
Escalation of a choice

Several slams of a mallet came down, "Order, the HeadMistress demands order!" Someone called out to which those in the stands seemed to quiet down. The limelight showed over Riyku who was standing trail it would seem. "Riyku Von Rosario, do you know why you are here?" The HeadMistress called out in a strong tone. Riyku would nod instantly to which the woman would begin, "Good. You stand here because of your actions. You hospitalized seven members of the track team of which most will never be capable of running again thanks to you. So tell me, why have you done this?"

Riyku would nod lightly. "Of course. It was part of my condition since I lost the match against Mina." The woman's brow rose with interest. "To beat up those seven members?" She questioned to which Riyku would shake his head. "To protect her, to protect Skylar... no matter the consequences." Riyku stated firmly. "So what are you saying is you have to do everything within your power to keep those two safe?" She reaffirmed his statement. "Yes." Riyku would reply. "Even if it meant going against myself or even the military?" The HeadMistress added as if to test his resolve. "Yes," Riyku replied even more firmly than before. Whispers began to echo throughout the chamber and even The HeadMistress' interest was piqued more than before.

"Did you know that she was going to be violated?" The HeadMistress asked to which Riyku nodded. "They told me of their obligation," Riyku replied. "And that Skylar was going to be killed?" She added to which Riyku nodded silently. "So, you will stand in their path of an unfulfilled condition?" She questioned in which Riyku nodded silently once more, but the bold resolve in his eyes stood firm. A heavy sigh parted the woman's lips. "I already questioned others of this incident when you came to my office. They seem to have backed you up. Now judging from what you've told me, it would seem that your condition is everlasting as long as Mina and Skylar live; of course, that means if Mina were to fulfill her condition you would have to step in. So to resolve this; we will cancel both games. The win to loss will stay on the record as well as the points won and loss; however, the conditions will be called off." The headmistress stated to which Riyku nodded "With that said..." The woman seemed to have been scheming since a smirk curled across her face.

"There is still your punishment." Riyku knew that something was off. Everything seemed to have been going too smoothly for him. "You will be forced to participate in this year's Death Games. You may work alone or with a team; however, you must be placed within the top three by the end of the Games. If you are below anything but those three places you will be stripped of your status as a Gamer and be reduced to nothing but a Slave, your life will be forfeit and you will be no longer considered human." The headmistress stated firmly. "I guess I don't have a choice, do I." Riyku made the statement and not a question. "Of course not." She seemed to answer anyway. The surrounding jury began to chatter and converse aloud. Since it was becoming far too noisy the woman slammed the mallet hard which seemed to call for Order and they followed soon. "Very well. I had already planned on joining anyway." Riyku would turn on his heel before stopping to glance back at her. "First place will be mine," Riyku stated firmly before leaving the courtroom. Pushing past the doors he was greeted with two groups. One being Kristen, Mina, Lira, and Barron. The other being Rick, Jessica, Mel, Eden, and Nora.

"Riyku!" Mina shouted in tears as she threw herself at him. "I'm sorry. I am so sorry!" She began to cry out. Taken by surprise the male didn't know what to do. Though his body seemed to instinctively yet hesitantly wrap his arms around her and brush her hair gently. "Are you alright?" Kristen questioned to which Riyku nodded. "Hey man... Your friends here told us what happened. When we saw you lost we didn't know what to think so we investigated which lead us to them." Rick spoke out in a worried tone. "You beat up some assholes. Good on you." Jessica called out. "I seem to have misjudged you," Nora added to which Mel nodded softly while Eden seemed to do the same silently. "So what happened?" Lira asked the question that all of them seemed to what to know.

"Nothing special. The conditions for both games were called off, but the points and win to loss ratio were kept active. In addition to that, I am forced into the Death Games." Riyku replied; to which Rick's group seemed surprised even Barron was surprised. "But you were already going to do that, so what's the difference?" Lira inquired in which Riyku nodded. "Well, I need to score within the top three. Otherwise, I'm stripped of all my rights as a human and reduced to nothing but a slave." Riyku told them, Mina's grasp around him seemed to tighten as if she were trying to apologize and comfort him at the same time.

