
Chapter 1

"Hey Mom have you seen my dress?!?!" said Isabell as she runs down stairs eager to find her hot red dress, she's going on her first date tonight and she NEEDS to look hot, " No, I haven't seen it you need to learn to take care of your stuff better" said "I know mom you've told me a MILLION times already" Ugh! that's one of the things she hates the worst her mom telling her what to do, She's not even her real mom!!!

Go down

12 years earlier.... "Dad will you come with me??" sniffled little Isabel " No, I won't you little b'word" "But mom!!" cried Isabel "I don't fcking care about mom she's a b'word just like you!! I'm putting you in foster care I don't want you!! neither does your mom!! and I'm not going with you and your never going to see us again, this is all your fault and now you need to be punished for what you did" "No I'm not going!!! please Daddy don't I'm sorry don't put me in foster care!! please Daddy please!!" " Scew you little b'word I'm putting you in tomorrow morning and there's nothing you can do about it" said angry Mr.Larender " Please at least let me say bye to Mommy" " Shut up you can't say bye to anyone" He threw Isabel on the ground and kicked her little stomach harder then before leaving a huge bruise on her" Isabel then wondered "why, why does this always happen to me?? why Daddy why Mommy why God, WHY?!?!"