
10 days with a stranger

She have been under a lot of pressure but she is unable to resist the magically thread pulling her to him. What could she do with 10 days with this gorgeous man? 'What do you want to do during this 10 days?" He asked with a smile as he put his hand in his pockets looking so gallant. She looked at him and smiled and put her hands behind her as she fist and unfist her knuckles. "Where do I start from?"

okuonghae26 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
36 Chs


The truck drove them, past the trees and passed the desert grounds and then it was morning, the sun was shining.

The day was clear and Kristine was grateful to be alive again. Sometimes she smiled and looked at the sun.

The man drove them to the inn. Lewis and Kristine climbed down the truck and went to the left side of the window.

"Thank you."

The man smiled and put two fingers on his forehead as saluting them and drove off.

Lewis looked at the inn in front of them. It was a big, a bit of civilization; there was antennas, cars, music and a fuel station. He clutched the two bags on his shoulders. He pushed his bag to face and checked if he had money left in the front zip.

He did.

So, he held Kristine's hand and took her in.

It was a young lady they met at the front desk. "Hi, I will like to rent a room." Lewis told her, when they reached her desk.

She looked at their outfits for a minute before she smiled and she checked her log book.

"Honeymoon suite or just a room?" She asked instead of asking why they looked so dirty and Lewis was wearing a fur.

Lewis gave a small smile. He wasn't sure but he just needed to rest. "Just a room."

She smiled, told him the price and he paid with his credit card.

Kristine walked with him to the room. He opened the door and Kristine went inside, towards the bathroom.

He looked round. The room was bigger, had a beautiful view of cars packed outside, it had toliet, bathroom and had a mini kitchen.

He dropped the bags on the floor and watched as she came out after scanning the bathroom. "Kristine, I want to get something to eat. What would you like?" He asked just before she could take off her clothes in his presence.

She turned to face him. She was still terrified. "Please, don't leave me on my own."

There was a way that she kept looking at him, that he couldn't say no.

"Okay." He said, turned away as she took off her clothes and walked to the bathroom.

He had called the host and asked her, if she could bring a few dishes to their room

The young lady was delighted.

They had burnt their clothes in the chimney, Kristine didn't want to see it and Lewis had watched the fur and his jeans go up in flames. He never want to experience this ever again. They ate and covered what was left.

They didn't talk much, maybe Kristine wasn't in the mood and maybe Lewis wasn't in the mood but they worked with a comfortable silence between them. Lewis helped Kristine put a clean bandage on her injured elbow before she climbed the bed.

Lewis didn't need to dictate on where he wanted to sleep. He just climbed unto the bed after Kristine and placed the comforter over him just as Kristine had done.

He laid down straight that he was looking at the running fan, not too fast not to slow.

No matter how comfortable he was, he couldn't sleep. He could still remember what happened, how it happened, what they had planned to do with Kristine, what they wanted him to become.

He turned on his left side.

Kristine could close her eyes but everytime she closed her eyes and she saw them, crawling over her, trying to rip her heart out of her chest.

When Lewis noticed she was tossing and turning in her sleep and couldn't sleep just like he. He sat up and moved closer to her. He had brought her into this. He had made her go through such excruciating experience, he needed to help her and help himself forget. He pulled her closer in his arms and hugged her back.

Kristine didn't fight, she knew he was just doing what he knew was right and she couldn't blame him for what happened back there. Alright, she needed to feel safe and she felt safe when she was with him. She hugged his hands around her stomach.

She was wearing the cardigan he bought for her, she was naked on inside, and in her shorts and he was wearing only his boxers. They were covered by the thick blankets, she held his hands and he would locked their fingers together.

Nothing was happening, she just wanted to make sure she was safe and was going to live through another day.

"You are safe." he said kissing the back of her head pulling her closer while he breathed in her scent.