"Damn..." Rick stated softly as he looked away. "The Death Games eh? I mean we were thinking of partaking." Rick added to which everyone looked at them. "But, we don't know what kind of games they are," Nora added for him to which his group nodded. "It's fine." Riyku could tell that Rick wanted to help him. "I work alone anyway. Always have." He added. Kristen seemed to look away slightly, still bothered by what had happened between them last night. Lira had noticed this but did not say anything. Meanwhile, Rick was about to inquire about it until, "Well, it's getting late. I am off. Riyku don't think this changes our deal." Barron stated to which Riyku nodded. "You all should get some shut-eye too. We still have classes tomorrow." Barron stated before taking his leave.

"Yeah... We are gonna go too. If you need anything give us a call Riyku, We'll help you the best we can." Rick stated before taking his crew with him leaving the three of them. "Mina..." Riyku spoke softly to her, to which she seemed to cling tighter. "I'll see you back in the room. I and Lira need to go over things with our teammate Vex." Kristen stated before taking Lira who nodded a goodbye. This just left him and Mina now. "Mina they are gone, it's time to go," Riyku stated to which Mina shook her head. "It's my fault. You are in this position now because of me. You hardly even know me and look at where I got you." She seemed to speak through soft sobs, though her voice was muffled since her face was buried in his chest. What she said was true. He didn't even know her, but something inside of him caused him to react in such a manner.

"And?" Riyku stated firm which caused her to look at him as he looked down at her. "Do I seem that heartless? To let you be raped and let your brother die? You said so yourself that I wasn't anything like my background had me to be. You said so yourself that I am someone who protects others. Or did you forget?" Riyku seemed to have given a soft expression with a gentle and warm voice.

"That's different." Mina would retaliate. "We aren't even friends. There is nothing you even know about me. I am just some stranger to you." She added to which Riyku shook his head. "Then I guess that would make us Friends now. I'll have to find out more about you and learn more about you as well." Riyku's voices seemed to have caused tears to run down her face softly. "Why?" She asked as she clung to his clothes tightly. "Because..." His words caught in his throat; why was he acting this way? What was going on with him? "You are special." The words came forth, though not from his mind, his soul it would seem. He had yet to realize what he just said until she looked at him with a bright face. "R-really?" She added to which Riyku would smile gently and wipe her tears with a soft nod. "Of course. I'll walk to your dorm." And indeed he did, the two seemed to converse about many things, but it was mainly Mina talking about her life and childhood as well as Skylar.

Once he dropped Mina off he would return to his dorm room to where he kicked off his shoes and stumbled forward. "Again..?" The male muttered as he released a heavy breath. "Riyku?" Kristen called out "Back so soon?" Riyku called back; the lights were not on it seemed to which Riyku flipped the switch to see Kristen in some kind of black laced underwear. Her face instantly flushed brightly before Riyku flipped the switch off and hastily moved past her though she would tackle him onto his bed. His back slammed firmly against the soft blanket as he looked up at Kristen who was now straddled on top of him. From the moonlights rays through the peaks of the curtain, Riyku could see her soft colorful flesh matched perfectly with her black lace underwear and bra. "What are you doing?" He inquired firmly.

Kristen would place a hand upon his chest as she leaned closer to him, her face burning brightly. "I want to know." Her tone was rather soft, though only seemed audible to the two of them. "Know what?" Riyku replied. A solid moment passed before a gulp came from Kristen, "Why you are all alone. Why you have all of these scars. Why you seem soo... empty." She would trail her fingers over his shirt and unbutton the buttons before running her hands along his flesh softly. Tracing the scars on his chest softly. "You don't have to straddle me for that information." Riyku would retort to which Kristen shook her head. "You are hiding something. You appeared cold towards me during out bout, but then you go and save Mina. It appeared as if you didn't know her until today either. Your choices are unbefitting of who you make yourself appear to be. There is something more to you..." Kristen stated softly as she leaned even closer, now gazing into his eyes with her own. "It's mystifying. You have no memory of your past, yet your body is rigged with pain. Your soul seems to be in pieces..." She whispered softly.

