
Striking Balance

A red hovercraft dashed out of Dream Rise House. Zed put the hovercraft on autopilot.

He tapped in the air and a virtual screen flashed up, displaying the latest report about the investigation team.

[[Thankfully, we have erased all evidence that can connect Lisa's disappearance to you,]] Claudia remarked.

"Yes," Zed agreed with her, "but they still have the security footage from the party when Kiba met her."

Kiba and Claudia had erased all incriminating data from Lisa's base. From what they could decipher, only her team knew about her plans to use him in her secret experiments. This saved him a lot of trouble.

Still, there was proof of his meeting with Lisa at White Angel Corporation. While Claudia could easily modify the security logs, she didn't in order to avoid suspicion.

After all, there were many eyewitnesses who knew Lisa and Kiba were together. If the security logs were erased or manipulated, then the focus would come on Kiba.

"At most, Kiba will be interviewed by the investigators regarding the meeting!"

Of course, he knew they had means to ensure he was honest with them, but he had arrangements to counter that.

[[A week for the main team to arrive,]] Claudia stated the information she had gathered.

"As long as Zed stays out of their investigation, everything is fine..." Zed closed his eyes. "Anyways, is there any trouble waiting for Zed?"


"Sigh~ Now who has a death wish?" Zed was a bit annoyed.

He had always believed trouble should only be reserved for his other form and not Zed.

[[The previous principal and his wife. They have provoked the students—whose admissions were canceled—by blaming everything on you.]]

"Wow~ And here I thought he would be smart enough to back off!"

[[The couple was smart, though. They executed their plan by spreading rumors through proxies. It took me a while to realize their plan, so I believe they deserve credit for being smart.]]

Claudia was impressed by Owain and his wife.

"I see..." Zed put a hand under his chin and asked, "Is the wife hot?"

[[... I will analyze.]]

"Actually, don't! There's no need to answer!" Zed shook his head. "For the time being, I have to use my time for affairs wisely."

Agatha was pregnant with his child, and he had to spend more time with her. He was nervous and a bit afraid about becoming a father, which was why he had limited the time he spent with Agatha so far.

After all, his true age was just 21!

He was at an age where he wanted to live his life as he wished! He had no plans of being tied down! In fact, he never wanted to take any responsibility even in the distant future!

But that had to change!

Agatha had never complained, but he knew just how irresponsible he was. The pregnancy might be accidental, but he wanted to be there for his child, just as any normal father would.

Not to mention, Agatha needed him. After the broadcast of Hypocrite News, her relationship with her family and friends was as good as gone. While the broadcast saved her from offensive remarks, it didn't rebuild the relationships. Something she didn't mind.

But he did! She didn't have to be all alone as she nurtured the life blooming inside her!

"My dreams might be my main priority, but so should be my unborn daughter!"

He promised to strike a balance between his dreams and his responsibilities. He didn't know if he was capable of being a good father, but he would try.

Of course, striking a balance would mean he had to be conservative with the time spent on affairs! That further meant he would need to come up with crafty methods to shorten the time required to make women drop their clothes!

[[What do you plan to do with that couple?]] Claudia asked.

"They won't be forgiven, but with the investigators in the city... we can't let anyone associate new oddities with Zed!"


"Kiba will decide their fate after a while!"


Zed attended the classes. He didn't really need to learn anything as he had pretty much gained every useful piece of knowledge during the establishment of the lab.

The reason he initially joined the academy was to live his dream of enjoying every phase of life. The needs which should have been fulfilled by his parents, he promised to fulfill them on his own.

Now, though, his reasons had changed with the development of his relationship with Felicity. He couldn't help but smile as he thought of his first meeting with Felicity.

"She was a bully," Zed mused with a smile, "That hasn't changed even now. Only the dynamics have changed."


After the classes ended, Zed arrived in the parking lot with Felicity, Jessica, and Loren.

"Don't forget about dinner tomorrow!" Felicity reminded him.

"I will be on time!" Zed assured her.

"You two should come as well!" Felicity invited Loren and Jessica.

"Yes, thank you," they both readily agreed, much to Zed's surprise.

He wasn't aware they had learned that denying Felicity's invitation was simply courting death.

"Come with Zed," Felicity looked at his red hovercraft and said, "There is enough space for you two to tag along."

"....." Jessica and Loren nodded.



Kiba teleported to Agatha's apartment.

"You should give me a warning before you arrive, otherwise I might freak out!" Agatha brought her attention from the movie on the screen to him.

"Haha, sorry," Kiba sat next to her.

"Not going for hunting today?" Agatha asked.

She was very well aware of how he would spend his time finding a 'target' and then 'hunting.'

"...No," Kiba didn't really like when others called his philosophy of altruism hunting.

"Now that's surprising!" Agatha checked his body temperature. "You seem to be physically fit, and yet you are not going out for a hunt!?"

"...Yes," Kiba's lips twitched.

"Are you really The Kiba?!"

Agatha pinched his skin to make sure no one was impersonating him.

"You look genuine! But The Kiba I know would never miss a chance to spend time with women!"


"If he smells the scent of a woman, he would turn berserk just like a wolf at the sight of a sheep!"

Agatha said with a serious expression.

"He wouldn't be wasting time on a pregnant lady!"

"............." Kiba closed his eyes and rested his head on her lap. No matter how shameless he was, he felt ashamed by her words.

Seeing his embarrassed expression, Agatha stopped.

"I'm glad you are here," Agatha traced a finger on his face."I really am."

Kiba opened his eyes and stared into hers. She teased him due to the next to zero time he spent with her, and yet, there was neither anger nor resentment in her eyes.

If anything, there was only understanding and forgiveness. This made him feel even worse about his irresponsible behavior.

He turned towards her baby bump and brought his lips close to it. Agatha was in the initial phase of the second trimester, and as he kissed her stomach, he could again sense the familiar feeling of kinship from the life inside her.

A life that was connected to him. A life that began from him... this life was his child. As this sensation spread in his mind, he felt happy.

"Thank you for being patient with me," Kiba slid his hand towards Agatha's face. "You have given me far more chances than I deserve."

"You deserve every chance, for you are the father of my child," Agatha responded with a gentle smile.

"If I ever do anything wrong, then correct me," Kiba caressed her face gently, "I don't want to be a bad parent to our daughter."

"You won't be," Agatha assured him, "I'm sure Hope will have the coolest father out there!"

Kiba silently listened to her words of motivation.


An hour later, Kiba and Agatha went out for a movie followed by dinner. They weren't a couple in the traditional sense, but to them, it didn't matter.

They relaxed in the arms of each other during dinner. There were many strange gazes cast by people familiar with them, but Agatha ignored the observing eyes.

Just as Kiba had learned many valuable things from her, she too had learned an important lesson from him: Stop thinking about what the world thinks of you!

"Let us get a photo of our family," Agatha said after they came out of the restaurant. "I want to forever cherish this moment!"

Kiba was startled by her request, but he nodded in agreement. They went to a photo studio to get the family portrait.

It was midnight when they finally returned to the apartment.

"Good night!" Agatha was fully exhausted, so she fell asleep in no time.

Kiba sat on the bed, looking at the photo frame. In the photo, he was standing behind Agatha with his hands wrapped around her belly.

"Hope!" Kiba whispered with a smile.

Now along with nervousness and fear, there was also excitement at the prospect of becoming a father.

He was someone who strictly lived in the present without caring about the illusory future. But today, for the first time in many years, he cared about the future...

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