
Life in Death

As I laid on the cold hard ground, I counted my last few breathes and moments in this world. The sword was pulled from my chest, the pain unbearable. Knowing that this would be my first and only battle was insurmountable. The soul-crushing pain of being unable to keep my promise, to protect my king. Bleeding out, I could hear the faint sound of the enemy army cheering.

"Weak." Was grunted above my unmovable corpse. The enemy general walked over my body towards the king intent on killing him. My body moved on its own, I grabbed the generals exposed ankle, fully hoping to give my king the time to escape.

"What? I killed you! Stay down weakling!" Shouted the enemy general. He proceeded to kick me repeatedly, I did not waver. He kept kicking, eventually finding it ineffective. In one swift motion he took his sword swung it into my skull. Finally finishing me off.

Something different happened, something unlike that which I had been told before. I was told when you die, you go to heaven or hell, well this was something completely unique. It was as if time stopped entirely. I felt a warmth erupt from my body, my spirit was being removed from my corpse. I started floating upwards.

Color slowly started evaporating from everything, even though my spirit was free from my body, time was still frozen. I looked over at the sight of the enemy general's sword raising up for an attack on my king. Time was still at a standstill and color still pouring from everything into the air and dissipating. I attempted to look at my body. I was just a floating body less soul, warm and pure.

Sadness gushed over me, knowing that I, the knight's captain, had failed my one job; protecting the king. Being in this soul form, I felt immense sadness and pain. I was incapable of crying or providing any emotion. There was one feeling although, the feeling of not being alone. Sensing the same warmth I felt when my soul left my body, I searched for this warmth.

The soul came from the ominous hole of light, which was produced shortly after the color dissipated earlier. It approached me as if it had known me my entire life, with such a reminiscent warmth. Looking upwards I saw the other soul but, there was a severe difference in the warmth. I could almost see the souls life, their entire being.

There was a humming sound as the soul approached me, feeling me with the distinct feeling of being embraced by a loving parent. It was like it was speaking to me in a foreign tongue. I focused on the humming and it became words. What were these words?

"Do you wish to save your king?"

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