Riyku's arms began to twitch; why was he just laying there? He wasn't pushing her off, nor indulging in her. "You said last night, you would rather partake of a woman instead of doing it yourself. Then partake of me..." She would press her lips to his, a firm kiss locked between them. Her eyes staring deeply into his eyes for a moment longer before closing softly. She felt her heart in her chest tighten and her face burns brightly. Riyku's eyes closed half-heartedly, he didn't understand why she suddenly became this way. Was it because of his Charmer skill? Or was she genuinely interested in him? She had been acting strange since that moment she found out about him. Speaking of which, why did he tell her? So many questions, yet no answers. However, he did reach up to give her a gentle push away to break their kiss. "Why?" Riyku inquired softly to which Kristen smiled softly at him. "I don't know. Though whenever I see you, my chest feels tight. When I hear your voice I just want to listen to it all day. Being in your presences makes me happy. Thinking about you is all I have been doing lately. I don't know why all of this suddenly happened, but It did. I guess I want to confirm everything." Kristen stated to which Riyku closed his eyes in thought for a moment.

"You just met me. We were fighting yesterday, and now you want to have sex with me. You do realize what you are saying right?" Riyku inquired to which Kristen nodded and grasped his hand placing it under her bra against her breast so he could feel her heartbeat. It was rapid; going at an extreme pace as if she was nervous or something. Was it the Charmer skill? That question came to mind again. "Yes. I do realize what I just said. Still, something is burning inside me. Drawing me towards you. I need to find out why." For whatever reason, the moonlight that graced their flesh seemed to excite the atmosphere of this intimate moment. Slowly opening his eyes the male would slip a hand around her waist to pull her in closer. "Very well, remember this was your choice. I am not liable for whatever feelings you gain after this." Riyku stated firmly; yet even that standoffish demeanor was not enough to push Kristen away.

For a moment the two stared at each other; before Kristen leaned forward pressing her lips against his. Riyku's hand that was cupped or more so pushed against Kristen's breast would massage it firmly; the tips of his fingers digging into the flesh yet seemed to be tender enough to not cause any harm. His other hand seemed to smoothly run up her back, to her shoulder then down her arm before moving towards her thigh. A soft muffled moan would escape from her lips from his touch. Their lips parted from the lip lock to where she would rise up, unbuckle her bra and remove it to allow her bust to drop down. They appear far more round than he had at first thought; her face brightened by the gaze he gave her was just as pink as the perky nubs.

"You don't have to stare..." She whispered softly as if embarrassed. "Would you rather I avert my gaze?" Riyku teased which caused her to groan lightly before quickly leaning down to nip at his neck. Kissing the flesh softly at first as if to get him back. Her hand smoothly running along his chest; feeling every inch of it she could while traveling towards his pants. Unzipping them so she could stuff her hand inside and pull out a warm length. Her hands gracing the horse of a meaty shaft would blink several times before she cooed. "Well, there is where all that confidence comes from." She whispered into his ear as she nipped it. Riyku wasn't going to just sit here and let her do as she pleased now that she was stroking him firmly. His hands would run up her thighs to her rear cheeks; before massaging them firmly; pulling them and pushing them as well as moving them all around in every direction possible. It appeared quite pleasing to her for whatever reason; however, the more she dove into the pleasure the tighter her grasp behind. And to react the rougher Riyku's handling of Kristen's rear had become.

A soft moan escaped her lips to which Riyku would maneuver in a fashion where he would kiss at her collar bone up her neck and around to the other side. The sensation was driving her further into her carnal desire to the point where she released the meaty rod of his and push off of him. Her eyes filled with lust seemed to steam over his body though. The expression on her face caused Riyku to smirk as if he knew exactly what he did. "You... Did that on purpose." She panted through excited breaths. "Of course, nothing wrong with a little foreplay. It looks like you are ready though." He mused as he watched her position herself just over him. Holding his rod up as she slowly slid herself down upon it. The tip of his shaft touching her lips was more than enough to cause a soft muse than as it broke through a soft squeal came. It wasn't until he had fully pierced through her did her mouth open wide with a pleasuring cry. For a solid moment, there was no movement on both ends. The tightness that Riyku felt was shown in the form of a pleasing expression. "S-so warm... Y-you are so warm." Her voice hicked softly as she dared to speak. "And you are tight." The male mused with a pleasant voice. His hands moving to her thighs while his eyes looked up at her.

