
Cemetery of the Forgotten Souls

Zhong Ling was shocked by Liu Yang's casual manner in speaking to him, even more so by the fact that Liu Yang had introduced himself as the man of his daughter. This made the situation even stranger. Zhong Ling lingered a little before he could return to normal.

"Nice to meet you too ..." Zhong Ling did not know how to deal with Liu Yang, even though this was the first time the two met, he had the feeling that the young man in front of him was extremely shameless and that your precious daughter must have suffered much in his hands.

Aisha pinched Liu Yang's waist because of it, she had a red face as she lowered her head, she was too embarrassed to look at her father. And Liu Yang just had a casual smile on his face as he stared at Zhong Ling.

"Uncle, can we know the reason you're trapped in this graveyard?" Liu Yang asked to break the strange mood. Aisha was also curious to know why Zhong Ling was here.

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