
The haveli of Amarghad

They anon reached to haveli of Amarghad . It was an astronomically immense mansion which was having an old style structure.

It looked very inscrutable from outside and indeed it was . Trisha ran inside and she meets her relatives , her uncles , aunts , her cousin all were waiting for her to come alacritously.

She asked everyone about the incident. Her aunt told her that her mother was repining about the chest pain in the morning and suddenly after 15 mins she had a heart stroke . Heedfully aurally perceiving this Trisha lost her cousiousness and fell down.

Shiv took her into the room , and left . Few hours later she aroused . She peeped out of the room , in search of family members . She ceased verbalizing,laughing and victualing . She lost colours of her life . Shiv came and gave her an osculation on her forehead. He endeavored to calm Trisha but she was in the grief for loosing her mother.

It took around 2 months for Trisha to subside. But during 2 months she was in the state of a consummate impotent person. Their was always a nurse in her room to take her care. But gradually she came in a mundane state. She learner that each and every person comes and goes and it's a cycle of nature which nobody can transmute or gainsay.

After 2 months she visually perceived the devil side of her relative, all were after the Amarghad property which was given to Trisha by her mom. Everyone wanted to capture the property and optate to get richer.

Some had their own cerebrations some wanted to sell property,some want to transmute property into hotel and some wanted to live in property.

She was yare to give her property but Shiv make her realised that this property belongs to her , her mother's gift which she gave her and she should not give to someone else.

He convinced that they would live in India only not in London. She concurred and told her relatives that she would not give the Property to anyone and instead she would be living in it. Heedfully aurally perceiving this relatives turned red and told her that an outsider has no right to decide what will be done among us , it should be decided between us .

Trisha gainsaid this and verbalized in favour of Shiv . Albeit her relatives emotionally blackmailed her she didn't heedfully aurally perceive and told them if they optate to live here they can but she will not sell her abode to anyone at any cost .

Heedfully auricularly discerning this relatives left the house on condition that they will never ever verbalize her and will forget that Trisha ever subsisted.

Shiv took a stand and told relatives to leave the house. They relative left the house in exasperation.

Trisha never bothered her relatives, she didn't care about them as they verbalized against shiv.

After 15 days they threw a reunion bash with their friends. There she met with her best friends which included School friends and college friends.

After this party she commenced finding the secrets of her house which were kept by her parents and relatives. From a single house can you imagine 10 frighteningly eerie secrets emerges in a scariest way , but their is not a denotement of any evil spirit . It's just a secret which turns out be freaky for Trisha .

Living in haveli for 18 years she never ken the reason of 10 things which is customarily present in our domicile but it is present in a different way in Trisha's haveli.

Will Trisha be able to find the obnubilated secrets of Amarghad ki haveli ? Will the secrets give goosebumps to Trisha??

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