"This isn't your first time, now is it?" The male called out as if to confirm the on record virginity of Kristen, to which the woman nodded softly. "It's been a while though. I haven't had the shape of a man in a long time." The woman seemed to spew forth as she slowly began to rock her hips. "You are still young... Don't tell me..." Riyku inquired softly to which she shook her head. "No. It was of my own volition. I thought that boy actually liked me, but it turns out he just wanted to do me." Kristen replied as she steadily began to pick up the pace. Riyku would aid her keeping her from moving around too much with his hands on her thighs; "Bummer, then again if it was how you thought, you wouldn't be in this position." Riyku teased her lightly with a quick jolt from his lower hips to seep his meaty rod further inside of her for a moment. The sudden movement caused her to squeal in pleasure arching her back to allow his shaft to pierce further in while picking up the pace. "S-so good. I-I don't care about him. His L-L-Loss!" She cried in pleasure as she felt Riyku's tip smack against her womb. The sensation drove her crazy; her body picking up the pace only caused her tip of Riyku's member to rapidly slam against her womb.

"And... your gain," Riyku spoke through a rut as he moved his hands up to her hips to aid in rocking her back and forth at an even faster pace. To add to this, Riyku would jolt his body at the perfect moment which caused his shaft to pierce through her womb but only at the moments of the jolt. Each time he jolted his body the tip would pierce through instead of stay inside. "G-god! Yes!" Kristen cried in pure pleasure. "Fill me! Give it to me!" She seemed to have lost herself to the pleasure already. It was then text appeared in front of Riyku's face.

'Extra Skill acquired: Playmate Lv.9'

'Extra Skill acquired: Perfect Partner Lv.6'

Though his eyes were more focused on the woman's pleased facial features than the actual text that appeared before him which vanished soon after it appeared. "Fuck me, more! More! More!" She shouted in cries of pleasure. Riyku arched upward; moving his arms to her backside to stabilize her and his mouth to her own. Thanks to the sitting position they were in, Kristen was now bouncing on him as best as possible and of course, Riyku would juggle her perfectly. She seemed to moan endlessly into the kiss of lustful passion. Beads of sweat would soon slip off their bodies and the scent of musk would fill the air shortly after. For a good moment, it was like that until Riyku forced her upon her backside. Lifting her legs over his shoulders he had been careful not to pull out from her. Slowly he would push himself deeper inside of her; this seemed to have caused a long drawn at moan. His hands moved to massage her breast; one for each it would seem. "Mmm..." She moaned softly as he played with her pink nub. Twisting it, twirling it and pulling at it ever so lightly as he rocked his hips slowly. Digging himself inside of her steadily.

The soft sensation seemed to have caused her to climax suddenly since her body began to jolt rapidly and wildly. Salvia drizzled down her lips as she ushered a cry of pleasure while her body did its wild dance before her body hit the blanket once more. "Releasing soo soon? We've just got started. Kristen..." Riyku spoke softly as he stared deeply into her pleased filled eyes. "F-for real?" She thought he was joking until he started rocking his hips rapidly. Squeals of pleasure soon left her mouth and that was when she knew it would be a long night.

Drenched in sweat and panting heavily; Kristen would eye the clock to see it was sometime after five now. Her face upon Riyku's chest as she looked up at him exhausted. "I don't even know... How many times I went, and you... you came inside of me three times... and you are still this hard." She spoke through heavy breaths to which Riyku smirked at her. His hand came up to brush her hair softly. "You appear too tired to continue... We can pick this up another time." Riyku seemed to be catching his breath though. "Yeah... I'd like that." She soon passed out on top of him to which he would chuckle lightly before closing his own eyes. Darkness soon consumed him and he ventured into a deep sleep.

