
10 days with a stranger

She have been under a lot of pressure but she is unable to resist the magically thread pulling her to him. What could she do with 10 days with this gorgeous man? 'What do you want to do during this 10 days?" He asked with a smile as he put his hand in his pockets looking so gallant. She looked at him and smiled and put her hands behind her as she fist and unfist her knuckles. "Where do I start from?"

okuonghae26 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
36 Chs

Butterflies springing up at the wrong time.

She nodded. She had no idea where she was going, she was just trying to get through to her best friend to get her home. She remembered he was responsible for every campers including her.

"Sorry." She apologized.

He just nod. "Stick to me, please."

She nod her head.

"A truck just passed, we missed it, don't worry, we will get another." He said with hope in his voice.

She just nod her head and looked at the empty road.

They kept walking back and forth and still no vehicle.

The thunder echoed in the air, causing her heart to skip.

She looked at him. "What do we do?" She asked him when he moved close to her.

"No vehicles on the road while it rains here. Let's take the woods, We will get to an inn before it pours." He suggested watching her.

She looked at him, looked at the empty road in front of her and at the tall trees and short bushes. If she followed him, it would be like camping and her only chance to be safe but if she didn't, she would be safe from the woods and inlands, exposed to the rain and safe because she was his reponsibilty....for now.

What choice should she take?

If they walked, there was a slim chance they would get a place, a bus station on time, if they stayed here, there was also a slim chance they would get a ride to the nearest bus station if not the airport.....so, Kris, what is it going to be?

She looked at him, weighing her options.

Since he knows what this place better than she did, she would stick to him.

It seemed like a long time before she answered him.

"Let's go." She nodded her head and walked ahead, with him, closely beside her.

He led her through the woods, pushing the leaves hanging out of their trees with his hands clearing a path for them to walk through.

"Are you really that scared of camping.....anywhere?" He asked still walking.

She looked at him for a brief moment before continuing her walk.

"No....not really anywhere."

They heard the sound of thunder again.

"How long until we find some shade?" She voiced out.

He looked at her and smiled. "Let me guess you hate getting your hair wet." He said with a funny look and a smile on his face.

She rolled her eyes and walked beside him. "No, I just don't like the rain. It makes my hair itchy, makes me itchy and uncomfortable."

He nodded understanding her reasons. "People love rain."

"People you say, not me."

"Come Kristine." He tugged with a smile on his face looking at her. He had stopped walking and she stopped besides him.

"Remember, I asked you what you enjoyed."

"Yes." Kristine answered like she had said this more than once for him to be asking her again.

"I can be fun. I just hate the outdoors events like staking, camping, rain, rides." She continued.

"Wow." He said disbelieving it.

She shrugged. "It's not my fault, you got struck with this weird woman." She smiled indicating herself.

He turned to face her. "You are not weird, just a little unusual."

She raised her brows and nod her head. "I would call that weird."

He raised his hand to touch her arm. "You are amazing, Kristine." He said when his hand rested on her arm.

She looked at him for a minute, two minutes. She could smell the dust and suddenly she felt a drop on her hand.

"Do you feel that?" She asked looking at her hand, when his hand drop from hers.

She looked up at the sky above the tree tops. Another drop on her face.

"It is about to rain." He pointed.

"We need to find a shade." He added quickly the same time, he walked faster with her by his side.

They walked side by side, taking two strides at a time, almost jogging while the drops of rain increased over their heads.

They found a shade before the rain grew even heavier.

She removed her bagpack and checked to see if anything got wet, they were not really wet. Thankfully, the shade had been crafted by a good Samaritan who took the pains and trouble of making sure the rain do not disturb anyone hiding and it was large enough for more than six people.

"How bad is the hair?" He teased.

She smiled at him, shook her head and smoothen the hair she had tied into a pony tail.

He stood at the entrance of the shade watching rains drops increase. "It is a wide feeling, just being in the rain." He said with a smile on his face.

"For some people." She indicated looking at the droplets.

He held on to his bagpack. "I enjoyed the rains the last time, I paid a visit to Australia. My niece loves playing in rain. It makes one free and happy like all your worries is being washed off by the rain."

She raised her brows and picked her phone before she sat down on the bench. "Yet, it leaves you feverish and cold. Some fun."

He turned to face her. "Come on, Kristine. It is a temporary happy pill, my sister likes to call it."

"Yeah, right." She nodded without looking at him. She was not going to understand how staying in the rain makes you happy, she never liked staying in the rain especially after her dad would tell her she was going to be sick afterwards, then why bother.

She checked her phone and saw signal. She sat up.

"Lewis, check your phone." She told him not forgetting she just called him by his name.

She stood up and smiled when she saw network. She went to her contacts, looked for her best friend's number and pressed dial before placing it by her ear and inwardly praying it goes through. She turned over to see what Lewis was doing, he had dial someone and was talking to that person.

She tapped her feet on the ground and moved to the end of shade but no answer, she pressed the red button on her screen and dial her other number but it went straight to voicemail. Since Bella didn't pick, she might as well leave her a message.

"Bell, it's Kris, I know you are worried right now, I am too. But I am fine, safe and body parts complete." She smiled when she said the last sentence.

"I wasn't at the campsite when the bus came which I am sure you must have noticed. Right now I am with Lewis and we are trying to find our way back. It is raining right now, I think it will take a while before I get home. Call me as soon as you get this message." She hung up. When she felt she forgot to add something, she picked up her phone and it said no service and red battery.


She put the phone in her bagpack with a hiss.

She turned to see Lewis walking towards her.

He stopped and looked at his phone.

"Good news and bad news. Which would you like first?"

She looked at him, not sure. "Good news."

He sighed before continuing. "The bus had gotten to the airport before it caught on fire."

Her eyes widened. "What!"

He smiled. "Seriously, no one got hurt, everyone is fine. The lightening had struck the bus while the driver was in the canteen."

She nodded, waiting for the bad news.

He sighed again as he looked at her. "He won't be able to pick us up until he has gotten another means of transportation or another driver and that will not be possible because everyone else is out of town."

"Are you kidding?" She half believed it.

"And the bad news...." He continued.

Her eyes confused, she waited.

"My subordinates said we won't be able get any ride until after 10 days."

The kettle poured over. "What!" She paced.

"10 Days? They are going to leave us here stranded for 10 days!"

"No, not really. We are going to walk this out on our own, which is likely to take 10 days or more."

She shook her head and looked at him. "There was no way, I am going to be stranded here for 10 days or more. I got work. I have to attend my cousin's wedding in two weeks time. No, impossible." She shook her head.

He reached her and took her hand in his.