




Lako kept ramming his fist into the wall over and over again, while everyone else in the room remained completely quiet.

"Are they trying to fuck me over? Eight! Fucking eight!"

Taking several deep breaths Lako turned to Kakar.

"We get paid for every round it advances if it can't make it out of the cages we don't get anything! What are its chances of making it to at least the first round?"

Kakar paused for a moment before answering.

"I'm honestly not sure, without knowing who's gonna be in the cages I can't say for certain"



Without waiting for a response a green lizard walked in with a big smile on its face walking in with open arms

"Lako Mako! How are you! I heard about your human that's too bad!"

When they saw his face Lako's face went straight while Mako had a small smile.

"Kaz, What do you want?"

"Hey now, why are you like this? I was pretty upset with you guys before because you stole a spot from me but now I heard that my guys gonna get a chance after all"

When they heard this Lako and Makos expression changed.

The lizard who just walked in hadn't participated in the past three competition because he was raising up a beast, this was something that everyone knew but no one knew what that beast was.

Seeing how happy he was meant that he must've brought that beast with him and if he brought him trump card then if the other eight knew about this they would bring out theirs as well.

The leader of the arena made their money from charging the vendor a sum for setting up shop close to the arena the closer they were to it the more they paid then they charged entrance fees the closer you were to the stages the more you paid and finally they controlled all forms of betting in and around the arena from which they made money in the usual way but they also take twenty percent of all winnings.

Although people could bet on what would happen in the cage matches the masters of the participants wouldn't make anything, for each round they appeared in they would gain a certain amount of money then another small sum for winning, being paid more for each subsequent round.

But what made them drool was that they would get twelve percent of everything the arena made, it might not sound like a lot but it was the arena had a monopoly on every single business in close proximity and what it didn't own it made money from it one way or another.

Showing no interest in the conversation Kakar quickly excused himself.

He didn't remain in the arena choosing to walk into the city.

The moment he stepped out of the arena of the arena the tranquil was broken.

"Ensure that you turn out to this year's competition, this year is going to blow your mind, Even Master Kaz who hadn't shown up to the previous three competitions has decided to participate this year!"

Hearing this the crowd started murmuring.

"Really!? Kaz is gonna participate this year?! Hahaha!"

"I know who I'm betting on this year!"

"The past the competition weren't that great but with Kaz being there this of course I'm gonna go!"

Despite the feverish excitement from the people in the vicinity, some people didn't know who Kaz was.

"Mhmm who's Kaz and why everyone so excited?"

"You just moves here so it makes sense that you don't know who he is, Kaz was the first beast master ever to win back to back to back competition, but for some reason he hasn't participated for the past three competitions"

"Wow really?!"

The announcers on the staged didn't have to do much just say one exciting piece of news to get everyone excited and those that weren't excited the crowd would convince them.

Looking over at the expanding group of people he couldn't help show a big smile, but still seeing one face at the back of the group that just looked blank he couldn't accept it.

The announcers made their living based on how many persons they convinced to come so right now in the crowd there were a few people passing out flier for the competition for every person who showed up with their flier they would make a commission and since most of these people will probably lose or throw away their flies they needed to convince as much people as possible.

"You sir in the back I can see your not very excited about Master Kaz but what if I told you there was more?..."

Paused for dramatic effect.

"There's more?! What else could there be!"

"He's probably just talking crap remember how they get paid"

"Oh yea that's true"

Unpause and up-sell

"What else could there be you might ask?! Well, I'll tell you, in this year's competition there's gonna be something that's going to blow your minds. I mean I didn't believe it when I was just told about it, I even wanted to storm out after being lied to but when they showed it to me I almost pissed my pants!"

The crow immediately started mumbling amounts themselves.

"Well? What is it!"

The crowd in front of him kept growing, he even lost track of that lizard man but it didn't matter anymore.

"Well you all have probably never heard of Master Lako and Mako, well this year's they truly struck gold, first they found a bear, as for what kind of bear I won't tell you because that would ruin the surprise, but what won't believe is they found…..A Human!!"

The entire crowd went silent for a moment before they burst out laughing.

"You must take us for fools!"

"You guys really are shameless"

"Fuck and I was even planning on taking your flyer with me to the gates"

In Spite of the cursing, the announcer still showed a smile.

"Okay, Okay I knew you guys wouldn't believe me at first but think about it this way you guys know what I do for a living this is how I feed my family and you guys also know that if I lie or bring you guys there under false pretense a the very least they confiscate my salary and give you guys discount and at worst it's bye bye me! So if you think I'm lying bring my flyer when you're going to the arena and if I'm lying just show them the flyer and they'll know who lied to you"

After saying that the announcers walked off the stage to move to his next arena while the crowd was fighting for his flyers, this guy was a guaranteed discount.

The arena itself had yet to announce that a human was going to participate they planned on just using Kaz as promotion, but this announcers had a friend who was one of the gate inspectors that told him about it, a lot of the announcers knew about the human but how many of them were willing to risk their necks for hearsay?

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