His eyes blinked open, the vision was blurry but when it cleared up he took note that he wasn't in the same room. Kristen wasn't beside him either. "Again?" He called out; though the voice only seemed audible to him and his lips did not move. It was another dream it would seem. His perception changed as his body got up out of the bed only to be greeted by two children. "Leslie, Lan... Good morning." He would ruffle the children's hair with a warm smile. "Good morning, Papa." They both stated on sync. "Already up, Darling?" A voice called out from the door frame to which the male looked up to see a woman standing against it; to Riyku's surprise, the woman resembled Kristen quite a bit. A chuckle escaped the male's lips. "I did get some wonderful rest thanks to a certain someone." He replied. "Come on kids, help set the table. Your father needs to get ready. He has a big day today." The woman called warmly to which the kids nodded and call back to their mother before scurrying out the door. The male would smile softly as he approached the woman, moving to place a soft kiss upon her lips. "You know I can always help you out around here." He stated softly into the kiss. "You do enough for me as it is, Darling." The woman replied through the kiss before leaving the doorway and heading off. It seemed that this dream wouldn't last long though since Riyku was already drowning in darkness.

When his eyes opened up again; he saw Kristen still happily asleep. His hues shifted towards the clock which indicated a rather late time. "Taking a day off should be fine," Riyku whispered softly as he brushed Kristen's hair gently. Seeing her happy expression caused a smile curl across his face before he closed his eyes to relax. "Good morning, User Riyku. You seemed to have had quite a night. Though it isn't unexpected." Coco's voice poured into his mind with a giggle. Instead of replying verbally, he used mental communication just so he wouldn't wake Kristen up. "What do you mean?" Another giggle left Coco. "You know what I mean. After all, the memories of your past lives reside in your soul." These words... he already knew he could look into his previous lives through dreams, but not by choice. An internal sigh escaped his lips, "I truly do not understand. What do my past lives have to do with my present life?" Riyku inquired; to which Coco seemed quite confused, "You don't remember the initiation that the system granted you?" Initiation? What Initiation? He didn't know what she was talking about one bit. "Wait, you really don't remember? Do you remember anything from that day?" She inquired to which Riyku thought for a solid moment. "I remember, all the events, but many things that have to do with how I woke up are super hazy as well as what happened just before my collapse," Riyku replied to her question. "I see... To confirm my thoughts; Do you remember anything in full detail of your past lives? I did tell you that you would recall your past lives in dreams, but you should have full memory regardless thanks to your link with your soul." Coco stated to which Riyku could only answer with, "No." That was after briefly trying to remember anything. "I was afraid of this. When you collapsed after meeting with Kristen I found a Virus in the system. When I went through the final check after rebooting your system; everything was all clear. So I figured it was just an abnormal residue response from your awakening; however, as I looked through your menus. The fact that there was a tab that was never meant to be there before that had to do with your 'Soul's memory fragments' was meant that you can not recollect anything from the past lives of your violation. To further back up this theory; almost all of your skills were erased which should not have happened to begin with. This would also explain your behavior since you woke up." Coco seemed to explain to which Riyku found surprising.

"So you are saying, this Virus or whatever reset everything that had to do with my previous lives?" Riyku inquired. "Well yes and no. It seems that it could not erase everything. I've dug into the System archive, but there is no information on this matter. Furthermore, I have come to the conclusion that this Virus was attached to your soul before the reawakening process as if to prevent any recollection of your former lives." Coco seemed to explain her theory in full. If what she said was correct; then that would explain why he did not understand the majority of his actions thus far. "But why?" He quizzed to which Coco could not give him a direct answer. "Perhaps to prevent you from doing anything." This answer was not something Riyku took lightly. He had been wondering why he was here, why he was reborn and why he had this system. If Coco's theory was true; then whatever or whoever placed this Virus on him knew this would happen and tried to prevent it. "User Riyku, It is best not to think too hard on this matter. For now, you should focus on trying to collect all of your memory fragments and regain all of your lost skills." Coco stated in order to break up Riyku's train of thought. For his own sake if nothing else.

"Well, I can regain the fragments through dreams; but what of lost skills? You said they were erased." Riyku stated in confusion. "They are, but you can always restore them or you can learn new skills. When you 'Acquire' a skill it means you restored it, when you 'Learn' a skill it means it is brand new; and was not from your previous life." Well, that explained the difference between Learned and Acquired; he had wondered about it but never really gave it much thought. Speaking of skills, Riyku did gain a couple of skills last night but was far too into his activity to pay much attention to them. Since he did not wish to wake Kristen who was happily sleeping; he opened the menu via mental link upon his UI. Going towards the skills tab he greeted with such a page on his UI:

Passive Skills:

Way of the Fighter Lv Max- Having trained through many lifetimes, experienced many battles and overcame several life or death situations. You have burned into your soul the ability to fight. Your body will instinctively take up arms or shields in whatever situation that comes forth.

