
10 days with a stranger

She have been under a lot of pressure but she is unable to resist the magically thread pulling her to him. What could she do with 10 days with this gorgeous man? 'What do you want to do during this 10 days?" He asked with a smile as he put his hand in his pockets looking so gallant. She looked at him and smiled and put her hands behind her as she fist and unfist her knuckles. "Where do I start from?"

okuonghae26 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
36 Chs

Good Scare

She yawned, her eyes remained closed. She stretched her hands and legs and yawned again. She quickly close her mouth and opened her eyes, when she remembered she was supposed to be sleeping WITH.....sorry beside some body.

She was so glad when she didn't see him on the bed; imagine how he would have watched her yawn. She sat up, yawned again and rubbed her eyes with the back of her palms.

"Lewis." She called.

But no answer.

She rubbed her eyes with the back of her hand.

Maybe he is in the bathroom.

She removed the blanket over her and stood up. She stretched again, look outside through the opened window. The skies were bright and clear.

Maybe the weather was going to be clear today. She smiled as she remembered what happened in the rain yesterday. How he held her....

"Would you mind if I kissed you?"

She scoffed and let out a small smile. Maybe, maybe not.

She wasn't going to think about his kiss. She moved close to the bathroom and knocked.


No answer.

She tried again. "Lewis."

No answer.

Her face curved into a frown as she pushed the door open, slowly.

She met an empty bathroom. Lewis wasn't there.

Wait, did he ditch her?

She moved away from the bathroom door and moved to the back door. Opened it and checked.


Nothing but wind greeted her.

She frowned as she looked round the empty room with an unmade bed. Lewis didn't leave her, or did he?

There was no way, he would do that. No way, she looked round again, his bagpack was still here, maybe he didn't go far?

She sighed as she moved to the side of where she had slept and picked up her bagpack, shuffled through the side pockets and front pocket for her phone.

As soon as she picked it, she remembered she haven't charged her phone yet.

She hissed, swinged the phone in her hand.

He didn't go far, she could just....

The door opened.

She turned her neck to see Lewis entering holding a bag in his hand. He closed the door and looked at her for a few minutes before;

"What happened?" He asked when he recognized the look in her eyes.

She stood up and walked to the edge of the bed, looking at him, still with her dead phone in her hand.

"Kristine, what happened?" He asked when he moved away from the door.

"I thought you left." Her voice small.

He took two steps closer to her and shook his head.

"When I saw your bagpack, I figured you were still around. I was shocked at first."

He moved closer as he closed the gap in between them. "Kristine." He said softly.

She blinked. She didn't know what she would have done if he came later.

He put his hand on the left side of his chest. "I made a promise, Kris. I said I am responsible for you and will return you to the airport safe and sound. I always keep my promise. Please, have faith in me."

She blinked, nodded her head.

"I am not joking." He added with a smile.

She gave a small smile and then she remembered she haven't brushed, she took a step back in case he preceived her bad breath.

"What is it?" He asked as he bent his left brows a bit, an habit she noticed he did whenever he was a bit confused about something.

She smiled and put a hand over her mouth. "I haven't gotten rid of the morning breath." In short, she was a mess.

He smiled. "Good, at least I get to see you do that, besides I don't mind."

She smiled. How nice. But she did.

"I'll go have my bath." She said as she moved back about to take her bagpack from the bed.

He nodded his head. "I will be right here."

She walked passed him and was about to enter the bathroom when he called her.

"Kristine, I am here waiting, I am not going anywhere."

She nodded and exited to the bathroom, closing the door firmly behind her.

Ever since she was a child. Everyone she had ever loved had left her. Her dad had left her when she was sixteen; it had be more of a shock to her than it was for her mom. He was with her that night before she fell asleep and this next morning, he was gone. Her fiance had promised her the world but had left within a blink of an eye. She hated talking about it. Bella didn't even know.

If Lewis had left her in a place she had no idea about, what was she going to do? Would she turn to a mountain girl or build house out of sticks?

She didn't take time. When she came out, she saw him reading a book on the small couch; seated with his legs crossed while he looked like he was so engrossed in the book he was reading. He raised his head and saw her, his heart beat faster in his chest.

She looked amazing, she was wearing black trousers and a lemon top which fit her quite nicely and she wore no make-up. She looked so beautiful with her dark hair loose on her shoulders.

"You look amazing." He couldn't help himself.

She gave a small smile and tucked her hair behind her ear. She liked him, he was easygoing, friendly and thoughtful like now he had a tray of food beside him.

"Hungry?" He asked as he dropped the book on the table beside him.

"Yes, please." She said as she dropped her bagpack on the bed.

He moved to her, with the tray in his hands and sat on the bed. She sat beside him as he put the tray in between them.

"Well, it is not much. Tea and biscuits."

She smiled. There was a kettle on the tray, beside it two cups, a pack of tea bags and on a large plate was biscuits. At least it was something.

"I know it is not a normal breakfast, because of the journey we are taking..."

She put her hand on his arm and held it, looked in his eyes and smiled. "It's fine, it's good." She wasn't complaining, she sometimes had tea and biscuits for breakfast and sometimes for dinner, so it wasn't a problem; even though the type of biscuits were different from the type she ate back home.

She opened the tea bags, he poured the water and she turned the tea with the tea spoon before she gave him his cup.

"Thank you." She told him as she dug in.

"Not me, the old man. His daughter brought him a lot of of things, so since he didn't know how to drink foreign tea or biscuits....he gave it to me." Lewis said as he mulch the biscuits and sipped his tea.

"He is nice."

"Yeah, he is. He didn't collect any money from me when I brought these." He motioned with his head at the chair.

She looked at the chair. She saw a thick blue cardigan. She hadn't brought any.

She looked at him. How very thoughtful of him. She smiled. "Thank you.... again."

He stood up, finished his cup of tea and dusted his hands on the carpet floor for any biscuits particles on his palm.

"I figured, the mud must have ruined your shoes, I got you these." He walked towards the door and brought her a pair of black boots.

She smiled as she dropped the remaining biscuits in the plates and dusted her hands before looking at him.

"You really didn't have to, Lewis."

"Of course, I do. I looked at your shoes last night and tried to wash them off but it was totally ruin, so Kris, this is a way of paying you back. I can imagine how much it must have cost."

He was really going out of his way, to do a lot for her, just to make her comfortable. But wasn't it necessary. She stood up and moved to him. "Really, Lewis, you shouldn't have."

"Try it on." He said as he put the pair of boots in front of her.