on both women's shoulders. Mally and Tang had been here longest. They were the seeds of revolution in this forest. However, neither had made a decision quite this bold before. It was new, exciting and completely terrifying. It all came down to whether or not they trusted Kyera's judgement.

"Alright, I will alert the Rebellion." Mally agreed finally, standing up to go make her rounds. Kyera nodded at her, smiling at her friend. There was hope in Mally's eyes, ever so faint but the spark was there.

"And I will Alert the Ursa Clan. We will follow your lead, Kyera Shade of the Moon." Tang assured before following Mally out the door. A hint of worry still followed her sent but, Kyera was fairly sure it would be fine. There was no more discussion to be had. They had to find their voices, and it seemed Kyera was the key to that box.

"If there is fall out?" he asked once both girls were out if earshot. Kyera's face darkened.

"When there is fall out, I will deal with him and his pride. It's time we bring the forest here, since we can not return to the forest." Kyera replied smoothly. She didn't bother with if. There would be fall out. She stood and stretched setting the tea cup carefully back in its holder.

"Then I will have your back, my Lady." Lazren replied before shifting form and dashing into the trees.

Kyera smiled and found her way to the bed. The bunk was just how she had left it. Made, the soft blanket she had been given laying over the frame. She missed her ruby and gold blanket and its soft, plush embrace. With a soft sigh, Kyera shifted form and curled up as a tiger in the blankets.

Here is chapter 2 for tonight, my lovely readers. thank you for giving this book a chance and I hope you come along for the ride as we continue forward.

Valinteenacreators' thoughts
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