Swordsmanship Lv1- 'Your trust in your blade will run as deep as the experience you gain through such.' +5 Strength when using swords

Gunslinger Lv1- 'One of many tools one will use in their lifetime will be a ranged weapon. As you train you will come to realize your hard work will not go unnoticed.' +3 Agility +2 Strength when using any form of ranged weapon.

Arcane Seeker Lv1- 'Your thirst for knowledge is boundless. You seek that of which many fail to do. The more you learn of the Arcane Arts; the stronger your bonds with them will become.' +3 Wisdom +3 Intelligence when using an Arcane Weapon.

Spearman Lv1- 'Guns and Swords are not the only weapons at one's disposal. Staves have always been used by both the warriors and the mages. As such, what you put in will be what you get out.' +1 Strength +1 Agility +1 Toughness +1 Intelligence +1 Wisdom when using a Staff of any kind.

Cultivator Lv3- 'Your rigorous body is the main reason you are able to stand strong.' Shield Points will recharge over time. Getting at least six hours of sleep will fully recharge your Shield Points. Getting eight hours of sleep will apply a bonus of 100 Shield Points.

Spiritual Bond Lv2- 'Your profound knowledge of the existing elements around allows you to deepen your pool of mana' Mana points will recharge over time. Getting six hours of rest will fully recharge your Mana. Getting eight hours of rest will expand your Mana Pool by 200 points for four hours.

Silver Tongued Lv6- 'You have quite the way with words. You can talk your way out of any mess or into one if you so desire'

- Intimidation Lv4- You are capable of striking fear into another, be it man or monster. **Does not work on Boss Level Monsters or Mini-Boss mobs!**

- Persuasion Lv3- You are capable of talking your way into makings things lean in your favor. **Does not work on Boss Level Monsters or Mini-Boss Mobs!**

- Seduction Lv8- Be it man or woman; you can smooth talk your way into getting whatever you want. Bonus applies to those with little resistance to Charm.

Charmer Lv8- 'You are quite the Ladies' Man.' Women, are naturally easier to attract and reason with. Bonus applies to those around your age group or older.

- Playmate Lv.9- You know your way around a woman's body. Your touch alone can start a fire in their groin. Just make sure you can keep up when all is said and done. +900 Energy when engaging in sexual activities.

- Perfect Partner Lv.6- With expertise in the bed comes great responsibility afterward. Thankfully, you are sterile. **You can adjust your Semen production and fertility in the body menu.**

Guardian Angel Lv.1- 'You are the protector of those who you call comrades.' Doubles Strength, and Agility while protecting any allies within 10 meters of your person.

Active Skills:

Shadow Step Lv.5- Travel through the shadows at rapid speeds. Consumes 20 mana.

Blink Lv. 3- Teleport a few meters in any given direction. Consumes 15 Mana.

Death's Embrace Lv. Max- Call forth to the elements around you to bring forth a typhoon of destruction. Consumes 400 Mana and 200 Energy.

Weapon Summon Lv. Max- Bring forth any weapon from your arsenal. Does not consume anything.

Weapon Return Lv. Max- Calls back any weapon not in your hand; into your hand or inventory. Can always be used to store your weapons that are in hand too. Does not consume anything. **Not capable of summoning locked or restricted items, weapons or armor!**

Well, that would explain one of the main reasons as to why Kristen was quite... enthusiastic last night as well as his endurance to maintain the activity throughout the evening. It would also help in answering the age-old question; 'Am I pregnant?' 'Is she pregnant?' Though there were two more skills there he had not seen before. When he thought on it, he did recall using the shadows to travel during his bout to protect Mina and Skylar so maybe it was then that he gained those skills. Closing out the menu via the mental link he would close his eyes and sigh softly. There was soo much to do; from tracking down his memories to acquiring or learning new skills. Now he also had to compete in the Death Games and prepare for that; of course, he knew he had plenty of time to prepare. Just a matter of when and how he was going to do it. He never did get any information on when the Death Games started, but he needed to register by the end of the day.

A soft muse came from beside him as he felt a slight movement coming from under the blanket. His eyes opened and shifted to see Kristen's own hues gazing upon him. "So it wasn't a dream." She spoke softly to which Riyku gave a bit of a confused look. "Last night. I figured it was all a dream. I honestly, did not expect anything to turn out the way it did; but once you started touching me... I just lost myself." Her face became slight tinted in pink though she seemed to crawl up to him. Her forehead placed gently on his own as she gazed deeply into his eyes. A frown formed suddenly before a soft sigh released from her lips. "I guess it won't be so easy." She whispered lightly; though Riyku still seemed confused. "What are you talking about?" He questioned before she shook her head and changed her frown to a light smile. "Nothing. Good morning I should say." She suddenly pressed her lips to his own. Cupping her hands against his cheeks lightly as she did her eyes seemed to close softly.

Riyku seemed to have responded with his own smooch; before she moved off of him to proceed to the bathroom. "Well, we won't be going to school today. So, let's take a stroll around town. I'm going to shower. You are more than welcome to join me, Riy." Kristen seemed to cut his name short by a few letters as she stopped at the doorway to glance at Riyku. "If I did, I couldn't guarantee you nor myself would be cleansed." He responded to her teasing remark to which she giggled. "I wouldn't mind." She added as she seemed to have left the door open. The sound of water running soon came from the bathroom and with that steam as well. Riyku sighed heavily and shook his head. "This woman." He figured she had done this on purpose in order to entice him to join her. Getting up the male would make his way towards the bathroom. Though came to a halt when a ringing sound came from his wristband. "Hm?" He released a hushed breath as a screen pop up from the chip with an answer and decline button along with the text 'Skylar Novaa is trying to contact you...' Pushing upon the answer button a video feed from the upper chest and upward revealed Skylar who was laying in a hospital bed it seemed. "Oh!? I-I'm sorry, I didn't know you were about to bathe. I figured you were on break at school!" Skylar seemed to fumble over his words making note of Riyku's naked middle to the upper torso and onward.

"You doing alright?" Riyku inquired seeing the state Skylar was in, all wrapped up and bandaged like some kind of mummy. "Yeah. I can let you go." Skylar stated to which Riyku shook his head and leaned against the wall beside him. "No need. I took the day off today anyway. I need to prepare for the Death Games." Riyku replied to which Skylar seemed to give an apologetic look. "I'm--" Riyku cut off Skylar, "Don't. Mina told me a bit about you and how you view me as a Friend. So naturally, I would come to your aid." Those words seemed to bring life to Skylar to smiled warmly. "Thank you." He stated softly. "No need. I am assuming you heard everything from Mina?" Riyku questioned to which Skylar nodded. "I did. If you need a Teammate I'll become your teammate." Skylar stated firmly to which Riyku shook his head. "In your condition? Nope. Just rest and watch over me." Riyku replied, of course, it wasn't what Skylar wanted to hear, but he sensed that Riyku would be just fine. Besides Riyku was right; the condition he was in was... well not fit for the Death Games.

"Gonna leave me here all by myself? How boring..." Kristen's voice called from the bathroom to which Skylar perked up. "Are you with someone?" Skylar inquired to which Riyku shook his head. "I wouldn't say with, but yes," Riyku stated to which Skylar blinked before his face became tint. "I-I see. Sorry to have intruded!" Skylar hastily pushed the end button which cut the video feed off and the screen disappeared back into the chip. Riyku chuckled lightly but somehow felt that something would later come back to bite him. Well, for now, he would just attend to Kristen and her 'needy' ways. "Did you think you could get away with teasing me?" Riyku stated as he entered the shower to a glistering wet Kristen who stared up at him, wrapping her arms around his neck and bringing her self closer to him in general. "I got what I was after." Kristen corrected him to which he snickered and moved a hand to her rear; grasping a full cheek and pushing her closer against his body. The other hand moved to her mid-back to aid in bringing her as close as possible before he leaned over to brush his lips against her ear. Her face tinted red as she moaned softly, "Do it." Steam filled the shower quickly; thanks to the heat from the water and soon followed the sweet succulent moans of a woman.

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